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04.08.2021Author: admin

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In this exercise of coordinate geometry, questions are based on distance formula only. Move Class 10 Maths Chapter 7 main page for other exercises whether download or online study.

In this exercise, we have to find the distance between two points using distance formula and then it will be applied on different questions as per requirement like to prove Co-linear points, isosceles or equilateral triangle, type of quadrilateral on the basis of length of sides. For what value of P, the points 2,1 , p,�1 and �1,3 are collinear? Find the ratio in which y-axis divides the line segment joining the points A 5,�6 and B �1, �4.

Find the ratio in which x-axis divides the line segment joining the points 6,4 and 1,�7. The midpoints of the sides of a triangle are 3,4 , 4,1 and 2,0. Find the vertices of the triangle. Find the value of x if the points A 4,3 and B x,5 lie on a circle whose centre is O 2,3.

Show that the points �2,3 , 8,3 and 6,7 are the vertices of a right angle triangle. Find the point of trisection of the line segment joining the points 1,�2 and �3,4. Find the point on the y-axis which is equidistant from the points 5,�2 and �3,2. Find the co-ordinates of a centroid of a triangle whose vertices are 3,�5 , �7,4 and 10,�2. Download Offline Apps and Solutions for offline use. Class 10 Maths Exercise 7.

Exercise 7.

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