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Most Recommended Books Books If you are looking for amazing book recommendations from other women over 60, you�ve come to the right place. Find new books to read and participate in fascinating discussions. 4 days ago 10 Female Authors that Will Transport You to Fascinating Places Every good cookbook tells some sort of story. It may be a story. Sep 05, �� Fifty is the New Fifty, by Suzanne Levine offers ten concise, humorous lessons about realities of what life at our age is really all about, and encouragement to women to invent the life that they want for themselves � while avoiding the biggest risks and Author: Margaret Manning. Jun 06, �� While Laurie C suggested the memoirs of New England poet Donald Hall, who has been a widower for a number of years; Hall's memoirs include The Best Day the Worst Day: Life with Jane Kenyon, Eagle Pond, and Unpacking the Boxes: A Memoir of a Life in Poetry. Susan K seconded Donald Hall and added books by Kent Haruf.
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The best books on Atheist Philosophy of Religion. Graham Oppy , Philosopher. The best books on Atheism. Julian Baggini , Philosopher. The Aeneid was written by the Roman poet Virgil, in the age of Augustus, as a founding myth for the emerging Roman empire. See below why experts picked it as an important book on a variety of subjects. If you want to read the Latin alongside the English, you can turn to the Loeb Classical Library, though it inconveniently stretches over two books and the English is a little dated.

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Francis Fukuyama , Political Scientist. The best books on Unexpected Economics. Tim Harford , Economist. To Kill a Mockingbird was the only novel published by Harper Lee during her lifetime, and it won the Pulitzer Prize in This celebrated novel depicts the racism she observed as a child in her hometown in Alabama. To Kill a Mockingbird was first published in November Subsequently an early version was published in under the title Go Set A Watchman.

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Maxim D Shrayer , Literary Scholar. Pride and Prejudice was published more than years ago, in , but the book still speaks to us across the centuries. Written by Jane Austen when she was only 20, its original title was First Impressions. Like many great books, it was initially rejected by publishers and did not appear till years later, now under the title we know it by, Pride and Prejudice.

By then, Austen had already had commercial success with Sense and Sensibility , a novel that also compares and contrasts two characters with the qualities flaws signalled in the title of the book. But Pride and Prejudice is more than just a happily-ever-after story.

Exploring that theme, she produced Pride and Prejudice: An Annotated Edition , published by Harvard University Press, which includes over 2, annotations to the text. The Best Jane Austen Books. Patricia Meyer Spacks , Literary Scholar.

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We publish at least two new interviews per week. Five Books participates in the Amazon Associate program and earns money from qualifying purchases. Support Us. Expert Commentary on Our Most Recommended Books Looking for a good book? Buy now Listen now. Recommended 10 times. Recommended 9 times.

Orwell would deny that it was prophecy; he said it was a warning. But in fact, distinguished Orwell scholar Professor Peter Davis once made a list of all the things that Orwell got right, and it was a couple of fairly long paragraphs, and it was really rather terrifying. The best books on Ada Lovelace Ursula Martin ,. If I could wipe my memory clean and go back and reread it fresh, I would.

For me, War and Peace was, literally, a beach read. I read it on holiday the year I turned I spent the days on the beach clutching it in the sand. At night, I stayed awake in the hut where we were staying to find out what happened next by the light of a small lamp, long after everyone else had gone to sleep and trying my best not to disturb anyone.

The fact that the whole thing is presented as a conversation with God, for a start. And Augustine is remarkably self-exposing and self-disclosing. It is this unbelievably pliant and fruitful work. Every time you read it, you notice new things. The title makes it sound like boring history, but this book is anything but. It's a fascinating account of five centuries in which the Christian and Islamic worlds rose in tandem and were often at odds with each other.

It's essential reading for anybody who wants to understand the religious intolerance that still exist today. This novel, by Wallace Stegner , is perfect for anyone who's been in a long-term relationship, or realized that the majority of their social time is spent with other couples. A great reminder that marriage is a marathon, not a sprint.

A kid's book, sure. But we think it deserves a spot on the list of books every man should read. Re-read it as an adult and you'll get shades you never realized were there. Is this a book about how all forms of governance are brutality and betrayal, and decency will not save you, and even if you are a decent person you might manage to survive but only at terrible cost?

You tell us. The symbolism in The Great Gatsby can completely change depending on when you read it. During your 20s, it's all about the symbolism and the disintegration of the American dream. But reread it at 40, you might connect with Gatsby's longing on a far more personal level. Give this classic another read and see how it speaks to you today. You don't need to have served in the military to feel moved by this tale of the men of Easy Company, a parachute infantry company during World War II.

It's got male bonding and guys jumping out of planes to kill Hitler. Do you honestly need more? It's the Mt. Everest of literary novels. You don't finish it because it's enjoyable, you do it because it's a challenge. And most of those are footnotes. Having this on your bookshelf is a way of saying, "I tried, and I'm going to keep trying, because eventually I'll make it through this bad boy.

A fascinating look at how the human mind works, and how we managed to come up with everything from the written word to the wheel. It's on the list of books every man should read because it could inspire your own life-changing invention, too. And if you're looking for a little mental pick-me-up, consider the 70 Genius Tricks to Get Instantly Happy. A truly remarkable science fiction novel that just barely feels like science fiction. In the year , the world is in a bad place thanks to global warming and an energy crisis, so everybody gets distracted by a fictional, virtual world.

Sound familiar? Read this before the Steven Spielberg film version comes out this year. We could go on and on about how this book is more important than ever, especially in an online world where grammar is a constant fatality , but then we remembered that one of the biggest lessons of Strunk and White is to omit needless words.

So we'll just say this: This book is good. Studs Terkel , one of our country's greatest historians, talked to men and women about their jobs, and how those jobs made them feel.

It's not just fascinating to read about the lives of waitresses, gravediggers, accountants, and prostitutes. It'll make you reflect on your own job and how it reflects your personal identity.

If you think Charlie Brown and his "friends" are just for kids, you're fooling yourself. These tales of loneliness, failure, and relentless optimism despite no evidence to support it just ring truer with age. When Charlie insists that childhood must be the hard years , "then after you grow up, all your troubles are over," you'll laugh harder than you have since, well, you were a kid. There are two times to read this timeless Jack London.

When you're a kid, and a book written from the point of view of a dog just seems amazingly awesome. And as a year-old, when a book written from the point of view of a dog who endures unfathomable hardships and keeps persevering will be an unexpected source of inspiration. Everybody loves this book when we're young, because Hunter S. Thompson 's "nonfiction" tale of nonstop debauchery and drug abuse is just fun.

But read it again at 40 and see if you don't see something relevant and painfully true in there. It's not the best Kurt Vonnegut novel, but as you grow older, and his "greater" works like Slaughterhouse Five and Breakfast of Champions start to feel overfamiliar, this will be the one that sticks to your ribs.

All three books in this series by Douglas Adams should be on the list of books every man should read, but this one, in particular, should never leave your library. You realize what's important in life. Like never leaving the house without a towel.

Forgot about that rule? Might be time to give this book another read. It's not what you think�sorry. This novel, which the New Yorker calls "the greatest American novel you've never heard of," is a life story of a poor Missouri farm boy who grows up to become a college professor with very complicated relationships with his wife, daughter, and his own life's ambitions. It's very much about the disappointments and accommodations we make with middle age-hood.

That book'll knock you on your [rear]. This is a book with all the violence and horror of America at its worst, the parts we still aren't told in high school. Ernest Hemingway 's classic memoir of being young and broke in Paris during the s. Why is it worth reading again in your 40s? Because it reminds us never to give up on idealism. Not a fan of love stories? This one may change your mind. Helen Simonson 's novel about a retired army Major dealing with his brother's death and his unexpected friendship and eventual romance with a Pakistani shopkeeper is like nothing you've ever experienced.

For those of us who need a little technological help to find that love, here are the best dating apps if you're over A true story by writer Bill Bryson about his attempts to walk the Appalachian Trail in his 40s, no less with an old friend.

It's not just about conquering nature, but the need especially as we age to feel alive and connected with the outside world. No, we're not kidding. The Joy of Cooking. There's a reason it's been around since It's a staple that belongs in every guy's kitchen. In this novel by William Kent Krueger , a middle-aged narrator reflects on his childhood in the fictional town of New Bremen, and the murders that rocked his small community.

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