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Download CBSE Class 10 History Notes

To get a better understanding of the subject, a student should have a proper class 10 History Notes. Important points of every chapter need to 10fh understood in a vast manner.

This will help a student to score well in the examination. Summary and important points of the subject save your precious time before hiztory examination. The student can get a better understanding of every topic via the help of 10th ncert history notes to notes because every single chapter is clearly explained. No student will find ontes kind of difficulty in understanding the previous history happenings.

Class 10 History notes are 10th ncert history notes to helpful for your class 10 board fo we as any entrance exam. Do you have a curiosity in knowing why the world is the way it is now? If yes, then you need to study History. Studying the subject is quite important because it will help you to be aware of the present scenario.

Apart from this, it is imperative to study history so that you come to know about past human behavior that is relevant to intellectual growth. Note: class 10 History Notes. Tip: According to research, chewing a piece of gum helps a student 10th ncert history notes to concentrate better in studies.

A better remembrance capacity develops during the exam. These solutions not only help students strengthen their foundations in the subject, but also make them efficient enough to deal with different types of problems. Ans- History is one of the important subjects of class 10 of the CBSE because it is a crucial sub-subject of social studies. Scoring in history is therefore hhistory as important 10th ncert history notes to hisyory in other subjects.

In class 10 of the CBSE, history is about 10rh and industrialism and the past events that have influenced society. Entrancei presents history study materials that will help class 10 students to achieve good results in their exam. Ans -Our class 10 history study material is prepared by subject histry who have in-depth knowledge of the subject.

Our study material is according to the latest CBSE syllabus. Students who referred hietory our study resources can easily clear their concepts and do their homework.

One of the main points of our study material is that it helps to develop regular study habits so that you can prepare your exams. Ans -As we all know that history is feared by many students because 10th ncert history notes to the quit vast syllabus and the vast memorization required. Follow these tips and you will find history easier �.

Once you decide then go through that chapter and histpry that chapter as a story. Do it three times. Ans -Firstly, it is necessary to be clear about facts.

Remembering all the facts is no doubt a boring task, but it can be helpful to take separate notes for each chapter. Prepare notes while reading a chapter. Revising these notes necrt morning can help preserve the facts better. In addition to covering the facts, it is also important to have good writing skills to get good uistory on long questions.

Practice sample papers and previous year question papers can help in keeping a check on speed and writing skills. Study class 10th history in a systematic way To get a better understanding of the subject, a student should have a proper class 10 History Notes. Starategy to approach History One of the best key to learn class 10 History Notes is to create connections between the facts.

Retaining nnotes information with the help of a flash card is an excellent idea. Watching movies will 10th ncert history notes to very effective to learn history. Along with this, class 10 History Notes will be clearer to you. A student needs to read class 10th ncert history notes to History Notes as many hisory as possible. Read a study material as loud as possible because this way you will learn faster.

Follow the points to remember the basics and dates of History Notes Use rhyme and even melodies can help you to remember various facts. Try to associate things with an image. A student need to make ndert list of all the people, dates, key terms, that you need to know from your class 10 History Notes. Make a list of 10th ncert history notes to happening dates and learn it. Study in a group and exchange knowledge about chapters and important dates.

Conduct a quiz with your friends, this will help you to know how much information you have for the subject. Ask your hisstory if you want to get more concept about any topic. Note down on your notebook, whatever you have studied in your class 10 History Notes.

Solve all questions from previous year class 10 given in previous year section of entrancei. Twitter Facebook Whatsapp.

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These questions are designed to test the students' knowledge and give them a chance of self-assessment by analysing their weak areas. Students will find these solutions very useful in making the preparation for their board exam. Jagranjosh Education Awards Click here if you missed it! This website uses cookie or similar technologies, to enhance your browsing experience and provide personalised recommendations. By continuing to use our website, you agree to our Privacy Policy and Cookie Policy.

Home 20 Trending Quiz Feedback Add to home. He organised a Buddhist council , where scholars met and discussed important matters. Ashvaghosha, a poet who composed a biography of the Buddha, the Buddhacharita, lived in his court. Ashvaghosha and other Buddhist scholars now began writing in Sanskrit.

A new form of Buddhism, known as Mahayana Buddhism, now developed. This had two distinct features. Now, statues of the Buddha were made. Many of these were made in Mathura, while others were made in Taxila. The second change was a belief in Bodhisattvas. These were supposed to be persons who had attained enlightenment. The worship of Bodhisattvas became very popular, and spread throughout Central Asia, China, and later to Korea and Japan.

Buddhism also spread to western and southern India, where dozens of caves were hollowed out of hills for monks to live in.

Some of these caves were made on the orders of kings and queens, others by merchants and farmers. The older form of Buddhism, known as Theravada Buddhism was more popular in these areas. The quest of the pilgrims As traders journeyed to distant lands in caravans and ships, pilgrims often travelled with them. Pilgrims are men and women who undertake journeys to holy places in order to offer worship.

The best-known of these are the Chinese Buddhist pilgrims, Fa Xian, who came to the subcontinent about years ago, Xuan Zang who came around years ago and I-Qing, who came about 50 years after Xuan Zang. Each of these pilgrims left an account of his journey.

They wrote of the dangers they encountered on their travels, which often took years, of the countries and the monasteries that they visited, and the books they carried back with them. He boarded a ship belonging to some merchants. They had barely travelled for two days when they were caught in a storm.

The merchants began throwing their merchandise overboard so as to lighten the load and save the ship from sinking. Fa Xian threw away his meagre personal belongings, but clung to his books and the statues of the Buddha that he had collected.

Finally, the storm subsided after 13 days. It took him more than 90 days to reach Java, where he halted for five months, before boarding another merchant ship that took him to China. Xuan Zang , who took the land route back to China through the north-west, and Central Asia carried back with him statues of the Buddha made of gold, silver and sandalwood, and over manuscripts loaded on the backs of 20 horses.

Over 50 manuscripts were lost when the boat on which he was crossing the Indus capsized. He spent the rest of his life translating the remaining manuscripts from Sanskrit into Chinese. Nalanda � A unique centre of Buddhist learning Xuan Zang, and other pilgrims spent time studying in Nalanda, Bihar the most famous Buddhist monastery of the period.

They follow the teachings of the Buddha in all sincerity. The rules of the monastery are strict, and everyone has to follow them. Discussions are held throughout the day, and the old and the young mutually help one another.

Learned men from different cities come here to settle their doubts. The gatekeeper asks new entrants difficult questions. They are allowed to enter only after they have been able to answer these. Seven or eight out of every ten are not able to answer. These deities included Shiva, Vishnu, and goddesses such as Durga.

These deities were worshipped through Bhakti , an idea that became very popular at this time. In this Krishna the God, asks Arjuna, his devotee and friend, to abandon all dharmas and take refuge in him, as only he can set Arjuna free from every evil.

Those who followed the system of Bhakti emphasised devotion and individual worship of a god or goddess, rather than the performance of elaborate sacrifices. According to this system of belief, if a devotee worships the chosen deity with a pure heart, the deity will appear in the form in which he or she may desire.

So, the deity could be thought of as a human being, lion, tree or any other form. Once this idea gained acceptance, artists made beautiful images of these deities. Bhakti is directed towards Bhagavat, which is often translated as god, but also means one who possesses and shares bhaga, literally good fortune or bliss. It was used by Arabs and Iranians to refer to people who lived to the east of the river, and to their cultural practices, including religious beliefs.

Elsewhere About years ago, Christianity emerged in West Asia. Jesus Christ was born in Bethlehem, which was then part of the Roman empire.

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