Boat And Stream Questions Indiabix Github,9m Sailing Boat English,Aluminum Boats Tunnel Hull Api,Small Boat Plans Plywood Include - Plans On 2021

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Type 1 : Speed of boat in still water and speed of stream are given separately. Correct answer : b Hint: In downstream, water stream increases the speed of boat as they both are along the same directions.

Hence, both the speeds are added. Find a speed of stream b speed of boat in boat and stream questions indiabix github water. Find the distance covered by the boat between two points. Next Page �. If there's no mention of stream speed in the question, assume it to be the speed of boat in still water. So, water stream increases the speed of boat. Hence, speeds are added while going downstream. So, water stream decreases the speed of boat due to opposite flow.

Hence, speeds are subtracted while going upstream. If you just remember this concept, you won't need boat and stream questions indiabix github remember and recall the above formula while solving the tsream.

Halving this would give you the speed of the current. Once you know how to deal with these 4 types of problems, the chapter should be an easy one for you.

Question Variety: Type 1 : Speed of boat in questoins water and speed of stream are given separately. Alligation or Mixtures - Aptitude test, questions, shortcuts, solved example videos Alligation or Mixtures - Quantitative aptitude tutorial with easy tricks, tips, short cuts explaining the concepts. Online aptitude preparation material with practice question bank, examples, solutions and explanations.

Very useful for freshers, engineers, software developers taking entrance exams. Learn boat and stream questions indiabix github take practice tests! Problems bost Trains - Aptitude test, questions, shortcuts, solved example videos Problems on Trains - Quantitative aptitude tutorial with easy tricks, tips, short cuts explaining the concepts.

Time and Distance - Aptitude test, questions, shortcuts, solved example videos Time and Distance - Quantitative aptitude tutorial with easy tricks, tips, short cuts explaining the concepts. F and L. Find a speed of stream b speed of boat in still water Examples: Q 3. What would be the speed of swimmer in still water? Examples: Q 5. What would be the average speed of boat during the journey?

Examples: Q 7.

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Thanks withoutboats for everything you've done. Copy link. Contributor Author. Hide details View details Manishearth merged commit 3cd into rust-lang : master Jan 29, 1 check passed. This was referenced Feb 8, Sign up for free to join this conversation on GitHub.

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Moreover, it is not clear yet how to make traits that contain async functions be dyn safe, and it is important to be able to pass around dyn Stream values without the need to monomorphize the functions that work with them. Unfortunately, the use of poll does mean that it is harder to write stream implementations. The long-term fix for this, discussed in the Future possiblilities section, is dedicated generator syntax.

As mentioned above, core::stream is analogous to core::future. But, do we want to find some other naming scheme that can scale up to other future additions, such as io traits or channels? While users will be able to implement a Stream as defined in this RFC, they will not have a way to interact with it in the core library.

As soon as we figure out a way to do it in an object safe manner, we should add a next method either in the Stream trait or elsewhere. We should also implement a next method for Stream , similar to the implementation in the futures-util crate.

Therefore, we include a few minimal convenience methods that are not dependent on any unstable features, such as next. As yoshuawuyts states in their pull request which adds core::stream::Stream to the standard library :. The future returned by next will yield Some Item as long as there are elements, and once they've all been exhausted, will yield None to indicate that iteration is finished.

If we're waiting on something asynchronous to resolve, the future will wait until the stream is ready to yield again. As defined in the Future docs :. Once a future has completed returned Ready from poll , calling its poll method again may panic, block forever, or cause other kinds of problems; the Future trait places no requirements on the effects of such a call.

However, as the poll method is not marked unsafe, Rust's usual rules apply: calls must never cause undefined behavior memory corruption, incorrect use of unsafe functions, or the like , regardless of the future's state. This is similar to the Future trait. The Future::poll method is rarely called directly, it is almost always used to implement other Futures.

We need something like the next method in order to iterate over the stream directly in an async block or function. It is essentially an adapter from Stream to Future. Using the example of Stream implemented on a struct called Counter , the user would interact with the stream like so:.

An earlier draft of the RFC prescribed an implementation of the next method on the Stream trait. Unfortunately, as detailed in this comment , it made the stream non-object safe.

More experimentation is required - and it may need to be an unstable language feature for more testing before it can be added to core. The Iterator trait also defines a number of useful combinators, like map. The Stream trait being proposed here does not include any such conveniences.

Instead, they are available via extension traits, such as the StreamExt trait offered by the futures crate. The reason that we have chosen to exclude combinators is that a number of them would require access to async closures.

As of this writing, async closures are unstable and there are a number of outstanding design issues to be resolved before they are added. Therefore, we've decided to enable progress on the stream trait by stabilizing a core, and to come back to the problem of extending it with combinators.

This path does carry some risk. Adding combinator methods can cause existing code to stop compiling due to the ambiguities in method resolution.

We have had problems in the past with attempting to migrate iterator helper methods from itertools for this same reason. While such breakage is technically permitted by our semver guidelines, it would obviously be best to avoid it, or at least to go to great lengths to mitigate its effects.

One option would be to extend the language to allow method resolution to "favor" the extension trait in existing code, perhaps as part of an edition migration.

Iterators have an IntoIterator that is used with for loops to convert items of other types to an iterator. We may want a trait similar to this for Stream. The IntoStream trait would provide a way to convert something into a Stream.

This trait as expressed by taiki-e in a comment on a draft of this RFC makes it easy to write streams in combination with async stream. For example:. It should be noted that this trait is rarely used directly, instead used through Iterator's collect method source.

Examples are taken from the Rust docs on iter and collect. The FromStream trait would provide a way to convert a Stream into another type.

FromStream is perhaps more general than FromIterator because the await point is allowed to suspend execution of the current function, but doesn't have to. Therefore, many if not all existing impls of FromIterator would work for FromStream as well. While this would be a good point for a future discussion, it is not in the scope of this RFC. The canonical reference for building a production grade API with Spring.

If you have a few years of experience in the Java ecosystem, and you're interested in sharing that experience with the community and getting paid for your work of course , have a look at the "Write for Us" page. Cheers, Eugen. In this tutorial, we're going to explore some of the JDK8-related questions that might pop up during an interview. Java 8 is a platform release packed with new language features and library classes.

Most of these new features are geared towards achieving cleaner and more compact code, while some add new functionality that has never before been supported in Java. Along with these new features, lots of feature enhancements are done under the hood at both the compiler and JVM level.

A method reference is a Java 8 construct that can be used for referencing a method without invoking it. It's used for treating methods as Lambda Expressions. They only work as syntactic sugar to reduce the verbosity of some lambdas. This way the following code:. A method reference can be identified by a double colon separating a class or object name, and the name of the method. It has different variations, such as constructor reference:.

We can read a detailed description of method references with full examples by following this link and this one. Optional is a new class in Java 8 that encapsulates an optional value, i. It's a wrapper around an object, and we can think of it as a container of zero or one element. Optional has a special Optional. Thus it can be used instead of a nullable value to get rid of NullPointerException in many cases.

The main purpose of Optional , as designed by its creators, is to be a return type of methods that previously would return null. Such methods would require us to write boilerplate code to check the return value, and we could sometimes forget to do a defensive check.

In Java 8, an Optional return type explicitly requires us to handle null or non-null wrapped values differently. For instance, the Stream. But what if the stream is empty? If it wasn't for Optional , the method would return null or throw an exception.

However, it returns an Optional value, which may be Optional. This allows us to easily handle such cases:. It's worth noting that Optional is not a general purpose class like Option in Scala. It's not recommended that we use it as a field value in entity classes, which is clearly indicated by it not implementing the Serializable interface.

There are a lot of functional interfaces in the java. The more common ones include, but are not limited to:.

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