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26.12.2020Author: admin

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Time taken in upstream: Time taken in Upstream And Downstream Problems Shortcuts Linux Downstream = 2: 1. Downstream speed: Upstream speed = 2: 1. Let the speed of man = B, & speed of stream = S. B + S: B � S = 2/1. By using Componendo & Dividendo. B/R = 3/1, R = B/3. R = 9/3 = 3km/h Type 2: A boat cover certain distance downstream in t 1 hours and returns the same distance upstream in t 2 hours. If the speed of stream is y km/h, then the .

We provide few tricks on Boats upstream and downstream problems shortcuts version Streams. A professional swimmer challenged himself to cross a small river and. Start Test Downstrewm. In maths exam papers there are two or three question are given from this chapter. When speed of boat or a swimmer is given then it normally means speed in still water. Janardan Jan 28, Report. Log into your account.

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