Tenth Cbse Science Textbook Notebook,Class 10th Ncert Result 2020 English,Ncert Solutions Class 10th History Chapter 1 Insta,Wooden Kitchen Prep Table Paper - Videos Download

24.12.2020Author: admin

10th Textbook myboat359 boatplans - Free Download CBSE Class 11 Syllabus � All Subjects (Science, Arts, & Commerce) 11 Strategies To Score More Than 90% Marks In 12th 10th Board Exam ; CBSE Re-Evaluation Process , Improvement Form, & Verification Of Class 10th &12th Board Exam; CBSE Board Result Class 12th And Class 10th � myboat359 boatplans Social science may sound boring, but one can use study tools to make it fun. Things like flashcards, colourful charts, timelines and funny mnemonics can help you study apart from the textbook and notes reading. In 10th class, social sciences studies are either the beginning or ending. Hello Rashmita, your NCERT textbook will help you if you do the study in depth. Also, practice example questions, and Miscellaneous exercise. Read all the chapter very deeply this will clear all your concepts. And side by side also practice sample papers according to the latest CBSE pattern and solve previous year papers. All the best!
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This method is also proven to be one of the most effective among students as having a specific goal for each study session. Instead of aimlessly studying you must pick one aspect or concept you will focus on whether its organic chemistry or completing the differential equations exercise or learning magnetic effects of currents. You must have a goal either for every session or for a whole day.

This is the most important tip I or any other can give you that not only do practice but put your brain in the environment too because even if you make mistakes they help you identify gaps in your knowledge. You must have seen that every student who scores well in the exams have practiced and took maximum tests at home and not only from the textbooks but form different books also.

Practice test has also been shown to increase confidence, thereby leading to better performance. Hard work is as important as smart work. In this case, you have to do both first hard work by practicing sample papers and previous year papers and second smart work By doing research on the sample and previous year papers.

Our team has done a lot of research in previous year papers and we have got some interesting facts such as specific chapters for longs questions, short questions, and very short questions, which chapters are most important, numerical chapters, etc. Here are some methods you can use for research in previous year papers:. CBSE provides sample question paper and marking scheme solution to class 10th and 12th student each year not just to practice but also to give an idea of how the board exam question paper will be.

And Class 12th student know this fact very well that how important CBSE class 12th sample papers are for them. Do not just write to fill the answer sheet with whatever come to your mind related to the topic as it will just increase the quantity of words in your answer, therefore, it is advisable to frame your answer strategically and choose your words meticulously.

Use high-frequency words more than low frequency , use tough or not very regular words only when necessary otherwise use common words to explain your answer completely. Do not use contractions or short form of words as this is the part of spoken English. Try to use concise words which will help in increasing the quality of your answer. Clear and spaced words, there is no time and need to make your writing beautiful, even though this can be beneficial, but you must write in a manner that it is understandable, easily readable and without cutting and overwriting of words.

You must know how to write perfect answer in board exams in order to get full marks. Words and diagrams should be according to the marks allocated to that particular question.

A 5-marks question must contain a well drawn and neatly labeled diagram to score the maximum marks. Every subject is equally important when it comes to examination or scoring marks there is no distinction among subjects but when it comes to preparation of individual subject or time given to particular subject for preparation then it can vary person to person because their strong and weak subjects can be different, every student work differently on different subjects still we are providing a 50 day schedule for the students who have these subjects � Physics, Chemistry, Maths, English, Computer Science and optional Physical Education, etc.

A student can change the schedule according to their grasp or interest of subjects as this is a standard time table which can help any student even if he has or has not any favourite subject.

You must dedicate your last 10 days of your preparation to sample or previous year papers as it will help you to understand the type of questions which had already come in the examination and you will get habitual to the language of paper.

These techniques will not only help in the board examination but also in every field or every exam you will encounter in your life.

These 5 methods or tips will help you learn faster and completely, irrespective of your chosen field. The best thing to do right now is to focus on selected topics and prepare them the best you can. So, it best to target the scoring topics rather than going for the whole syllabus. Sir, I am in class 12 and only 3 months are left for boards and not have prepared anything, so how to get good marks please give some help?

Hello sir, this is Nitya. Hello Nitiya, If you just concentrate on your preparation and studies then you can complete your syllabus in time. And when take breaks do something which gives you happiness, things in which you can laugh. This sounds funny but it will work. Hi sir , i have done very less , can i score good marks because the exams are from may 4 and i am very scared �. Hello sir, till now I have done everything but have 8 chapters left in maths otherwise all is completed.

Now should I like do maths regularly 10 days or should I also revise the topics, and can I complete those 8 chapters in 10 days. Those chapters are coordinate geometry, triangles, circles, perimeter, area volume, statistics construction. I mean in every subject. Sir I am currently in class 9. And tenthies always told me that 9 and 10 are not interconnected. So you dont need to take class 9 very very seriously. On the other hand teachers told us that what you study in ninth will come in tenth.

Please clarify. Tenthies has just 1 year more experience than you, while you teacher has 10s of years of experience. Each and every class is interconnected, what you will learn in class 9th will build your foundations for the advance topics that you will learn in 10th. Make sure you understand all the topics clearly, else you will be kicking yourself in class 10th for not being serious in class 9th. All the best! Sir, this time the pattern of cbse is changed so what is good for us to solve previous year question paper or we should practice sample papers.

The paper pattern is changed, but not the syllabus. Practicing previous year papers will help you do spot important questions that are asked repeatedly in board exams. Also, do practice sample papers as well.

Hello sir I am student of 12 sciece class I have done only text notes is it sufficient I am very much afraid of it and I started ncert from starting is that sufficient with latest sample paper for board exam and also tell which pattern should I follow to get more than Sir, I am class 10th student. Should we study all subjects 6 subjects in a day, like, 1 hour for Hindi, 2 hours math etc.

Or 1 subject in a day. What should be our strategy? It depends on student that which strategy they choose. Some may be comfortable with 1 subject a day, while some may go with all subjects every day. Basically, you should opt the one that you feel comfortable. In my personal opinion, one should try to give time to all subject every day.

This way you will be in touch of that subject every day. Make sure to make goals for each subject every day before you sit to study. This will help a lot. Hello Kiran, it is normal to forget, everyone does if we are not in constant touch with the topics.

The best solution for your problem is to give at least one day in the weak when you take a quick glance over your previous topics. Also, try to associate topics with something that you can easy remember, like some kind of visual information. Watch videos on that topic will also help. Hello Akash, there is no saying how much marks you will get. Revise your textbooks especially those topics in which you find difficulties and also, solve previous year papers.

This time you have to decide what is most important right now. At present, the most important thing is your board exams. Think about your exam and your exam preparation. If you study and get good marks they will be happy for you. Hi Zaina, Both timing is good but the effective one is early in the morning.

This method will surely help you. All the best for the final exams. Hi Conan, increase your time and take the break after 1 hour of continuous study. Stick with your textbooks and also, practice sample papers. Hello sir! So,please sir give me some tips to study properly and overcome my phobia of exams�thank you so much sir. Hi Nagma, If you just concentrate on your preparation and studies then you can overcome your exam phobia and depression. I tell you one thing, that when you will be in graduation or higher education then you will realize that class 10 exams are not much important so why to worry about?

Be confident because there is nothing to fear or depression. I suggest you focus on your preparation and watch some cartoon shows.

All the best. And most important is to be positive. So how can I study physics. Hello Akash, you need to complete your Physics syllabus first. Solve CBSE sample paper of physics and check which topics are more important and give them first preference for the revision.

All The Best! Hi Ansh, This is a common problem of students who are appearing for class 10 board exam. Sir When I try to study a subject then I became very confused to select what topic should I learn first. Any solution or recommendation for this. Hi Karan, because you are not organized. First given time to organize yourself and make a time table and strategy. Im in grade Be strong and confident, stick to your books completely and focus on your exam preparation.

Follow these given tips and you will surely score good marks in your board exam. All the best!! Thanku sir for the following article, it is really very helpful for me and the ways given to write answers in exams is so good. Hi Pooja, because of your unorganized mind you get distracted. You need to observe the thoughts of your mind. What thoughts are distracting you? You can overcome by those thoughts by giving a better and positive solution to yourself. And more important things is practice.

Practice to sit for study at least 1 hour and increase your practice time day by day. Just follow the strategies and tips given above in the article and study hard.

All the best for the final exam. Sir, there are number of subjects to cover,but how can we complete all of them within a month. Hi Vrinda, choose your subject in which you are weak and give more time to them and less time to your strong subjects. Make a proper timetable and follow it. Use your free time to revise the topics and read theories. Use the internet for your studies and you can also make use of youtube to understand hard topics. And most important is practice important questions and sample papers.

Hello, good article. Can u pls tell me how to stop internet and give full focus and concentration on studies. Help me out pls! Instead, Use the internet for your studies, and make a time table and the most important is to follow your time table.

All the best for your board exams. Hello sir iam literally stuck! And destroyed i have 30 days left to study 12th boards PCB subject i havent started yet! Please give me a time managment table and some tips to cover it efficiently and asap!

I need your help. Hi Yash, there is no time management sinch board exams are on the head. Revise your syllabus of all subjects. Thank You For this very informative techniques. My problem lies with completing the huge syllabus in days. As dates have been already announced from 02 march,19 and also including practicals inbetween I am losing hope of i will be able to complete all ot it. Please advise me with the needful tips.

Seeing the teachers respond i am very hopeful to get a response too. Thank You. Hi Vish, Board exams are coming soon and time is less that means you need to give more time to practice. You should at least give hours daily to all subjects. And simultaneously solve previous year papers and sample papers. Hello Dakshal, Thank you for your review. You can stop using them suddenly because it is a habit and breaking the habit pattern is a challenging task.

And yes, you need to stop using them but you need to make time-table for using social network, studies. Given less preference to your smartphone and all these things. If you are using YouTube, watch related to your studies, if you are using fb, chatting with friends, chat about studies and topics related to your subject. It will make useful use of these things. Hello Vinay, you can practice from previous year paper of science.

Also as you mentioned you filled the form of super 30 then do its preparation also by make a specific timetable according to your academics subjects and super 30 syllabus and follow it on the regular basis. Good luck with your studies. So many! How can I remember?

Please help. Hello Taya, For formulas, you can always learn them by writing them in your notebook. If your basics concepts are not clear then you will always find them torturing your brain. So, try to first clear the basics of the topic and then move on to its advanced concepts.

For math and numerical parts of Physics and chemistry, practice is the only option. Sir i am a college student and u really motivate me ��.. And i Will�.. Hello Shivani, Glad you liked our articles. Sir, since the pandemic hit the country all schools were closed down.

So, the online mode is preferred. So sir, can I prepare for them in 6 months time? Hello Satavisha, Yes, you can prepare them in 6 months of time, you just need to focus on your studies by making a proper time-table. You can follow our blogs for more precise steps in how to prepare for exams efficiently. My performance in 11th was not good. I failed in two subjects. And still, I was promoted to class 12th. How do I get a better percentage in boards? Please help me, sir. Hello Angel, You have to set a goal for you what you have to achieve in the 12th class, and only focus on that goal, create a time-table for study accordingly.

Hi sir, i really found your words important, i will surely try to imply on your words. The difficulty i am facing is that, i recently came from USA. And, I cant adapt to the Indian boards.

Right now, i am in 10th and i found it very challenging to learn the study pattern. Can you help me before the board exam for 10th starts, after this Corona time. Plus, i got horrible marks in 9th. So, what is the importance of these marks now? Everything goes down into the drain, nobody really cares what marks you scored in your 10th Boards wherever you go.

Marks does not matter in the real world, but your knowledge do. So, to use knowledge you must first prove that you really have it. Sir, I usually do not get time to review my answers after completing the exam. My answers are too long and I do not know how to reduce its length. If an answer is too long, then try to write it in points. Make sure to include all the important information and keep your sentences short. Unless it is a language subject like English, grammar does not matter.

So, you can just write sentences in very short, but give all the important info. Hello sir, are pre-board exams important in 12th CBSE board exam ? In context of board exams, it does not matter if you give your pre-boards or not. But, it may effect your marks overall as 20 marks are given by school in each subject based on various factors like practical, viva, class performance etc. So, if you do not attend the pre-board then school may reduce some of you marks.

Hello Bivath, there are mainly two reasons why people panic under pressure. First, the fear of losing or not performing up to the expectation. Second, not believing in oneself or not believing in the preperation done by oneself.

So, find your weakness and work on it. Sir i am studying in 12th. I find Physics, math and chemistry very tough. In chemistry, reactions boggle my head and in physics derivation. In math, obviously the problems. So, please suggest me how to get Hello Aishwarya, It looks like you have opted for wrong subjects. But the sand thing is that no miracle will happen, and things will get worse as the board exams approaches.

The standards of the subjects will not fall down, you will have to reach to those standards. So, quite complaining and start working on your weaknesses. Here are some tips that may help.

The root cause for all your problems is the improper understanding of the topics. For subjects like Physics and Chemistry, Tenth Cbse Science Textbook Job if your basics concepts are not clear then you will always find them torturing your brain.

This process demands time, so be prepared for some sacrifice. You can sit there frustrated or you can do something about it, choice is yours and so will be the consequences. NCERT books are enough only if you read them deeply. But if you capability then you can choose other reference books also.

Hi Sakshi, To increase concentration you need to study for a long time regularly. By studying for a longer time, you will build the habit of study and ultimately your concentration will increase. But my school and teachers dont give proirity for studies much and promote as for extra curricular activities.

They say that our portion would only be completed by december only and they simply waste our time giving orientation classes and all. I dont get enough time to practise on their teaching is worse as well. What should I do? I am confused. I want to prepare for my boards as well. This is good that you are concerned about your board exam. You can take medical leaves for your preparation and set your goal of completing the syllabus before Oct-Nov. So, that you can revise twice. All the best. I am a student in 9th grade.

I achieve good marks but am weak in mathematics. My total aggregate comes down due to this. Your question is like: how can I reach the destination without doing effort? So it is not possible. To love Maths, you need to know Maths first. Once you learn the basics, then you have to practice, in order to get great marks.

Remember, Practice with Understanding is the only way to get Success in every field. So, the problem is your handwriting. The solution is simple, you need to improve your handwriting. Practice is the only key to solve your problem. Wow sir you are great you help us lot I pray to God that you live long and help us motivate us that we make our future bright by following your points.

These golden points helps me lot and I secured good marks by following these points. Thanks sir for helping us. Hi sir At times students get tensed to go outing with cousins thinking they r in 12th So is it necessary for them to remain at home without outing even in the begining of 12th?

But what matter is your regular study. If you are in 12th std then you have to fix your time table and study regularly. Sir i am student of class 12 cbse and as u know that pattern of � 20 exam is changed now. So should i still go for previous year or i should solve question bank sample paper based on current pattern??? After completing the syllabus, you can practice the previous year question papers because syllabus can be changed but the question remains the same.

Before reading it I was scared but it makes me confident and gives Vry nice advices so thanks a lot more than anything. And thank you so much for the tips�. I will really try to follow it.

Here are some general mantras to study any subject in which you have difficulty. First is Regular study, second, clear the basic concepts. And the third most important is to keep in touch with your textbook. If you are a CBSE 12th students then you can buy it.

Your every day should be your preparation day for the board exam. I used your all Tips and it helps me for getting best result in 12th preboard exams.. I got I dont want to get lesser than Thanks for ur tips.. And u knw my comment for u waste my 1 minute�. Dear Sir, I am a upcoming student of class 12and I loved ur article.

I usually find that it is difficult to study chemistry especially organic chemistry please tell me how can I overcome this chemistry obstacle and can u please give me some tips on how to prepare for cet and jee i. First, clear your basic concepts of Chemistry. And get in touch with Chemistry regularly. Regular practice and study will lead you to score great marks. For the competitive exam, you should prepare according to the syllabus of the exam.

First, complete your textbook and then go for the reference book. Also, solve the previous year papers of the competitive exams to check your potential. Thank you for your advice. I have just entered class Sir , is there any link where you can give us class 12 commerce study materials as well? This post was very detailed and informative and gave me a boost of motivation ,thank you.

My class 12 is going to start in a month. Here are the helpful links for class 12 commerce study material check here: 12th Commerce Sample papers and 12th Commerce Previous year papers. I have one doubt that what we are studying how to remember properly please help me and according to my concept Chemisty and maths is difficult subjects in my whole studying carrier what u will say that how will these both easier to me.

These subjects are difficult for you that means your basics concepts are not clear. If you regularly study these subjects then it will be easier for you. And increase your memory, you need for concentration in your studies. So increase your time for study. Hi, I loved your story. Please reply? So, yes textbook is enough but when you complete your textbooks then you may go for reference books for deep study. I have covered all the chap from ncert, along with some chapters from refresher.

Currently I am solving previous year papers. Yes, It is more than enough. But once you should revise your textbook according to your previous year papers practice. Sir solving previous year question papers or solving latest sample papers which is more helpful for boards. Previous year question papers and sample papers are effective.

But first, give preference to previous year question papers and then after if you have time you can practice the latest sample papers. Here you will find latest and well-researched sample papers. Sir, I am a student of class 11th with PCB stream. I am about to qualify in my class 11th very soon. So I have certain queries for you and I would be pleased if you answer them to me in points- 1 I have faced a lot of trouble with physics during the entire session.

What should be my strategy since the beginning of the session towards the subject? But studying late night ruins my sleep schedule, and I feel tired the next day. How can I manage this? What book can I refer for questions just for board preparation?

Any good books for the 3 subjects? What kind of planner of strategy do I require? I really want to achieve them for true. Are there any special tips I could practice? Please answer my doubts, sir. Hope you reply to them in a sequential manner. I shall be very obliged.

Thank you! First, Choose the subjects in which you have difficulty and give them regular attention. Regular attention is enough.

Second, we talk about studying in the morning because in the morning time our mind is blank and the morning study has a greater impact then night. But you can manage to study at both times regularly.

Build this habit on a regular basis. You should read the whole chapter of all subjects deeply. And when you complete your textbooks then only you should go for any reference books recommended by your teachers. Fourth is: your schedule can be anything. But you should study regularly and practice regularly this is the most important.

And all the special tips are there in this article. All the best for the upcoming board session. Sir� I have revised most of the chapters.. But still I am getting 60 out of Due to this I am losing my hopes.. Sometimes I feel that I can score more than 85� Can u pls help to 8 Class Cbse Science Textbook Writer feel overcome this situation�. You need to solve the latest sample papers or previous year papers, by solving, you will get know which topics are not revised properly so that you can revise them.

Hope comes from preparation. So, just focus on your preparation. And then the whole day gets wasted. One of my major problems is silly mistakes. Small and dumb mistakes would ruin my scores when I do previous year board papers. And I would not want to lose marks in boards because of these mistakes.

Hi Malika, Take a proper break while studying. And when you solve the sample or previous year papers, review your whole answer sheet. Also, when you solve any question, review your answer after completing it. And try to study for longer hours and take small breaks. Hello sir , I am Diya. I am icse board student.

I am quite good in science subjects and I have scored 90 percent in each science subjects. But I get too bad marks in history and economics exam in my mock test. Please sir suggest something. I am losing my self confidence. And there is a great confusion can score good marks in board??

Yes, you can score good marks in your board exam. History and economics are theory based subjects so you need to understand that reading is the only way to get good marks in these subjects.

Read as well as write notes of every subject. Just focus on your preparation and practice. All the best for the board exam. Hi Parul, If you have covered all the topics given from the textbook including examples, miscellaneous examples and exercises then you can practice more from reference book otherwise first you need to cover your textbook deeply.

Hello Tanmay, Read this article carefully. We have given the article link here related to your query. Hi Vidhi, you should make a proper pattern and notes on dates and events in a pattern and then revise them. If you revise dates in an unorganized manner, you will get confused. Hi Vidhi, you can practice sample papers in one week. So first, you need to complete your course and 1 month is enough. First, you need to prepare your time table and notes of important topics of science. And start your preparation accordingly.

So, make sure your focus should be very deep and high while studying. Heyyy my boards are starting in 18 days. Im in isc science. Im v stressed and even though ive been preparing, i am low on confidence. What do i do? Hi Kriya, first of all, good luck for the exam and do your best in the exam. So prepare hard for the exams and just stick with your books, solve previous year papers and sample papers.

Select Important topics and difficult topics first and solve and learn them. Make a preparation chart and write all the topics of every subject that you have covered and not covered so that you can organize your preparation. If you have any doubt you can ask here. And the most important is be positive and be happy. Hello Irum, Best practice you can do in chemistry is to select the major topics from each chapter and revise them. Also, practice important numerical, chemical reactions and derivation.

And stay in touch with your textbook. Hello my name is Hridya ,I presently graduated my 11th class and now i am entering 12th. From my past i have understood that the way i write my answers do not satisify the teachers i am not able to write fully or the right way teachers wish me to do.

Hi Hridya, The only way is by learning and writing. By reading newspapers you will have a larger vocabulary in your mind and you will get the sense you giving answers. And also, practice writing answers in your own words.

This method will help you. All the best for the board exams. Sir i have one month in my hand and i decided to do latest sample paper is it ok � And when i complete one subject i get worried that is it completed or not why is.. Hi Surnidhi, yes sample papers are very helpful, we have given the latest sample guess papers according to the pattern you can solve them. And NCERT is sufficient but you should practice examples, miscellaneous exercises and read whole chapters and make notes.

We have sent you a Time table for Board exam preparation in your email id. Please check your email. I am feeling very stressed nd fear about my boards. Solve 10 years papers or prepare subjects.

Hi Pratiksha, Solving previous year papers is very helpful. But you should stick with your textbook and prepare in-depth and revise your whole syllabus of every subject. Prepare Hard and read your textbooks deeply and make proper notes so that you can revise them again.

I have completed more than half syllabus of it. How to score that 3 marks? And also how can I improve my Tamil? Hi Parmesh, you should strictly prepare according to the syllabus of Tamil and practice writing in Tamil then only you can score good marks. Practice Previous year papers that will help you to score full marks in Maths.

All the best! I have only 15 days left. I took pcmb. We can suggest or help you by giving the direction but in the end, you have to do yourself. Make a time table and follow these helpful tips.

And more important is to be positive. I get very stressed thinking about my exams. I have just 28 days left for my exams. Hi Nitika, Getting stresses is the problem. This will give you confidence. So,it true that it is necessary to write pages for each answer to score good in 10 boards. Please give advices. Hello Ananya, this information is false.

If you know the answer then write it in the appropriate word limits. You can go beyond the word limit in long type questions. Sir I am from class 12 want to ask is the crash course contains materials for cbse board and plus samples papers follows syllabus. I am a cbse student. I score 10 cgpa in class 10th nd took PCM.. Also, practice example questions, and Miscellaneous exercise. Read all the chapter very deeply this will clear all your concepts. And side by side also practice sample papers according to the latest CBSE pattern and solve previous year papers.

Hello sir, i am from isc board and i have completed half of my syllabus but still i am struggling with english literature and maths.

I am from humanities. Sir please any tips or suggestions please sir. Hello Anugya, there is enough time to complete your syllabus. Simultaneously, solve practice papers for all subjects. Make a proper time table for exam preparation and follow it. Give 2 hours daily for maths and in the free time read English literature chapters. All the best for the exam. Hey my weak point is when i remembered my syllabus after 10 mints or 20 mints i lose everything about my syllabus or i am. Weak on these subjects like chemistry physics bio.

Hello Ghulam, you need to practice more and more. More you practice, much you will remember. Give proper time to each subject and study regularly. Hi Irum, you should read in-depth your textbook of all subjects. Practice sample papers and important questions for physics and chemistry. Sir I am really poor in chem and maths there are only 30days remaining and I am totally blank abt chem so plz suggest me some books or lessons.

Hello Hrishikesh, we have given important questions for class 12 chemistry you can practice them. I have finished studying all topic so now I want to do revision. Can u help me to make a proper time table for everyday studying which will revise all the topic.

Pls reply asap. All best for the future. Hi Ashish, your sister is telling you the best method. One thing you need to understand is you have to loose your nervousness in order to prepare your best for the board exam. All the best for your exams. Hi Priyanshi, Economics is an interesting subject if you give full attention. Try to increase your study time, for continuously hr. This will make your concentration level higher. Give a proper to sleep and make your habit of studying early in the morning.

I hope this will help you. Hi Anisha, It is very difficult but possible to complete the whole syllabus, what you need to do is to follow the question paper pattern given by CBSE official site. And choose important topics first and topics in which you are weak. Give at least hours regularly. Utilize your free time to study theories. Sir Im literally stuck with physics and there is not much time left Please suggest a study plan so that I could revise everything within 10 days.

Hello Anamika, you need to check cbse blueprints sample paper and marking scheme from which you will get the idea of numerical, derivation and types of questions. Within 10 days you should study hours regularly totally you will get hrs for your preparation and divide time for numerical, important derivation, and theories. I have done more than half but I doubt if I remember all of them. I have also taken all the questions from 10 years after completing one chapter.

After completing your syllabus, practice previous year papers. And Always stick with your textbook and revise all subjects deeply. Hello Nirupama, yes it is enough. But it depends on your preparation, how deeply you have prepared for the exam. And also solve latest sample papers provided by cbse. Hello Anisha, we have prepared Important questions for physics and chemistry with solutions.

Check these given links: 12th Physics important Questions. Hello sir�. There is still time to revise your whole syllabus. You just need to give more time about hours regularly. And in the meantime, you can practice previous year papers of all subject which will help you a lot.

All the best!!. Hello sir i m afraid from maths what should I prepare for maths i meant what to prepare at this moment and from where and for economics should i prefer NCERT. Hello Divya, for Maths you need to practice previous year papers and Important Questions. Hello sir. Today its 30 December And I am very sad to say that still my course to be prepared is pending. I get upset and depressed whenever I take all my studies in flow due to huge pressure of completing my course within one month.

Kindly help me out please. Please tell me how to prepare within one month and score very nice marks because still I have lots to prepare for my exams so forget about revision right now!

I request you sir to reply and help me soon! Hello Amnah, Depression is your enemy, So throw it away from your mind by simply remembering that everything going to be alright. First thing first, just focus on your board exam. Use hours daily for all subjects. And give more time to those subjects in which you need more time.

But to do all these your mind should be positive of thoughts. I just have one nd a half month left for my isc board exam. How should i make a timetable to finish all my syllabus. According to u i should study one full sub then another or i should start all sub simultaneously??? Hello Muskan, Yes you can start all sub simultaneously if you have enough time. But you need to practice regularly. And give more time to Chemistry. Hello Divya, first you need to increase your time.

You should study hr continuously and then take a break then again hr study then break and so on. By this practice, you can improve your concentration on studies. Given equal time to all subjects regularly and spend more time in those subjects in which you are poor. Hello Anisha, first thing first, you need to cover your textbooks first. Sir i study for 8 hours but i m not able to concentrate on my studies and i watse too much time Sir how can i increase my concentration level Plz.

Rply sir. Hello Vansh, you cannot increase your concentration level without effort and dedication. Hence, Make the effort and dedicate yourself towards study Also, increase your study time. Hello Sumit, If your Schools are close then hours daily you give to your studies, otherwise, find out the time for studies. The best thing is to get up early for study but if you feel comfortable at night study then there is no problem because the focus should be your studies.

But the reason behind getting up early is your mind is very fresh after a good sleep and whatever you do in the early morning its impact is very much in your brain. So that is why it is said that get up early in the morning for studies so that whatever you will study it will remain longer in your brain. Hello Vikas, that is not hard work. All the best!!! Hello Shailendra, you need to practice meditation.

That will help you. Also, first you need to bring motivation and passion for study. And most important is give your regular time to chemistry. Hello Anushka, This is good practice to go in the deeper level. There is a lot of time so you can make your practice. Instead of being worry, clear your doubts and basic concepts so that next time you will not go to the deep level.

All the best for exam�. All my family members. My father is always telling me u r looser ,will do nothing in ur lyf. So start from the beginning and complete your syllabus. Also, Get 10 years previous year papers and Start solving them they will help you a lot. Haii sir! Thanks for help. Now I am in 12th grade and seems like everything is tough. Also chemistry is being a weak point what should I do? Hello Abi, Motivation comes from dedication, dedicate yourself towards your study.

Since chemistry is a weak point then study chemistry regularly this will helps you a lot. Hello Rimpi, you should conscious about what are you writing. Calm yourself while giving the exam. I read everything but i forget them during writing in exam�.. And i also face prblms in remembering. You need to change you method of reading.

First you have understand the concept you are studying then learn the concept and then try to write it in your own words. Try to express the answer in your own words. You have to give more time i. Hello Mini, In the morning time you should study subjects having theories. You have enough time to study class 11th lessons simultaneously with 12th lessons. The timetable means to cover all the subjects with a regular time of interval. So you have to make your own timetable, it should be flexible, creative.

And this is very good that you are not dependent on tuition. But you need to clear your doubts by yourself or you can ask your teachers in your school. Hello Akshita, yes you should worry about accounts but feel free and positive first.

If you are attending coaching classes then you have to clear your doubts there, But if you can do it by yourself then obviously you should do self-study. Also, you can prepare by practicing the previous year paper of accounts. Hello Rishika, you need to make a timetable for your study and give a proper time for your study. But you should aware of your thoughts.

Observe your thought patterns. You have enough time to cover the syllabus. Make your study timetable and change it once in a month and study hours regularly. Given equal attention to all the subjects. Give more time to difficult subjects or concepts. Just wanted to ask that how to cope up with self study when there is a lot of burden of school homework. Hello Shreoshi, How about making homework your self-study. What I am saying is you can study the same which is given to you as your homework.

Also, you should increase your mental ability to work more on different tasks. Hello Sundaram, you make mistakes because you are not conscious about writing and your handwriting is not good because you do not write letters in a proper manner and the distance between the words are not same that is why. You should think and work on these points. Hi, I m a student of commerce and want to know that we should write the bookcase lang.

In boards or we can write of our own because i have a habit of writing my own language in the question paper so i just want to know that in boards exam we should write the bookcase language or they will check our own language too in which will give the same meaning as of the bookcase language. Yes, you can use your own language in the board exam and make sure that the examiner could understand your language.

Hello Srishty, yes it is enough if you understand all the concept. Hello Divya, In the Organic Chemistry, first you need to learn basic concepts of the equation, how to balance equation, the concept of chemical reaction, organics chemistry is all about Carbon, Hydrogen, and Oxygen.

Hlo sir! I want to know that how to solve derivations in physics exam can u tell me this with an example. Hello Tarushi, This is not possible to give an example here, But we can guide you, first most important part of solving any problem is to clearly identify the problem and read the question very carefully. Once you understand the question then you need to check whether you are able to solve it or not Practice is the most important thing.

Hello Niranjan, any problem is difficult until you know it completely. You find derivation difficult because your basic concepts are not clear. You should first clear your basic concepts. Sir ,i was very upset with my physics marks in unit test. Hello Bhavani, you need to develop the degree of concentration or focus. And confusion comes with lack of knowledge so you need to understand the fundamental or basic concepts of physics.

Hello sir I am student of 12 up board i find difficult my studies iam learn things but after some time i forgot what iam study due to this i got bad marks in my first test un college.

Hi Swaraj, Yes Time management is one of the major factor. But if your central goal and focus are just studying then forget about time management because Time management is necessary for those whose centers do not study. First, you need to understand this fact. Hello Haris, These are not the distraction but you are.

These things are the things you want to play or read so you must understand that your desires are the distraction from your goal.

The strong determination is required. My school test marks are really bad. I tried making time tables and stuff but it really did not make such difference. What should I practice? So put your all energy to achieve your goal. Hello sir, Sir my name is eshfaq n i am living in kashmiri. Sir our final exams of class 12th r coming in October. Sir am too worried about my exam especially in economics subject.

That all, thanks. Hello Eshfaq, you can score better marks in economics. You can practice from previous year paper here is the link: Economics Previous year paper. Sir i am a arts student of cbse board and this year is my 12th board exams. Hi Digamber, first you should learn the basic concepts then only you can go through the numerical. Hello Nisha, first of all, you must understand this that you have to be truthful with yourself.

Be Natural and be yourself. You have to organize what you are doing in your studies. Just focus on your study and clear your syllabus and all your concept. Make your flexible and simple time-table and follow it. Hello sir! I am studying in 12th grade now from HSC board. I am not started with preparations of 12th board yet.

Please guide me. You just need to give your focus to the rest of the subjects such as English, Mathematics if you have etc. Observe your thoughts and analyze them, you will see how your thoughts make your mood better or worse. Sports outdoor games , Yoga, Meditation, morning, evening walk, etc are some of the practices you should apply in your daily life. Hello sir, i scored 10 CGPA in my 10th boards. I have not started studying yet and i regret wasting the past 5 months. Please give me some tips on how I should use the rest of the time about 8 months wisely and also please give me tips on how to remember what I study for a long time.

Hello Kirthiha, first thing first, Make your flexible timetable for regular school days as well as holidays. Your sleep time and wake up time matters, develop your interest in reading and give time to all subjects.

Hello Abhishek, to improve handwriting, you have to be conscious while writing. There are some steps you should follow. And third, at the beginning you need to write slowly this will improve your handwriting. Sir, i m a class 10th student. This is month of JUNE and i want to finish my board syllabus till august. So please give me some tips so that i can do so. Hello Akshat, well you set your goal, now go for it, make planning and time-table and study regularly.

Nothing else you need. Sir, i am a cbse 12 science pcmb student. I wish to complete the syllabus as much as i can before 31st July, as my summer vacation is from 27th June to 31st July. I wish to complete at least half of my syllabus till 31st July. What should i do? What should be my strategy? First, you should prepare time-table for summer vacation in which you can to give equal time to each subject.

But remember, your motive is not just to complete the syllabus but to learn and understand the topic and concepts. So, take time and study regularly. Is this a good idea?? Give me some tips to not to feel sleepy while studying�.. Hello Nitish, you are under control of sleep, you must understand this. Sleep on time and wake up early on time at sunrise.

This could help you. Hello Chinmay, Yes, you can do very much better in class 11th and class 12th. Hard work and regular study is the only key to great success. I am in class 12 science stream. I am from PCB and I have taken maths as optional subject. According to you , which is better? Studying both biology and maths or either of the two? Can you please tell me what is the the strategy of studying the subjects without forgetting them?

What is the best way to remember physics derivations and chemistry formulas? As we have classes from early morning to late afternoon, it is not possible to study in the morning or afternoon. Which is better, Touching all the 3 subjects or studying a single subject in a particular day? Hello Rianna, taking maths and biology will consume your regular study time.

But if your interest is in biology then you should give more time and attention to biology. If you learn any concept very attentively and times then you will not forget it very soon. So study regularly and revise the concept times, it is important in order to remember those concepts for the longest time. Morning and evening self-study is very important, for that you can quit your morning class or evening class and do self-study.

Hello air I am in 12 th Bihar board pcm stream. Hello Vicky, Hard work will lead you to complete your goal. First thing first regular study is the only key to achieve your goal.

Give equal time to each subject and those subject which is difficult give them more time and attention. Sir,i had got 59 percent in class 11 in pcmc in cbsewihout doing much hardwork,so how much percent should i expect in class 12 with doing some hardwork,and i feel very confused that where should i start from.

Hello Abhinav, you must understand that 12th class is the reflection for your higher studies. So you should learn to do hard work and regular study. Regular study is most important. Give your equal attention to all subjects and start from the beginning of your syllabus and try to make efforts for deep learning to make your concepts clear.

So you can get high marks only when you completely know all your concepts within your syllabus. Work hard regularly is the key and give equal attention to all your subjects but subjects in which you are weak give them more time and attention.

I soon forget the products. Hello Tanya, you forget because you try to remember equation. There are methods and rules if you follow them then you can easily get the product of any equation. Weakest the subject more the attention needed.

Give your regular time to chemistry and start studying from the basic. I have problem with chemistry� please tell me important points on chemistry.. Hello Inderpal, Every topic and each concept is important. You cannot ignore any of them. To learn anything from any subject first you should give dedication and make your interest in that subject.

Hello sir, please help me. In class 10 and 11th my chemistry teacher give me important quetions for exam so I was learning only these quetions for scoreing marks. But in 12th class I realise that I am very weak in chemistry mujhse to chemistry ki ABCD bhi nhi bannati so please instruct me what I do for it. Hello Shaan, you have enough time to learn chemistry from basic.

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