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09.01.2021Author: admin

Home | Buy And Sell Marine Parts And Goods, Quickly | Harbor Shoppers Take A Sneak Peak At The Movies Coming Out This Week (8/12) Happy Birthday Lady Gaga! Love, your little monsters; Rewatching the Rugrats Passover episode for the first time since I was a 90s kid. 2 days ago�� Thanks for the answer, Denise. However, you are one of the group that blames Bush for everything. While he spent his time trying to right the wrongs of the terrorists, Clinton spent his time in. Find the best information and most relevant links on all topics related toThis domain may be for sale!
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All my family is in No. Attleboro and Attleboro, and hopefully they will benefit from my experience. Take care. As a child it was the coolest thing to us. We loved the big rigs. Anyone know them and what they are doing now??? They were nice to all the kids on the block. Lorna: Yes, I remember Bliss Brothers when it just sold ice cream.

I went there after every ballgame. I know Nolan's was on the corner of Maple and Pine. They had the best hot chocolate. I know right across Nolan's, that building was always changing.

Hi, Barbara! You are only a few years older than me. I started out at Tiffany School , too. I went there for the first grade. My teacher was Miss Daisy C. She was a great teacher. Miss Young was still the principal. I lived on Ottawa Street. I think you are related to Kathy Machado who married Tom Kelliher, correct? How are they doing? Richie, the Florida sun bakin' your brain? Try a hat. President Kerry saw the baby killing with his own eyes. In he claimed to be among the war criminals and just this past Tuesday said that he stands by everything he said in What've you got in Florida?

Please, a bunch of retired New Yorker's wearing minks in degree heat, and swamp water crackers picking their noses. Up here in America we are represented by the best of the best. The treatment of the Kurds is an interesting and complicated issue, Lorna. But the facts in your last posting are still not accurate. Bush Sr. Here is what I found out about both major gassings at the website of the Kurdistan Regional Government www. This is only one of several bitter betrayals of the Kurds by various U.

A prime example: George H. Bush urged Iraqis to rise up in and then let Saddam slaughter them when they responded. But as John Adams said, "Facts are stubborn things. I learned a lot by researching it. To: "freemumia aol. Do you know something that we don't? Also, are you saying that you along with he are denouncing your fellow veterans as baby killers?

Can we have your name in case you run for some office in the future, since the VVAW is now as defunct as a dead skunk. How can you turn your back on your country like that? We all want babies fed. Ours and those in Iraq and elsewhere. We cannot afford to do it all so we try to help some countries create a better way of life for themselves instead of letting dictators take everything and let their people starve.

Methinks you and your bretheren should study some world history. Socialist, Communist, Nazi bastards who kill their own at the drop of a hat.

And you call Nam vets baby killers? Think it over, man, think it over � and thank God you live in a country where you can spout the stuff you do and get away with your life. Owen, you are right, the first time genocide was performed against the Kurds, Reagan was in office.

My son also pointed this out to me. George Sr. Remember Desert Storm? Does anyone remember the little building where Bliss Brothers sold ice cream before they built the restaurant?

Sounds like y'all could use a laugh, so here goes: Several years ago, when the IRS changed it's EIC to give more to families with more than one kid, my Dad and brother-in-law were discussing the tax break. My 5-year-old neice was listening in on the conversation and after a spell went running with tears streaming down her face to inform my sister of what she heard. She Iris says me and Mitchell are worth a bunch but she won't pay extra for Coley"!

Can't tell ya how hard my sister and I laughed while trying to explain what was really going on to a 5-year-old who thought she was being sold off to the highest bidder! Yes, I'm another one who started my education at Tiffany School; however, it looks like it was a long time before most of you that are sharing memories.

I started in the first grade there in Young was the principal. Yes, some of us are still sitting upright and smiling at those memories. My family and friends' experiences with "Morsies" did not include the truck drivers. We lived on Dale Avenue in Attleboro, and our side of Morse Sand and Gravel was great little ponds to ice skate on and in summer the guys would skinny dip.

Tthere were actual ledges where they hung a rope and jumped down into the water. It is a wonder none of us broke out necks. Well, that's enough from the little old lady in California. Keep those memories coming - and I don't mind the political stuff. I work for the Department of Defense. Fun to see what people on that side of the country think. As usual, "attvet yahoo. So to "attvett yahoo. Morse Sand and Gravel brings back a lot of memories.

I know they were very helpful in keeping Nichol Avenue clear the winter of '' Mom was on bed rest with pregnancy number 9 and was rushed numerous times that winter to Sturdy due to complications. We also have another very vivid memory of MS and G. One day a bunch of us kids were playing out in our yard and the next thing we know a couple of kids with guns were being chased down Nichol Avenue from the playground by a small pick-up from Morse Sand and Gravel.

I guess the kids had been shooting over there and got caught. Anyway, the truck came barreling up Nichol Avenue and the kids with guns I'm guessing they were BB or pellet guns go running through about 12 kids that are playing in the yard back into the woods toward Thurber. The guys from MS and G were screaming and very angry. But the angriest person ended up being my mother who went through the roof when she realized what had happened.

The truck chased the kids and I have no idea if they were ever caught. At that time Thurber Ave was full of woods not many house lots, unlike today.

The woods would not have been easy to get through with a pick-up. Boy oh boy, my mother let MS and G have it. I can remember to this day Glen Lawton yelling at the top of his lungs, Hey, everyone hit the deck.

We all dropped to the ground and laugh about it to this day. Nancy, do you mean my sister Dana? She would have gone to Finberg Elementary. I see you live in Westerly now. Small world isn't it? OK, a subject change. It was supposed to come right up Tampa Bay with a 15 to foot storm surge which would have put me and this computer about 5 feet under water.

I know what some of you are thinking now, be kind. In doing so, it reduced the damage and death toll by missing Tampa Bay but devastated the good and decent folks an hour and a half to our south. Though less populated, etc. Fire stations and police stations and even supposedly safe shelters are no more. Businesses are gone. Schools are closed. Electricity is only just creeping back on. Phone service is nil. Even cell phone use is scarce since towers are down.

People are living in buildings deemed uninhabitable. Shelters are everywhere and volunteers and volunteer agencies and FEMA are doing their best to help these poor souls. Lest we forget, "Charley" was not through after it came inland. It then cut a swath upstate through many counties, doing it's damage along the way. Thus, my niece and her family and my sister-in-law in the Punta Gorda area suffered damage, as did my year-ld aunt in assisted living in the Daytona area.

All are well, thank God. All are in fine spirits and are moving on to help others as well as get themselves back on track. If any of you have been near a Florida landfall hurricane, you will agree when I say those of you who have not should hope you never are.

Having lived through hurricanes and hurricane threats in new England most of my life, I never have experienced what a warm water category 4 or 5 is capable of 'til now. It is no fun. It is horrible. It is hell on earth. We shall evacuate in short order without argument should this happen again.

Please pray for the good folks who were affected and help in any way you can. Thank you. I see that you are all still present and accounted for. One of my greatest memories about growing up in Wrentham was the Rev.

It was with great fondness that I remembered him as I read that he went home to be with the Lord. He was Thinking back to things that he said and taught, I know that he planted seeds in my life that blossomed later. God put him in my life for a reason, and I thank Him for that. He was a great tennis player, and I was never good enough to play with him, but after the Resurrection, it will be nice to have a game with him on even footing.

He was a very special and unique man. His sermons still ring in my heart today. His voice was unique and booming.

He spoke with incredible conviction! One time, we forgot to turn his microphone on, and nobody could tell! The first time I ever spoke in church, it was at his prompting. I was 10 years old. He had me do a reading. It was Romans Chapter 1. I remember because at 10 years old, it was very hard to say the words "sexual immorality"! He loved righteousness and hated iniquity. He encouraged me to serve, and I am grateful for his influence in my life. Today, I am a pastor myself, although not in the Catholic church.

He was part of the training in the way that I should go, and I am grateful to God for his influence in my life. God bless, Joe. Kerry can't escape the truth about his Swift Boat years �,oops, months, so he is claiming the Bush campaign is backing the ads put out by other Swift Boat veterans aimed at his lying and traitorous acts, deeds and testimony before Congress as a mouthpiece for Jane Fonda and the VVAW.

In short, Boat Slips For Sale Harbor Springs Mi Doc he can't hide the truth anymore so it is Bush's fault. What a giganitc lowlife. Commander in Chief??? God help us all �. Did anyone besides Spit and I go to Tiffany School? My favorite teachers there were Ms. LaFontaine, Mrs. Combs and Ms. Does anyone know what happened to these teachers? They were the best.

Sad that Tiffany school is now apartment units. I have such wonderful memories of going to school there. OK all but first grad � that was the worst year, but that school only went up to 4th grade, so I had three excellent years. Field day at Capron Park was pretty excellent.

Still have my blue ribbons for the egg run and potato sack race. The music concerts we did were the best, and Flag Day was so meaningful. Sad that my own kids don't have these wonderful songs sung in their schools anymore. I have taught them to my kids and hope they will pass them on to their own. I didn't find any info at the library on this wonderful old school.

If anyone knows where to find history on this old school, let me know. Thank God the greatest ice cream place I went to as a kid is still around!

Bliss Brothers Dairy!! I took my children there and they loved it! The people there where wonderful and they still have the window where you can watch the ice cream being made. I loved school trips there, you knew a free ice cream cone of whatever flavor was awaiting you at the end of the tour. Also, to K. I think I was in your sister's Dee Dee class. Tell her hi for me! Hey, Gilda, I remember Taunton well. We were from Attleboro but my mom's family was from Berkley.

Every Christmas eve we'd go to my Polish grandparents for dinner and gifts and then on the way home Daddy would go through downtown Taunton. They had such a beautiful Christmas display. Was in massachusetts in July showing my grandkids where I grew up and of course it included a trip to Taunton and Berkley where my sister lives on the old family farm.

My grandson said, "Ninna, this looks like a good place to be a kid. New England is still the best place to be a kid!!

Keep those great memories coming. We may not be certain of our future, but one thing for certain is that we sure have some great memories of our past!

Hi, Maryann! Glad to see your entry among the other unavoidable entries in here. What a great story about what a family means. Stand up for each other and help each other out when in time of need! They sure would fly around the corner on the bridge over the Ten Mile River. We lived right there on the corner.

All day long - everyday - they would fly to and from! In the summer when our windows were open, mom would have to dust everyday because of the trucks! My brother Steve and I would go shoot bottles with his BB gun down in back of the sand pits. Oh, what fun we had! My story doesn't come close to yours, Maryann � but it brought back memories. Is this Web site ever gonna go back to being the interesting spot it used to be with people sending out hellos to each other and chatting about the good old days?

I mean if we wanted to hear all this political mud-slinging we could just turn on the 6 o'clock news. Where are the local stories? It used to be interesting, but not anymore. It really doesn't matter who gets elected; life goes on and not much will change.

To Rich, and any other Florida contributors to the Guestbook: hoping all fared well during Bonnie and Charlie. It was devistating to those people in Punta Gorda. We can only imagine. MaryAnn, enjoyed your piece on Morse Sand and Gravel. A nice change from all the other stuff on this site. Everyone, have a wonderful day! Bush should have gone after S. That is what it sounds like to me.

Please don't try to say you are NOT implying it either, that would be weak. Oh, I get it, you just want to point out how wrong all Republicans are and how wonderful the Clinton gang and all Democrats are. Hmmm, Democrats do something, it is all good, Republicans do something,all bad. Boy, your head is heavy � open up your mind.

The bay did make it to my back door, stopped an inch from going in. TX Tue August There is an error in the Aug. A second major event took place after the Gulf War when George H. Bush was in office. John clearpoint. I am sure any president would count on them for guidance, before making any military decision.

Didn't mean to start any conflict in here. Let's let the people in here enjoy their memories. Texas Sat August I have a story to share about Morse Sand and Gravel, or maybe it's more about a brother standing up for his little siblings. It would have been about I was 7 and I had two younger sisters and two older brothers.

The truck stopped and out jumped a 6'2", pound driver. He told Steven "I'll be back for you after work. The driver said ,"Yes sir," got back in his truck and drove very slowly down the road. That driver never did go over 25 miles an hour 'round our corner again! I then heard my dad ask Steven, "Weren't you afraid he'd hurt you? Rich, I don't much care for your opinions but I have been hoping that you are OK down there in Florida.

Tell us how y'all are fairing. On another subject: We made it through the storm that was supposed to come straight up Tampa Bay and down our throats. Good for us it made that dramatic right turn which was only "called" by VIPER and ignored by most officials.

Included in that group is my sister-in-law who is widowed and she rode it out in her home all alone. She said it was horrible but she felt her home was strong enough to take it.

We spoke to her yesterday but have not been able to contact her yet today. If any of you have lived through a hurricane threat in Florida, you will agree when I say it is no fun. When they predict an foot storm surge up Tampa Bay into the downtown area, that is some scary stuff. Anyhow, we are safe and will now try to contact my sister-in-law again. Take care, all. I'm with Bill on this one. Nothing will change no matter who gets in! Politics have become a national soap opera for people like Rich and John to engage in never-ending pissing contests over.

The fact is that the "system" is flawed no matter who is elected. Do you really think anything will change much no matter who gets elected? What big changes will take place for common people like us? Rich, talk about mincing words! How about if I say, "People who think like Rich Howard are complete idiots. I am not saying you are an idiot, after all. If you actually read what I wrote, you will see that I did not in any way "mince words and lead people to believe I Rich said YOU spit on vets. You have been watching too much propaganda on Fox TV.

I don't know where you got the idea that I had to respond to every one of your inane pronouncements either. Look, Rich, you're going to vote for Bush unless he gets caught in bed with Michael Jackson and even then you'll blame it on Clinton.

You can ramble on all you want, but I agree with Jan from Taunton, this is getting boring. Does anyone have any stories to share about "Moresy's sp? Morse Sand and Gravel during the '50s and '60s? It has been interesting to read all the arguments lately. I didn't know what that was until a couple of years ago when a former Marine told me. I saw my dad in a different light. He was the bravest man I ever knew. He cut his foot on a coral reef and nearly lost it, but because he wasn't "in battle" he refused his Purple Heart.

Wars are full of these kinds of incidents. There are many more men out there who probably got Purple Hearts that for non-battle cuts and scratches who should have turned them down. Who are we to determine the measure of a man? A scratch to some is nothing to others. Fear is a powerful thing.

It can overtake us in a heartbeat and we don't realize it until it is gone. I have no respect for John Kerry. He is two-faced. I have little respect for George Bush because of what he did to John McCain in the primary race before the last election. Now, regarding Bill Clinton, the coward should have gone into Iraq when Saddam Hussein performed genocide against the Kurds. That is when we should have done something! Instead he let S.

If you are angry at anyone, be angry at the coward who dodged the draft and became commander-in-chief! Only in America!!!! This site has become a real strain to read. I thought it was all about "Hey, how are ya? Remember this and that? It's a pity! Okay, first of all, I never said John Owen spat on anyone.

I said "people who think like John Owen. Also he is the one who made the Vietnam-Iraq comparison, not me. Also if our so-called allies had joined this fight with us before we went to Iraq, maybe this would all have been over with by now. So, John, you want it both ways. You are a vet lover who brought supplies but you want us to turn our back on everyone who needs us because it is G.

Most importantly, you have tried to mince words and lead people to believe I said YOU spit on vets. I never said that and you know it. Find a program, John, and get with it. Stop flopping around. Was there any truth in my last entry? You pick a spot and ZOOM. But then again you have always done just that. And please, John, say some of these things mano a mano. Like the rock thing for instance or the "cementhead" thing �.

Rich, you have a nasty habit of telling us what other people think and you make up things that they might say. I have always found that stupid and annoying, but when you put words in my mouth you are going way over the line. When you say people who think like me spit on returning Vietnam vets you reveal you own failing grip on reality and your willingness to lie and distort the truth to make a point.

Did you not read that I brought supplies to the soldiers in Vietnam? Did you miss the point that most of them were munitions? Does that suggest to you that I was far from being a vet-hating peacenik?

I was from the economic group that sent its sons to Vietnam and many of my friends served there. I have always had the greatest respect for them. Time for you to crawl back under the rock. I agree with John Owen in that some Nam vets felt betrayed by the government and the way it ran that war. He failed to point out that they were betrayed by Democrat Lyndon Johnson. Yes, the war was not fought to be won because it was run by President Johnson and Kennedy before him.

It was a long war and had "stages. It began with volunteers going over such as Special Forces and ended with regular G. It was a mess, a civilian mess. It has very little bearing on Iraq.

The facts remain that S. John Owen does not think that entails mass destruction. No less than retired General Tommy Franks explains it just that way in recent interviews here in the Tampa area. He is disgruntled that WMD has not been a "big find" but points out that when we do find sarin gas shells, the media glosses over it. Sarin gas is a WMD, folks. But again, John Owen, I guess, thinks just leave people like S. Of course, that was before the election came up.

Now they all flop to become peaceniks on top of being socialists because G. And whatever G. Way to support the leadership, John �. To: "o nlybugsy sbc. Enlisted U. Army Aug. Entered basic training Oct. Basic and second 8 training Fort Dix, N. Shipped out to overseas replacement depot, Oakland Army Terminal, Calif.

Trained in P. Trained extensive jungle training and jungle survival training. Operated as insurgent enemy during one such exercise which was kinda cool. Dix, NJ. Ended up filling VietNam quotas from Dept. Seperated from active duty 12 Oct, with a permanent grade of SP5 E5 and transferred to Enlisted Reserve for next three years. Honorable Discharge Oct. Lost beloved brother-in-law in VietNam during Tet in Feb. My brother also served four years in U.

His sister served as woman Marine during war. My uncle served U. Army in WWII. Master bedroom has walk-in closet and upscale bathroom. Home offers laundry room with glass-block window, outside entry code for garage. Lanai overlooks the Lake and a great view of the Community Pool. Equipped with easy-mount storm panels.

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The corner lot makes this yard seem huge. If you want a pool there is room on the side of the home. See it today. Great room features coffered ceiling, crown molding, 8' doors, tile floors. This gated community features a spectacular lakefront resort-style amenity center where residents enjoy activities for every member of the family. The Builder describes this home as: "The Victoria is an upscale downsized home with 1, square feet of living space..

The luxurious Owner's suite features a tray ceiling, private lanai access and elegant bath with dual vanities and ample storage. The den makes a perfect home office or hobby room. Side-load garage offers plenty of space for cars and storage".

Listing provided by newhomesource. Located less than 4 miles to public beach access, within walking distance to the newly redone Downtown Bonita Springs, and under 3 miles to I This custom-built, one-owner home boast over 2, sqft of living space with an oversized master bedroom and bath, tons of closet space, plenty of cabinets in the kitchen, and two living areas plus a den.

The lot is fully fenced and sits across from a wooded area for ultimate privacy. Plenty of room for the entire family. Do not miss this before it's SOLD!!! The gourmet in the family will love the remodeled kitchen with butlers pantry in the breakfast room. The oven has induction cook top. Features include - enormous, brick paver screened enclosure accented perfectly with an earthy courtyard wall, koi pond converted to water feature and pergola for shade.

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The 2-car garage includes an expanded area ideal for a golf cart or extra storage". Beautiful 2nd floor corner unit ready for move in.

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Wood floors, knotty pine, vaulted ceiling's exposed beams, wood-burning stove Ready to make new memories! Nancy Albrecht www. Debra J. Hall www. Conveniently located in newer VA loan approved site condo development just minutes from Traverse City. Home is under construction. Pictures of model. Other models and lots are available.

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Beautiful home sites near shopping, schools and downtown Big Rapids with easy access to US for a quick commute. Great location, just 6 miles east of Hammond and 3 Mile Roads. Short drive Hammond and 3 Mile Roads. Ready to build withResort cleared site, underground elecbuild with cleared site, underground electric and private blacktop road!

Bring your tric and private blacktop road! Bring your RV, camping is permitted! RV, camping is permitted! Excellent location or riding! City, Excellent location justhorseback south of Traverse peaceful area just south of Traverse City, peaceful area off maintained county road with electric, off maintained county road with electric, cleared site ready to build.

Sorry, mobile homes are not allowed. Conveniently located just 1 mile north of ConvenientlyShopping located just 1 mile of Northland Center andnorth M Northland Center City, andclose M Easy 30 min. Shopping drive to Traverse to Easy 30 min. Ready recreational trails, rivers cleared and lakes. RVLand camping and storage building permitted! Contract financbuilding permitted!

Land Contract financing! Coming just north 1. Beautifully wooded and rolling hills with Beautifully wooded with estate size lots sizesand fromrolling 2. Maintained road with electric, horses are Maintained electric, horses are allowed! Easyroad drivewith to downtown Traverse allowed! Easy drive to downtown Traverse City, close to stores, banks, post office gas City, close stores, banks, post office gas station andtoschools. Traverse Union Twp. Sur5rounded acres 1 by milethousands South of Supply Road!

Surof acres of state rounded by thousands of acres of state land, these properties are beautifully land, these are on beautifully wooded, someproperties with frontage Carpenwooded, some with frontage on ter Creek. Very secluded clearedCarpensites, ter Creek. Very secluded sites, perfect for camping or cabin.

Direct access to recreational trails for ATV, motorcycles, to recreationaland trailshorses! Fife Lake Road to Boardman Road. Additional and Contract conditions may apply.

Additional terms and conditions may apply. Kalkaska Boardman Twp. Beautiful hardTruly a must see property! Beautiful woods. Borders ,00 acres of thehardPier woods. Borders ,00 the Pier State Forest. Direct accessacres to Recoftrails. PriState Forest. Directroad access Rec trails. River Twp. Very direct access to recreation trails. Borders state land. Off private maintained Borders state land.

Off private maintained road. Walk to Rapid River! No mobiles! If If you you have have an an RV RV and and like like to to camp, camp, or or want want to to build build aa home, home, cabin cabin or or storage storage building building for for your your toys, toys, we we have have it!! Like Like to to hunt? We We have have many many parcels parcels of of land land perfect perfect for for Deer Deer camp camp.

Many Many of of these these properties properties are are close close to to beautiful beautiful lakes or rivers for Summer fun the whole lakes or rivers for Summer fun the whole family family can enjoy. Like Like to to Snowmobile? We We have have several several properties properties with access to the Shore To Shore trails with access to the Shore To Shore trails for for miles miles of riding.

Call Call Only 21 exclusive estate size parcels of land are planned within this magnificent acre development of mature forest surrounded by state land. Like to RV? Bring your motorhome or camper.

Owners with full hook ups are permitted up to days per year! Excellent location on Supply Road Enjoy year-round recreation with access to trails close by. Scheduled for completion in Spring of Under Construction Now Selling! Call Are you thinking about buying or selling property? Call or visit one of the locations listed below. Offices conveniently located throughout Michigan and Marinette, Wisconsin to serve all your real estate needs.

Beautiful stone fireplace, cathedral ceilings, large mud room and lots of closet space. Close to ORV trails. Secluded and wooded. Lot dimensions are x approximately. Large Living Room, Dining Room, nice kitchen and partial utility basement. Needs a little TLC but tons of Potential. Vinyl windows, 5 inch well, laminate flooring with tile flooring in large entry way.

Ceiling fans in all rooms, with a Jacuzzi bathtub and walk in shower in the bathrooms. Appliances stay as well as hot tub.

Diy Fiberglass Canoe 500
Small Boat Sailing For Sale 32
Center Console Aluminum Fishing Boats English

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