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CBSE 10th Science Exam Check Important Questions & Answers for Quick Revision Before Exam

What is the importance of agriculture in Indian economy? It provide food, raw material for industries and some product Important Question Of Cbse 10th Class Science 1?? for export. Name three features of Indian agriculture? Answer : The feature of Indian agriculture are:- i The food security is insured. What is plantation agriculture? Answer : It is a bush or tree farming of Tea, Rubber, Coffee.

It is a large scale single crop farming which involves huge capital, good management, technical knowledge and better transport facilities. Name three important wheat producing states in India?

Name three sugarcane producing states of the country? Mention spice producing areas of India? Name three tobacco producing states of India? Which states make up for over two-third of the cattle population? Give its distribution? It provides milk, meat, hair, hides and skins. State the advantages of Biotechnology?

Answer : i Biotechnology is used to increase the crop yield per hectare. Distinguish between Shifting and Subsistence agriculture? Answer :. Shifting Agriculture Subsistence Agriculture 1.

It is used in forest land. It is used in area suitable for agriculture. Farmers have to move place to place after two or three years. Farmers do not move from a particular piece of land. The yield is low. The yield is high. No cash crop are grown. Cash crops can also be grown. Distinguish between Rabi and Kharif Crops? Rabi Kharif 1. Rabi is sown in October-November. It is sown important question of cbse 10th class science world the onset of monsoon in June or early July.

The crops depend upon the moisture of sub-soil. The crops depend upon monsoons. The harvesting of crops is done in April-May. The harvesting of crops is done in October-November. The important crops are wheat, gram, mustard oil seeds. The important crops are rice, millets, maize, groundnut, jute. Distinguish between Dry and Wet agriculture?

Dry Agriculture Wet Agriculture 1. It is practiced in areas of low rainfall. It is practiced in areas of high rainfall. Irrigation facilities are not sufficient. Irrigation facilities are sufficient. Crops which require less moisture are grown like pulses, jowar, bajra.

At least two crops are grown in a year. One Kharif like rice and the other Rabi like wheat. Differentiate between Tea and Coffee cultivation? Tea Cultivation Coffee Cultivation 1. Tea is obtained by processing the tender leaves of the bush. Coffee is obtained by processing the important question of cbse 10th class science world. It is grown extensively in the Important question of Important Question Of Cbse 10th Class Science Viet cbse 10th class science world. It is flourished in the SW.

It is grown on the undulating land of West Bengal, Assam. Describe the condition required for Jute and its distribution? Answer : Jute requires hot and humid climate.

What is the sowing and Important Question Of Cbse 10th Class Science Online harvesting period of Kharif season. Name two main crops of Kharif season? Answer : Sowing Period � with the onset of monsoon in June. Harvesting Period � beginning of winter in November. Two main crops of Kharif are:- i Rice ii Maize.

Which is the staple food crop of India? Write four major producing area of that crop? Answer : The staple food crop of India is Rice. Indian cattle are in great demand in the international market.

Explain one reason. Also, explain two reasons why agricultural animals are more important to farmers? Answer : Indian cattle are hardy and resistant to several diseases. Agricultural animals are important part of farming and also contribute to the income of farmers.

Explain food security? Answer : Gradual shift from the cultivation of cereal crops to cash crops like fruits, vegetables, oil seeds and crops which provide raw material to industries has been. This had led to the reduction of net sown areas of cereal crops, millets and pulses. Describe the impact of globalization on Indian agriculture?

Answer : i The aim of globalization is to integrate our national economy with that of the world. What is the importance of animal husbandry in India? Answer : i Farm animals form an important ecosystem in an agricultural country.

Describe the rice cultivation in India? What is the new technology in agriculture? Describe its important question of cbse 10th class science world in the development of Indian agriculture with three examples? Answer important question of cbse 10th class science world To achieve the goal of green revolution, there must be increase in production of food grains.

This can be done by using high yielding variety of seeds, adopting modern methods of irrigation, large scale use of fertilizers, insecticides, pesticides, electrification and mechanization. Name the two main food crops of India. Mention three major producing areas of each crop? What are millets?

Why are millets very important food crops in India? Explain with the help of three points? Answer : In India, the important millets grown are Jowar, Bajra and ragi. These crops rae grown in dry and warm area as it require very little rainfall. Its production is very high and value is low.

It is consumed generally by our rural folk. Wheat Rice 1. It is a Rabi crop. It is Kharif crop. It is sown in the winter. It is sown after the onset of monsoon.

It depends on the moisture of sub-soil. It depends on the monsoon. If there is light showers before harvesting, the yield is bumper. During harvesting, weather must be dry. It is grown in the areas where there is less than cm of rainfall.

Write two precautions to be taken while identifying different parts of an embryo of a dicot seed. Its formula isC 60 C-sixty. The power generated in a windmill [NCERT Exemplar] a is more in rainy season, since damp air would mean more air mass hitting blades b depends on the height of the tower c depends on wind velocity d can be increased by planting tall trees close to the tower. They are also known as conventional sources of energy. So, it is meaningful to advertise everywhere so that people could be aware to donate their eyes.

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