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The gateway arch ironically illustrates the gateway to wasteful federal grants. While intentions for the project were noble, the use of federal funds for a vanity project clearly is not. Yet in Idaho the firearms and accessories industry already supports thousands of jobs. Over half of the states households own a firearm, well above the national average.

Gun sales nationwide have increased in recent years. The right to bear arms is guaranteed by the Constitution, but government funding for the firearms industry is not. In three states, some individuals even received more food stamp benefits because they smoke marijuana. The Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program SNAP, previously known as food stamps , could help families that are struggling financially, but lax controls have led to systemic wasteful expenditures.

The event is designed to raise consumer awareness through promoting American grown fruit in cooking recipes and demonstrations done by Celebrity Chefs. The U. Guayule is a plant native to the American Southwest and Mexico, with a long history as a natural rubber alternative. Research, development and commercialization of guayule-derived natural rubbers have gone on for more than a century, including during World War II and again during the s oil crises. A history making the grant particularly questionable.

This grant is also subsidizing research already happening in the private sector. Bridgestone Corporation recently announced plans for an extensive research project in the United States dedicated to developing Guayule as a commercially viable, renewable source of high-quality natural rubber.

If Bridgestone can fund their own guayule research, why can't Cooper Tire? The money spent by the U. Forest Service could be better directed to funding more DC tankers to help fight one of the more than 6, wildfires that plagued the United States in The state also grows more than 2.

The guild plans to support a statewide Oregon Cheese Trail that will link dairies, restaurants and shops along the way.

The federal funds will be used to produce video vignettes on cheese to highlight the cheese industry in Oregon. The videos will feature cheese farmers, cheese experts, and the history of cheese in the state. It is unclear why this promotion is necessary. Cheese is certainly not an emerging market or one that needs government assistance. In June , the Hop Growers of America HGA plans to send a team consisting of three contractors, including a marketing firm with expertise in hops and beer brewing, a US brewing consultant, and a Chinese firm to recruit breweries and to translate to breweries in China.

The group will make multiple trips to China to conduct the seminars The HGA is promoting American products overseas and opening up markets to American products which is a good thing, however it's a public cost for private benefit. If private companies want their industries or products promoted there should be a charge to the beneficiaries instead of a charge to the taxpayers.

The International Forestry Program delivers technical assistance, policy development, and disaster preparedness and response by trained forestry experts to international partners. Noting that it overlaps with programs of the U. Industries that benefit from these advertisements should pay for them. The Federal government should not use funds to promote one industry over another. In total, the community of Henderson has over 1, acres of undocumented tree assets which will be mapped by location, identified by species, and undergo tree health evaluations, and maintenance prioritization.

The marketing campaign is designed to help further its "Pick Tennessee Products" campaign and to help consumers find farmers through an online specialty crop directory. The program is aimed squarely at Tennessee residents in the hope they will shop locally at Tennessee farms. While having even more avenues to access the program's listings may be helpful, it is hardly a pressing need, especially when the information is already available on their website.

Furthermore, using taxpayer funds to promote one industry over another is questionable. Industries that benefit from these programs should pay for them. The money will also help cover the costs associated with signs, marketing items, advertising for local specialty crops, and a newsletter. Federal funding has gone toward several similar promotional campaigns in Oklahoma over the last several fiscal years The number of farmers markets over the past two decades has exploded, increasing by 16 percent just last year and more than doubling since However, only Alaska, Hawaii, and a small number of additional remote regions in the continental United States qualify for them, leaving other states out in the cold.

Previously Kriemhild had only offered 2 to 10 pound packages, so the new butter filler machine will allow them to begin selling more of their product to individuals. The farm has received a similar grant from the United States Department of Agriculture to complete a business plan for Meadow Butter, a grass-based butter product, and to pay for packaging and a logo.

The primary beneficiaries of the program however, have become the developers of the properties rather than the families that live in them, according to government documents. MSU faculty will also develop two new college courses based on their findings.

The researchers note that since organic farmers do not use chemicals for weed control, they often have to till the soil to clear a field of weeds and prepare it for planting. Tilling, however, can put the topsoil at risk of washing or blowing away.

The solution? Let grazing sheep munch on the weeds. In addition, according to the university, sheep manure and urine will act as natural fertilizers. Is new research in this field necessary? Mankind has understood for thousands of years that sheep graze. Taxpayers should say "bah! Perhaps One Economy Corp should focus on generating broadband adoption instead of funding soap operas. Federally funded access to on-line soap operas should not be a priority for taxpayers. Some hope the lab will inspire entrepreneurs to get creative in their application development.

With the spread of iPhones, tablets, and other portable devices, developers are rushing into the wireless sector in hopes of creating the next big app. Since the start of , more than 30 billion mobile phone apps have been downloaded onto iPhones. At a time of trillion dollar deficits, it makes little sense to spend money on an economically thriving industry and force future generations to fund the next Instagram or Angry Birds.

Federal money comes from the U. Department of Commerce Economic Development Administration. Nevertheless, the money has been approved thanks to the U. This language and culture training is not provided through a single department or service and all these courses overlap with at least one other program. Perhaps employees at the Department of Veterans Affairs should spent less time on "coffee breaks" and more time finding ways to better serve our veterans.

The Navy is not the Department of Energy and is not the proper place to fund alternative energy research. Only the money is coming from a program specially created to equip soldiers with the weapons they need. While our men and women in uniform certainly would welcome new menu options, these dollars could be better spent at a time when sequestration imposed by the Budget Control Act is set to cut billions of dollars from our national defense budget.

According to the U. The Coast Guard also uses the float as a recruiting tool. Using a Mardi Gras Yacht Builders Germany Video float as a recruiting tool is a questionable expense at best, and a excuse to attend Mardi Gras on the taxpayer dime at worst. It has been described as a small Stonehenge-like circle of boulders with a propane fire pit. The worship center is for the handful of current or future cadets whose religions fall under the broad category of "Earth-based", which includes Wiccans, Druids and Pagans.

Three students out of 4, students self reported as currently having an earth-based religion. The American people support religious freedom, but this investment challenges their faith in government to ever make smart budget choices. Department of Education Bureaucracy: In recent years, the Department of Education's annual budget increased by nearly 36 percent yet as little as 65 to 70 cents of every dollar of federal educational spending actually makes it into the classroom.

More money should be directed to local governments to make education choices not used for more bureaucracy. Giving energy tax credits to individuals with no record of owning a home shows a lack of proper management and oversight and is a waste of taxpayer funds.

The money has helped recruit new scientists for Russian weapons institutes, contrary to the original intent of the program. For many years during the s, it took in far more than it spent. Following the collapse of the Soviet Union, the "Initiative for Proliferation Prevention" program was created to ensure unemployed Soviet weapons scientists and engineers were placed in private-sector, nonmilitary employment so these experts were not hired by terrorist groups or rogue nations.

Now, the program is recruiting young nuclear scientists, an objective far removed from its original purpose. Critics have also questioned the need for the program given that the U. Even the Department of Energy has conceded this program is duplicative, as several other U. Yet the app the agency is looking for already exists. Instead of investing taxpayer dollars in this project, the department should let the marketplace determine the best apps for consumers.

Maybe Uncle Sam needs to develop an app to track duplicative government apps. The Department of Energy should follow its own advice about being energy efficient by installing more energy efficient lighting in their buildings. These programs should be examined to identify duplicative or unnecessary programs and to streamline programs to better utilize available funding. The overall effectiveness of federal funding for activities that reduce mobile source diesel emissions may be limited because agencies generally do not collaborate.

Uncoordinated program efforts can waste scarce funds, confuse and frustrate program customers, and limit the overall effectiveness of the federal effort. Yet, because of a loophole in federal law, the IRS cannot hold a continuous levy a process similar to garnishment of wages against Medicaid payments from states to providers. The agency is allowed to send onetime levies to state Medicaid agencies, but these have not been effective. Although there are endless ways to find ideas for healthy eating, the federal government decided to add one more � a YouTube video contest.

As adorable or fun as some of the videos may be, such words are falling on ears that have heard messages about fruits and veggies for years. This project proved to be nothing but an unhealthy use of taxpayer dollars. The failure to recognize the overpayments over a time period of at least 20 years signals a systemic problem in the Medicaid agency. Reform of reimbursement methodology is necessary to stop overpayment. It was intended to help an underserved community however the new IHOP is not located in an "underserved community" but in the popular Columbia Heights neighborhood.

According to the Michigan state government, the Snow Cone ice-making machines were intended to assist with treating heat exhaustion and other illnesses during large events including possible terrorist incidents or similar emergencies. Buying snow cone machines to deal with heat exhaustion and other emergencies seems like a questionable use of federal funds.

Local officials explained that it would be used to assist in underwater rescues. While certain communities could justify the purchase of a robot for use in underwater rescues.

Columbus, Ohio is not located near any large bodies of water where underwater rescues could be a frequent occurrence. This purchase is yet another example of communities taking advantage of grants offered by the U. The Cook County initiative was replete with equipment that failed to work because of weather conditions, missing equipment records and untrained first responders, according to a report by the Inspector General of the U. Department of Homeland Security. Of municipalities in Cook County, 32 never received any equipment, and many others returned it because officers never got training on how to use it.

Other cameras often targeted police parking lots, streets and intersections with "questionable homeland security benefits. Some of the equipment failed in extremely hot or cold weather � in other words, Chicago weather. Despite reporting only a single homicide in the prior two years, the City of Keene told DHS the vehicle was needed to patrol events like its annual pumpkin festival.

Homeland Security could certainly find a better use for their funding than to provide armored vehicles to sleepy New Hampshire towns with little risk of a terrorist attack. Aspiring cartoonists and comic book artists and writers are eligible to receive federal financial aid to attend art schools across the country.

So it may be no laughing matter to taxpayers that the unaccredited cartoon school with fewer than a hundred students would receive hundreds of thousands of dollars from the U. Department of Housing and Urban Development. Local officials have said they are not working to sell the homes because they do not want to hurt current housing prices.

Yet some developers have noted officials have not been acting quickly enough. Our nation currently faces many challenges; a shortage of beer and pizza, however, is rarely cited as one of them. To say the least, Americans generally do not consider the idealized Los Angeles suburb an impoverished town, and with good reason. This black market of federal grants raises the question of whether federal funds are targeted efficiently in the first place.

CDBG funds are generally to be used for programs to benefit low- to moderate-income people, such as low-income housing and anti-poverty measures. Not for funding questionable businesses like "Fatty McGee's Restaurant". The taxpayer money will help the brewery purchase three brew tanks and install sewer connections to its 42,square-foot facility. As the federal safety net is in danger and our country faces a fiscal crisis, taxpayers do not need to be contributing to an already-successful brewing business.

Taxpayers apparently need a real watchdog to protect against more wasteful spending on pet beauty products. The federal government has no need to continue acquiring additional office space while spending billions each year to maintain vacant office space. Enough to build four small houses at each of the stops along the route. Funds intended to help the homeless in Los Angeles should not go to a successful multinational corporation instead. The fact that money could be paid out for fourteen years to a fishery that hadn't produced a single fish shows the lack of oversight and level of mismanagement and abuse of taxpayer money in this agency.

The project has a long and troubled history of wasteful spending. In autumn , the government came forth with another plan to get the project moving again, reducing its size and budget. However, despite the revisions the plan still exceeded the congressionally authorized size, overestimated the quantity of future judges, and had not even considered courtroom sharing among judges. Nevertheless, federal officials sprinted to spend their appropriated funds, issuing the new construction notice in January.

The bureau also spends taxpayer dollars to mail the copies to different institutions when prisoners are transferred. The bureau could cut back on waste by using digital x-rays instead of hard copies which are available for almost instantaneous analysis. Since they would be stored as computer files, the x-rays also could easily be transferred to other doctors and prisons.

The multi-month investigation concluded county officials had no intent to obtain illegal audio recordings when they purchased the equipment. However, to avoid pesky constitutionality issues, the courthouse security team has decided to turn off the audio recording features of the system. Department of Labor regulations require that unemployment benefits must be paid to all unemployed workers regardless of their income. This requirement is based upon a U. Department of Laobr DOL decision that precludes states from means-testing to determine UC [unemployment compensation] eligibility.

This requirement should be removed. MTC has been found to be improperly awarding subcontracts to the highest bidders. Both centers improperly awarded about 80 percent of sub-contractor awards reviewed. Unfortunately, every taxpayer dollar wasted by MTC is one that could be helping people train for gainful employment in the private sector. Labor Department. Better oversight and management of unemployment benefits would increase efficiency and decrease the waste of federal funds.

Government entities across three federal agencies involved in providing training to officials working for foreign governments to detect fraudulent travel documents. According to GAO, State Department officials told GAO that they were not aware of how many agencies and office were involved in providing fraudulent travel document training to foreign governments. No official mechanism or process exists for coordinating among these agencies involved with this training.

While the comedian's may have been performing their jokes in India the real joke in on the American taxpayers for paying for this trip. State Department has spent over three quarters of a billion dollars repairing historical buildings in other countries.

At a time of burgeoning deficits and with plenty of historical buildings in the U. It also seems pretty expensive for a translation. The group's activities will include performances and workshops.

According to its website, the Battery Dance Company has harbored an interest in Indonesia for many years, having presented Balinese dance at its own downtown dance studio.

As exciting as a taxpayer funded trip to Indonesia for may be for the Battery Dance Company, the reason this trip was funded with federal dollars remains elusive. This funding allows high school and college students from Denmark, France, Germany, and the United Kingdom to come to the U. An airport with no planes, no terminal, one runway and that only receives one flight a month is a perfect example of government waste in in action.

Department of Transportation to offer free rides on several bus routes for four days surrounding the event, including game day. If they were not busy at the game, the referees may have thrown their yellow flags on this low-priority use of taxpayer money. Fans could have probably afforded the fare out of their own pockets. That may explain why the area has three federally funded visitors and interpretive centers.

But even the most rabid fans of the Talimena Scenic Byway are probably at a loss why the U. Department of Transportation USDOT thinks the area needs a fourth visitors center, at a cost to federal taxpayers of more than half a million dollars. The regions crumbling road infrastructure makes the area 8th in the nation for its number of structurally deficient bridges. County officials targeted the area for a sidewalk believing the new path would alleviate the safety concerns and eliminate the need to bus the students.

Neither goal is likely to pan out, making the project questionable from the beginning. This is yet another example of the perils of a central bureaucracy. Decisions such as where to build a sidewalk are best left to local governments who have knowledge of, and a vested interest in the local community.

On one side of the bridge, No Trespassing signs warn people to stay away. The sculpture garden will be located in the town of Waterloo, Iowa, and will be dedicated to former resident Lou Henry Hoover, the wife of 31st U. President Herbert Hoover. With 2, structurally deficient or functionally obsolete bridges in West Virginia, federal transportation dollars would probably be better spent on real, rather than toy roads.

The Wesley Jung Carriage Museum "will bring compelling stories within the world of horse-drawn transportation to life in vigette settings, interactive exhibits and hands-on experiences.

By law, regardless of other pressing transportation needs, states must spend a certain percentage of their Surface Transportation Program STP funding on Transportation Enhancement activities. Even then however, those activities must relate to surface transportation. While some covered bridges are still in use, others have been bypassed in favor of steel bridges. The covered bridges main function now is to look scenic and attract tourists, noted the Associated Press. Most projects would still be eligible for highway funding, but would have to compete with other highway and bridge projects for funds.

An economist with the Brookings Institution observes, "I love covered bridges, but I don't think it should be a federal responsibility to preserve them. The display at the St. Charles County Heritage museum will explain the influence of rivers, railroads, roads, and trails in the region over the years. The facility will contain interpretive exhibits depicting the history and culture of the steamboat era.

At a time when Louisiana has 3, deficient bridges, it is unclear why taxpayers are spending millions on a Steamboat Interpretive Center. Department of Veterans Affairs attended an eleven day conference at a resort in Scottsdale, Arizona. With the availability of teleconferencing, conferences are, in large part, no longer necessary. Its bad enough that we are funding studies on pig poop, but does it also have to be Chinese study?

Because Lake Champlain falls within Adirondack Park which is a state-level protected area and not a national park funds for Lake Champlain should come from the State of New York and not from the Federal Government. Not only did officials inaccurately estimate the cost of replacement, the cost of repair was inflated by including projects that agency guidelines excludes from estimates.

For example, upgrades to meet newer building codes do not qualify as repairs. The IG concluded FEMA should reverse its decision to replace the two buildings and instead award funds to repair them. Grant accounts that have expired and run out of undisbursed funds should be closed to avoid account maintenance costs, and this would save taxpayer dollars.

With such massive purchasing power, agencies could use group orders to secure the best deals. In , the Office of Management and Budget created the Federal Strategic Sourcing Initiative to leverage orders from multiple agencies to achieve such savings. GAO requested funding information for all 94 initiatives, but the agencies did not provide it and so GAO was unable to report the amount spent in Not only are these programs inefficient, duplicative and unnecessary but furthermore, two-thirds of all the programs were unable to provide a single goal or performance measure related to green building.

While painting official portraits of Presidents, Supreme Court Justices and top ranking Senators and Congressman makes sense, the lower you move down the food chain the less understandable it becomes.

Since the s, the federal government has been involved in supporting affordable housing through the establishment of the Federal Housing Administration FHA , Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.

While some housing assistance programs are necessary, programs spread across 20 agencies are not. This web of programs can create service gaps, additional costs, and the potential for duplication. These programs should be examined and restructured to reduce duplication of services and to streamline housing programs. We should make the investments necessary to make government programs IRS, Medicare run more efficiently. Spending a relatively small amount to update aging computer systems will save billions of dollars in the long run.

Not only are many of these programs duplicative, but different Departments can't even agree on how many programs there are. Department of Employment Services, told the D. A case involving hundreds of government workers illegally collecting unemployment benefits while on the city's payroll shows a frightening lack of oversight within the DC city government as well as a culture of fraud and abuse of taxpayer funds.

More oversight is needed to ensure this type of abuse doesn't happen again. This example of waste could be ended to simultaneously help the environment and cut costs. The Government Printing Office prints the Congressional Record, but could save money by only printing what is necessary for archiving and then distributing the rest online.

This is a waste of taxpayer dollars and it highlights the lack of government accountability. Interns in congressional offices often work out of small storage areas or spaces cleared out of a closet - they do not get sent to resorts and spas for a week on the taxpayers' dime. This conference is yet another example of the GSA's wasteful spending habits and lack of oversight.

This conference is yet another example of the GSA's wasteful spending habits and disregard for the taxpayers' money. The agency has not taken the time to determine which contracts it should no longer maintain. What began as an effort in Turkish Yacht Builders Jobs the s to ensure that all Americans had access to telecommunications service has morphed into a new massive entitlement.

Since , the total cost of the program has increased twenty-fold. That alone should be reason enough to review the program. As fun as these types of "readings" and book clubs may be, they certainly do not need taxpayer support, especially when the money goes to a plethora of activities questionably related to actual reading.

Its mission is to support reciprocal people-to-people understanding, and promote partnerships that advance common interests between Japan and the United States. The commission was created to foster cooperation between Japan and the US following WWII, but considering that we are now linked in economic trade and relations are strong, do we need to continue funding the Japan-United States Friendship Commission?

There is no need for a taxpayer subsidy for this initiative. A centralized data log would allow for effective transitioning from data collection to processing the data.

Illegal immigrants have been getting billions of dollars in tax refunds through the "Refundable Child Tax Credit" by claiming large numbers of children as dependents, including many children who live in other countries.

One case in Indiana showed five illegal immigrants filed tax returns using a single false address to claim 20 children as dependents, even though none of the 20 children listed on the tax returns lived in the United States. I have cosponsored H. The House passed H. The Senate should work to pass this important piece of legislation to help the government collect unpaid income taxes.

These losses are largely preventable with better anti-fraud measures. Though the agency has developed a number of fraud filters, they need to be tightened. A test of the filters allowed most potentially fraudulent returns through the system. Congress could allow the IRS greater access to the federal database that tracks employment and wages to help the agency detect false documents and returns.

With the explosion of identity fraud in the last few years, the IRS needs to move as fast as possible to end such widespread looting of honest taxpayers. Surely they can find a warehouse that doesn't cost nearly a million dollars a year to maintain or organize the world's largest yard sale.

The Democratic and Republican Parties are not federal agencies and should not receive tax payer funds to pay for their events.

Loan Misc. Energy Compact Power Inc. The government's picking winners and losers in the energy market has cost taxpayers billions of dollars.

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