Boat And Stream Questions For Competitive Exams English,Aluminum Boat Construction Plans Zip Code,Batman Dc Comics Characters 2019 - PDF Review

19.10.2020Author: admin

Boat and Stream Questions for Competitive Exams

Type 1 : Speed of boat in still water and speed of stream are given separately. Correct answer : b Hint: In downstream, water stream increases the speed of boat as they both are along the same directions. Hence, both the speeds are added. Find a speed of stream b speed of boat in still water. Find Boat And Stream Questions For Bank Exams Kit the distance covered by the boat between two points. Next Page �. If there's no mention of stream speed in the question, assume it to be the speed of boat in still water.

So, water stream increases the speed of boat. Hence, speeds are added while going downstream. So, water stream decreases the speed of boat due to opposite flow. Hence, speeds are subtracted while going upstream. If you just remember this concept, you won't need to remember and recall the above formula while solving the problems. Halving this would give you the speed of the current.

Once you know how to deal with these boat and stream questions for competitive exams english types of problems, the chapter should be an easy one for you.

Boat and stream questions for competitive exams english Variety: Type 1 : Speed of boat in still water and speed of stream are given separately. Alligation or Mixtures - Aptitude test, questions, shortcuts, solved example videos Alligation or Mixtures - Quantitative aptitude tutorial with easy tricks, tips, short cuts explaining the concepts.

Online aptitude preparation material with practice question bank, examples, solutions and explanations. Very useful for freshers, engineers, software developers taking entrance exams. Learn and take practice tests! Problems on Trains - Aptitude test, questions, shortcuts, solved example videos Problems on Trains - Quantitative aptitude tutorial with easy tricks, tips, short cuts explaining the concepts.

Time and Distance - Aptitude test, questions, shortcuts, solved example videos Time and Distance - Quantitative aptitude tutorial with easy tricks, tips, short cuts explaining the concepts. F and L. Find a speed of stream b speed of boat in still water Examples: Q 3. What would be the speed of swimmer in still water?

Examples: Q 5. What would be the boat and stream questions for competitive exams english speed of boat during the journey? Examples: Q 7.


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