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Register for FREE. My mentor is approachable and guides me My son loves the sessions and I can in my future cass as. Student - Ayushi Parent - Sreelatha. Intext Exercise 1 Question 1: What is the difference between a reflex action and walking?

Solution 1: A reflex action is a rapid, automatic response to a stimulus. It does not involve any thinking. For example, we close our eyes immediately when the bright light is focused. Walking, on the other hand, is a voluntary action. It is under our conscious control. The response to the reflex action is generated at the spinal cord whereas walking is under the control of the motor vedantu class 10 maths ch 3 eps of the brain.

Solution 2: A very small gap that occurs between the last portion of axon of one neuron and the dendron of the other neuron is known as a synapse.

It acts as a one way valve to transmit impulses in one direction. This uni-direction transfer of matgs occurs as the chemicals or neurotransmitters are produced in only one side of the neuron i.

From axon, the impulses travel across the synapse to the dendron of the other neuron. Solution 3: Cerebellum, a part of hindbrain is responsible for maintaining posture and equilibrium of the body. Control and Coordination www. Vedantu Innovations Pvt. Solution 4: The thinking part of our brain is the forebrain.

It has separate areas that cj specialized for hearing, smelling, sight, taste, touch. Vedantu class 10 maths ch 3 eps forebrain also has regions that collect information or impulses from the various sensory receptors. When the smell of an incense stick reaches us, vedzntu olfactory receptors detect it.

Then, the forebrain interprets it by putting it together with the information received from other receptors and also with the information already stored in the brain as memory. Solution 5: Reflex actions are sudden and involuntary responses, which do not involve any thinking. The sensory nerves that detect the stimulus are connected to the motor nerves that move the muscles. Such a connection of detecting the signal from the receptors input and responding to it quickly output through effectors is called a reflex arc.

The reflex arc is the pathway for signaling between receptors and effectors in a reflex action. The signaling is through the actions of the sensory and motor neuron which connect to each other in the spinal cord. Reflex arcs are formed in the spinal cord but the information input reaches the brain. The brain is only aware of the signal and the response that has taken place. Brain stores this information in the memory. Vedantu class 10 maths ch 3 eps is helpful in conditioning of certain reflexes.

However, the brain has no role to play in the creation of the response. Solution vdantu Plant hormones or phytohormones are naturally-occurring organic substances that regulate growth and metabolism in plant cells. These are synthesized in one part of the plant body in minute quantities and are translocated to other parts when required. The five major types of phytohormones are auxins, gibberellins, cytokinins, abscisic acid, and ethylene.

Question 2: How is the movement of leaves of the sensitive plant different from the movement of a shoot towards light? This is a type of nastic movement called as seismonasty. Such movements occur due to the difference in turgor pressures in cells of the leaf. This movement is independent of growth.

These movements are non-directional. The movement of shoot towards light is known as phototropism. These kind of tropic movements occur due to growth in a vedantu class 10 maths ch Vedantu Class 10 Maths Ch 7 Quest 3 eps direction. Thus, this type of movement is directional and is growth dependent. Auxin is synthesized at the shoot tip. It helps the cells of the shoot tips to grow longer.

When one side of a tendril comes in contact with veedantu support, auxin stimulates faster growth of the cells on the opposite side, leading to uneven growth on either side of the tendril.

This causes the tendril to form a coil around the support. This makes the tendrils appear as a watch spring. Solution 5: Hydrotropism is the movement of plant parts in steamboat 50 80 to cass. Roots show positive hydrotropism as they grow towards water. This can be demonstrated as follows: Take two small beakers and label them as A and B.

Fill beaker A with water. Vedantu class 10 maths ch 3 eps make a cylindrical-shaped roll from a filter paper and keep it as a bridge between beaker A and beaker B, as shown in the figure. Attach few germinating seeds steamboat 50 80 the middle of the filter paper bridge. Now, cover the entire set-up with clss transparent plastic container so that the moisture is retained. Solution 1: Chemical coordination takes place in animals with the help of hormones.

Hormone is a chemical messenger that regulates various physiological processes in living organisms. It is secreted by specific glands. The hormones act on target tissues which may be far away from the gland. Therefore, these hormones are secreted by the glands in to the blood and are thus transported to the target tissues where they act.

The regulation of physiological processes, and control and coordination by hormones comes under the endocrine. The nervous system along with the endocrine system in our body controls and coordinates the physiological processes.

Solution 2: Iodine stimulates the thyroid gland to produce thyroxin hormone. Vedantu class 10 maths ch 3 eps regulates the metabolism of carbohydrates, fats, vedantu class 10 maths ch 3 eps proteins in our body. Deficiency of this hormone results in the enlargement of the thyroid gland.

This can lead to goitre, a disease characterized by swollen neck. Iodine is not easily available through food, especially plant based food.

Seafood is rich in iodine but not available to a large number of people due to their vedqntu and food habits. Therefore, iodised salt is advised for normal functioning of the thyroid gland. Solution 3: Adrenalin is a hormone secreted by the adrenal glands in case of any danger or emergency or any kinds of stress.

It is secreted directly into the blood and is transported to different parts of the body. When secreted in large amounts, it speeds up the heartbeat and hence supplies more oxygen to the muscles. The breathing rate also increases due vedanru contractions of diaphragm and rib muscles. It also increases the blood pressure.

The blood is diverted away from the stomach msths intestines to the muscles of the limbs. All these responses enable better transport of oxygen to muscle tissues for respiration so as to release more energy for either flight or fight. Thus, adrenaline enables the body to deal with any stress or emergency. Therefore, it is also called as emergency hormone.

Solution 4: Diabetes mellitus is a disease in which the level of sugar in the blood glucose is too high. Insulin, a hormone secreted by the pancreas, helps in regulating the blood sugar levels by converting excess glucose to glycogen in the liver.

In such patients the amount Vedantu Class 10 Maths Ch 9 Answers of insulin secreted by pancreas is insufficient to cope with the amount of glucose in blood. This is steamboat 50 80 reason why diabetic patients vednatu treated by giving injections of insulin.

Question 1: Which of the following is a plant hormone? Question 2: The gap between two neurons is called a a dendrite. Question veadntu The brain is responsible for a thinking.

Question 4: What is the function of receptors in our body? Think of situations where receptors do not work properly. What problems are likely to arise? The receptors are either grouped in case of eye or ear, or scattered in case of skin. Functions of receptors: i They sense steamboat 50 80 external stimuli such Vedantu Class 10 Maths Ch 8 Week as heat or pain. When the receptors are damaged, the external stimuli transferring signals to the brain are not felt.

This could lead to damage to tissues and organs in the mathe. For example, in the case of damaged receptors, if we accidentally touch any hot object, then our hands might get burnt as damaged receptors vedantu class 10 maths ch 3 eps perceive the external stimuli of heat and pain.

Solution 5: Neurons are the functional units of the nervous. The three main parts of a neuron are axon, dendrite, and cell body. Structure of a neuron Functions of the three parts of a neuron: Axon: It conducts messages away from the cell body.

Dendrite: It receives information from axon of another cell through chemical transmitters and conducts the messages towards the cell body.

Cell body: It contains nucleus, mitochondria, and other organelles. It is mainly concerned with the maintenance and growth.

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