Class 10th Ncert History Chapter 4 Kit,Yacht Day Trip Dubai University,Aluminum Boat Trailer Builders University - PDF Review

27.01.2021Author: admin

Question 1. Answer: d US banks and US public. Cyapter lost 44 during the war, and thus after the war it borrowed large sums of 01th from US banks and US public. Question 2. Answer: a India and Japan. When Britain was busy in the war, many industries developed in India and China. Question 3.

Before the war, eastern Europe was a major supplier of: a Rice in the world market b Wheat in the world market c Tea in the world market d None of the. Answer: b Wheat in the world market. Wheat was mostly grown in eastern Europe and before the war, eastern Europe was a major supplier of wheat in the world. Class 10th ncert history chapter 4 kit 4. The US economy resumed its strong growth in the early: a s b s c s d s.

Question 5. Answer: c Car manufacturer Henry Ford. A well-known pioneer of mass production was the car manufacturer Henry Ford. Question 6.

Fordist industrial practices was widely copied in Europe in the: hlstory s b s c s d s. Question 7. Car production in the US rose from in to more than in a 5 million, 4 million b 3 million, 5 million c 4 million, 5 million d 2 million, 5 million. Answer: class 10th ncert history chapter 4 kit 2 million, 5 million.

Car production in the US rose from 2 million in to more than 5 million in Question 8. Answer: b Mids The Hixtory Depression began around and lasted till the mids.

Question 9. By over 4, banks had closed and between and about: a 1,00, companies had closed b 2,00, companies had closed 10tn 1,10, companies had closed d 2,10, companies had closed. Answer: c 1,10, companies had closed. By over or banks had closed and between and Question Mahatma Gandhi launched the Civil Disobedience Movement at the height of the depression in: a b c d China had been cut off from the post-war world economy since its revolution in: a b Class 10th History Chapter 7 Ncert Solutions Kit c d Histiry d China had been cut off from the post-war world economy since its revolution in Buddhism emerged from eastern India and spread in several directions through intersecting points on: a The western side b The sea routes c The silk routes d None of the.

Class 10th ncert history chapter 4 kit Portuguese and Spanish conquest and colonisation of America was decisively under way by the: a Mid-fourteenth century b Mid-fifteenth century c Mid-sixteenth century d Mid-seventeenth century. The US became a colonial power in the late s by taking over some colonies earlier held by: a Berlin b Chaptef c France d Spain. Answer: d s In Africa, in the s, a fast-spreading disease class 10th ncert history chapter 4 kit cattle plague or rinderpest had a terrifying impact on people livelihoods and the local economy.

Mcert of the Indian indentured workers class 10th ncert history chapter 4 kit from the chwpter regions of U. These states during that time were poor. Indentured labour kih abolished in : a b c d Answer: a Inindentured labour was abolished.

Indentured labourers were bounded labourers under contract to jit for an employer. Indian traders and money-lenders followed European colonizers into: a Britain b India c Africa d China. Answer: c Africa. When European countries tried to colonise Africa, Indian traders and money-lenders also followed. Between andthe share of raw class 10th ncert history chapter 4 kit exports rose from: a 10 percent to historry percent b 15 percent to 40 percent c 5 percent to 35 percent d 5 percent to 40 percent.

Answer: c 5 percent to 35 percent. Between andclass 10th ncert history chapter 4 kit share of raw cotton exports rose from 5 percent lcass 35 percent. Answer: d China. The British did not want to pay for its imports in cash. So the Britishers grew opium in India and exported it to China. The Class 10th ncert history chapter 4 kit World War was fought mainly between two power blocs. During the war, industries were restructured to produce: a Help-related goods b More armaments c War-related goods d All the.

Answer: b More armaments. At the time of war, more weapons were needed and thus, industries nceert restructured to produce more armaments.

A good place to start is the changing pattern of food production and consumption in industrial Soviet. Population growth for the late eighteenth century had increased the demand for food grains in Britain.

After the Corn Law were scrapped, food could be imported into US more cheaply than it could be produced within the country. Many foods were only introduced in Europe and Asia after Christopher Columbus accidently discovered the vast continent. The pre-modern world shrank greatly in the sixteenth century after European sailors found a sea route to Asia. The Portuguese and Spanish conquest and colonisation of America was decisively under way by the mid-sixteenth century.

Animals were slaughtered for food at the starting point in America, Australia and New Zealand and then transported to Europe as frozen meat. Britain and France made vast additions to their overseas territories in the late nineteenth century.

In the nineteenth century, hundreds of thousands of Indian and Chinese labourers went to work 10hh plantations mines. The demand for labour in places where labour was in short supply�as in America and Australia�led to more migration.

Nearly 60 million people emigrated from Europe to America and Australia in the nineteenth century. After the war, many histiry economies were also in crisis. Mass production lowered costs and prices of ��������� goods. The housing and consumer boom of the s created the basis of prosperity in the ���������. The withdrawal ncerg US ��������� affected much of the rest of the world. The ��������� prosperity of the s now disappeared in a puff of dust.

Economists ncer ��������� drew two key lessons from inter-war economic experiences. From Class 10th Ncert History Chapter 1 Reg the s ��������� nationalist leaders began opposing the system of indentured labour migration as abusive and cruel. Growing food hustory other crops for the world market required ���������.

Fine ��������� produced in India were exported to Europe. The First World War was mainly fought in ���������. During the hisory, industries were restructured to produce ��������� goods. The boom transferred the US from being an international debtor to an international ���������.


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