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02.05.2021Author: admin

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A warning to all of us to be equals in our relationships with friend and family. If anyone is interested I will be happy to give exact casees and what I learned more completely.

I agree with Shining Star and with your comment as you are both right. Alzheimer's is more complex and cannot be diagnosed one way only. It is true that we often find the less dominant in a relationship with Alzheimer's as described by Shining Star.

Others with Alzheimer's are the type with very controlling active brain. Those people eventually get so exhausted that they just let go and eventually are no longer able to lead. It could just be light dementia and exhaustion but too often the doctor jumps to conclusion and prescribes medicine for A and most of the time it is not a cure but a crutch.

I have a partner who is beginning Alzheimer's and he has both qualities you mentioned. His previous partners were very controlling and being the soft kind one, he just let them take over.

He was also very active mentally doing many complex things at the same time. He does tend to let me want to take over but I have to help him be who he really is and it's not easy. I am succeeding. I'd have to disagree as well. I have worked with the aged and seen patients from pre to post alzheimers and could't see a definite trend in dominence. I have seen couples get it and hit a point where they didn't know each other. There was one couple, very gentle people, who didn't know each other.

If you asked him who she was, he would say he "didn't know her at all but from everything he heard she was a very nice woman altogether. But if she saw any of the nurses or doctors or helpers going too close to him she would violently attack them and tell them to leave him alone.

Walking away she would keep shouting that they fancied him. She couldn't tell us why she did it. And it never happened with anyone other than her husband. I do not think the body-mind connection for Alzheimer's Disease that I spoke about is something that is seen.

It is felt. The feelings are never seen but they are out-pictured in the body. Feelings of insecurity, hopelessness, powerlessness, boredom even boredom. Who can see a feeling? Each of us wears a mask do we not? But knowing how this observation would not be received in the spirit it is intended, I posted it anyway.

It is leading edge and you will see more and more people beginning to explore this as science and medicine fails them. One can not explore someone else's insides or feelings but the results are out pictured in the body and mind.

One lady I took care of had not spoken in 5 yrs and had a feeding tube in her stomach. I worked with her and observed. One day she stood up been on a walker shuffling and started talking. I called her husband who was golfing and asked hime to come home and witness this miracle. He refused.

She took the phone and told him he had done her wrong. They talked for a few minutes and then it was over. She passed a yr later and then him a year later. He never spoke of that day to me. They were married for 52 yrs. He told me that when he quit smoking her took a cigarette from her mouth and told her she was quitting and she never said a word and quit smoking.

He was amazed at this even though it had happened over 20 yrs earlier. This is a perfect example of what my point is. This lady worked all of her life, appeared at social functions and retired with plenty of money. Outside she appeared to have it all. But see what I mean? I have had 3 more cases that with close observation though looking different produced the same Alzheimer's Disease which means lack of ease. Hi Raquel: I think you are really onto something here!

It takes a lot of energy to suppress negative emotions. Her moment of clarity is a snapshot of her marriage of all thoes years. Wow so sad! I am very inclined to agree with your post regarding Alzheimer's disease. I am not sure how the disease is diagnosed because that has not been my field of study. My study is holistic health, nutrition, psychology, addiction, family dynamics and the mind body connection.

I have come to the conclusion through my work with families that there is a very strong long standing "passive-aggressive" sickness going on with many couples. This sickness is so widespread because it is almost impossible for normal people to correct it or cope with it in their relationship. It leads to "crazy-making.

In all cases the care givers and nurses in control of these people were dominant players and definitely passive aggressive which I found the mates of the "Alzheimer's" patients to be also. I am just a mellow, easy-does-it, empathetic type of volunteer and my experience with these patients was remarkably different from the experience of the busy impatient caregivers who "tried" to act patient.

There is an atmosphere of thick palpable emotions that radiates from the "well" people who deal with "Alzheimer's" patients; an atmosphere that sensitive people can cut with a knife. But most of the "well" people have turned off their sensitivity valve because it is expedient to do so. People mentally fall apart for a variety of reasons; and people who hold on to their mental faculties do so for their own reasons. In my observations of couples over the past 30 years some of them had a real history of being bullied by their mate and when they reached a certain age or crisis incident in their life the tables were turned and the docile partner began to drive the more dominating person crazy through a ton of passive aggressive games.

Many games being unconscious. Frankly I think all forms of mental disorder start early in life because of a lot of unfair, untreated, unresolved family matters. I absolutly agree with your Alzheimer's Disease comment towards the end of your feedback. My father-in-law is very "diabeticly sick". Everything bad they could have, he has it. For starters I have countless of times tried giving his wife remedies, she would try it once and say its not working or come up with her own ideas!

I feel sorry for them because I know he could better himself, but there ignorance wont allow them. Her patience with him is very low and talks to him as if he were a child and not to mention he was not a very good husband, so she now has resentment towards him, is very angry that she now has to care for her once abusive and now helpless husband. AND if they just listen a little, he could be taking care of himself.

Love all you earth clinic-ers! Pam - It is only normal that she would have resentment towards her "once abusive" husband! For petes sake, until you have walked a mile in her shoes Please do not be so quick to place judgement. My father in law is in the same condition, and my mother in law is also having a very hard time of it.

People in their predicament need day to day help They are being totally overwhelmed. Just saying. Maybe she needs some outlet or some help with him? Best to you. I agree. I have begun my own Alzheimer's with the usual forgetting words and what I was planning to do as I went from one room to another. The silly thing is, when I wait a few minutes the word I was seeking, comes, so it was there, in my head all the time, but I chose not to access it.

I don't know why. Alzheimer's description. It illustrates the control we have. We already accept, selective memory. Here are some of the quotes from EC's posts. Body-mind find relief from the toxic feeling of helplessness and escape by creating this condition, insecurity, hopelessness, powerlessness, boredom even boredom, bullied by their mate, are reasons why we make ourselves sick;.

I was always attacked by my older brother, hence the programmed, being always ready for 'fight or flight'. Then the sky falls. Mindless bullying leads to mindless Government, administrators, local Government, police etc.

Check it out. One example of our control which I enjoy involves: "A women of 52 who had carcinoma of the uterus, originating near or in the cervix. It had spread to the intestine, and death was expected within weeks, but her much-hated drunken, bullying husband suddenly died. Today, a year and a half later, she is entirely well, the baseball size lump has disappeared. With alzheimers the reason usually is, the person is in an intolerable situation which anyone who is just a bit of a thinker will feel, living on this planet of defective homosapiens.

An intolerable situation might be: I see no answer to the retarded races who have controlled, dominated and killed and imposed ignorance, caused poisoned air, food and water and kill people who won't submit. So I don't want to live here. I will forget everything I can and eventually go belly up without the imposed fear, or stress and go 'being peace', not feeling peaceful but being peace.

Alzheimers sounds OK to me. Peer pressure, consensual opinion, consensual belief force us to have to remember all sorts of things, and behave as others want us to, we never had to before, when living in a much earlier time. However if being here with all the nonsense is your desire, then I read 2 tbs coconut oil a day, mixed into your morning oatmeal helped to remember lots of little things.

I will try it and if I don't like remembering, I'll stop. I think you are seeing things here and trying to link things that are not linkable.

It is very genetic. But for many years, no one knew what the symtoms where cumulative of, or called it something else, just like my ADHD. That is called Medical Progress. And it will continue. I am sure there may be a case or two where people just give up, and their symtoms over take them, I've seen that.

But to link one set of symptoms only on one disease, and not conclude that there could be other factors or diseases at work is incorrect to do. It is misleading. It looks like Alzheimers can also be caused by our environmental factors of what our diets are, our nutrition, vitamins and suppliments. Even though Alzhemimer's has everything to do with memory and loss of, and there are great emotions, I don't think your conclusions hold water.

I don't think dominate people won't get it vs. This is just not relevant in the world of Alzheminer's. What you are seeing is what you want to pick out and try to make work, but it isn't there. There are many domintate individuals who have gotten it. For example. My grandmother. Mother, Uncles, Father, and the lists go on for many. It, like ADHD, is not a one set of symptoms-fits-all diagnosis.

The two people I've known who died from Alzheimer's were very domineering the "boss" in the family but not necessarily in a good way - both women so I completely disagree with this idea. Dear Heather, I would like to know if your Chronic fatigue S. I have this terribly also. Many of your posts sound like all the issues I have been having through out the years. I am using Methylane blue not to help and I use borax which is a big help. Please let us communicate about this so we both can learn.

Many thanks for posting here on the earth clinic all your results. I also do not agree with the "domineered" theory as a cause for Alzheimers. My mom has it and was definitely THE domineering type, both in marriage which ended in 2 divorces and at work, where she was a tough manager.

If anyone has anything else on the coconut oil remedy or anything else, please advise. I just read that if you are a nervous person you are more likely get Alzheimers. I have had severe panic attacks and depression for many many years. I have already started to forget so many things. Does anyone have help for me? Thank you. Hi Mary If you are having both panic attacks and depression, try taking higher dose niacin.

To fully understand niacin's beneficial and useful effects, please read this. How to Take Niacin for Depression and Anxiety. Although niacin Vitamin B3 is the cheapest and best form to take and the form that I take regularly -- it can give you an unpleasant flush effect on your body. You can also take the no-flush niacinamide form. But, as the article in the link above says, niacinamide does not appear to be as good as niacin for relieving depression or anxiety.

Another useful alternative for you to supplement is the no-flush or slow release niacin form called Inositol Hexanicotinate. You can buy this slow release niacin form at any health shop chemist. Try taking this slow release niacin form at mgs twice a day at mealtimes. This should help to rapidly reduce your depression and your anxiety and will also help you to sleep better and you will wake up rested with more energy. I would also take 1 x B50 vitamin complex pill per day with a meal along with higher dose vitamin C mgs three times a day every day as well together with the niacin.

Taking a tablespoon of VCO twice a day with your meals also significantly helps against Alzheimer's. Virgin Coconut Oil and Alzheimer's Disease. Mayo Clinic Niacin Research. I currently take mgs niacin regularly for maintenance and would increase this dose during more stressful periods in my life. That's the way to use niacin. I've also found that supplementing niacin keeps me both calm and clear-thinking. I use niacin for panic attack issues. See "Doctor Yourself" Use of niacin helps with forgetfulness with me.

I also use real ginger as a tea. Ginger is a "driver" and increases circulation. Thank you so much for this information you have given me the most excellent information to help me live again. God bless you always and for taking the time to give me the source of your information, I will go and get asap! Thank you so much for your valuable information. I really want to live and am so tired of this constant fear. Blessings to you always. Someone suffering from dementia styled issued must get off of statins.

They will likely have a shortage of CoQ10 also. EPO is wonderful for helping with all kinds of myelin sheath issues. And dementia styled issues can be linked to that deficiency also. There is a lot of science data on this now. The brain is unable to process glucose which is the main source of energy.

This could have many causes. Our pancreas's may have had it with all our dietary and toxic abuses. But regardless of cause. Excess sugar or carbs that break down to sugar will surely advance things. Also the brain is literally starving for a fuel it can process to create new brain cells. No one knows yet, why these proteins are reverting to abnormal almost virus like proteins. But it is theorized that the Beta Amyloid is actually an immune response.

Which may also explain why no drugs have been able to stop the formation of the Beta Amyloid plaques. Along with dietary changes.

My brother has mid range Frontal Dementia, and he got a huge recovery within 48 hrs of Curcumin capsules. Early onset folks on Youtube show immediate recoveries on even just coconut oil. If you look at the brains of these patients one will see that they look like swiss cheese or dried up fruit. Also consider that we have been told that cholesterol is terrible for our health.

Eggs are the best source for safe cholesterol and he recommends that everyone eats 4 - 6 eggs daily. I have 4 a day and have seen remarkable changes in my health and vitality. With that, I also take fish oil 3 times a day to keep the veins and arteries clear. That oil also helps with brain function. I cannot help but disagree with these findings. Just using common sense. Have you ever seen how chickens live and are tortured by the people who make a living that way?

They allow them no space, debeak them and tear their tail feathers by brutal force. Their food is GMO even if they are "free run". There are some additional practices which hidden from consumer knowledge, would change the minds of many. You are also taking in the subtle part - their suffering that will make up your psyche, the brain and a hidden source of heart disease. This is called "heart bypass" if you understand right. As to anything from the ocean, not what the placard in my grocery store proclaims " The Ocean, a Healthy Place".

North Americans continue as if nothing has or is, happening. Fact is that many newborns have thyroid problems as this radiation affects the young in particular. So people eat food procured by exquisite cruelty, thinking it is for good health. Part of our ocean has died but see how many times the comment "I only eat fish or chicken". We are made up of the five elements as is everything we see. We do it to ourselves and we also experience the results. Many Alzheimer sufferers have in the past put faith in Allopathic meds that actually cause eventually their condition.

Wake Up. I had terrible panic attacks and it was LYME! I didn't dismiss your post because I knew a lady who had Alzheimer's and had gone completely silent. She couldn't find her own room in her own house. Her husband refused to care for her because he had always been a rat basd.

Her kids moved her to a care facility miles away from him. She immediately began to visit, interact and pray for all her new friends. I wouldn't dismiss your observations outright because the causes, like many conditions, can be physical and emotional.

Do silver plated utensils contribute to Alzheimer's? Alzheimer's seems to be caused by the herpes virus!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Doesn't turmeric, since it's antiviral, help prevent Alzheimer's and also help with herpes cold sores?

If a herpes virus does turn out to be one cause of Alzheimer's Disease then the amino acid Lysine could be a useful addition to any treatment regimen as Lysine is quite effective at treating cold sores. Of course the patient studies seem to be of more practical value for those that feel that rodent models of Alzheimer's diease are a poor substitute for the real thing.

Coconut oil also has the ability to inhibit some herpes viruses and there is increasing anecdotal evidence that it can improve the Alzheimer's disease state at doses that are reasonably practical. In the case of melatonin, it is not only an antioxidant itself, but it also acts to activate the bodies own antioxidant system, something that not all antioxidants are capable of. Melatonin also acts in an anti-inflammatory role which is an important aspect of Alzheimer's disease progression.

Melatonin has also shown the ability to protect the human brain from many of the known damaging effects to the brain caused by Alzheimer's disease.

Melatonin also can help alleviate some of the sleeplessness symptoms associated with AD. Another benefit shown in human studies is melatonin's ability to alleviate the symptom refered to as "Sundowning".

The good news is that not only are these supplements generally considered safe, they are readilly available, relatively cheap and are purported to have many other health benefits also! Does anyone know anything about apoaequorin or where to get it? Its a natural protein that clears excess calcium from the brain. One of those nobel prize-winning discoveries that has been suppresed by the Alzheimers industry. This is the best link I can find on it, apologies for any inherent bias.

I saw this quote I actually bought some a couple weeks ago just to experiment with it for cognitive related problems. It seems to get a lot of positive reviews. Regarding Alzheimer's, the beta amyloid always gets mentioned as the culprit. Here is another perspective. Harvard researcher Dr. Stephanie Soscia and her associates may have the answer. Their recently published research questioned why beta amyloid accumulates in the Alzheimer's brain in the first place, and concluded that in fact, the protein actually serves to rid the brain of a variety of bacteria and viruses.

They described beta amyloid as an "antimicrobial peptide" which accumulated in response to an infectious agent. Their work looks upon beta amyloid in a new light as they stated, "If the normal function of beta amyloid is to function as an antimicrobial peptide, then an absence of the peptide may result in increased vulnerability to infection. So perhaps we should reconsider beta amyloid since it has been said that "the enemy of my enemy is my friend This may be more evidence as to the efficacy of Coconut Oil in preventing or treating Alzheimers.

My husband was diagnosed with early onset Alzheimer's. His memory had gotten to the point where he could no longer even take a walk in our neighborhood without getting lost. He was even losing his ability to speak. We started giving him tablespoons of virgin coconut oil in homemade hot cocoa split into cups every day. This improved his memory dramatically.

We then started giving him a mega dose of vitamin B12 sublingually, under the tongue ones that melt. This has almost completely cured his Alzheimer's. He lost many family members to this horrible disease. We asked the Lord to give us the answer, and He surely did. If you are having memory issues, this is the way to go!

The use of cocoa may also contribute an independent beneficial effect. Cocoa powder contains flavonols that improve cognitive function, blood sugar and lipid profile.

Your homemade hot cocoa may be giving a boost. There is nothing sweet that is beneficial for anything. For good health, sugar should not exist even in the smallest amount in any diet. Ask Dr. I wouldn't be so quick to condemn sugar. My dad was also a big sweet eater and he was very sharp up until he died.

I have given a b12 lozenge that contains hydroxycobalamin with a drop of a high-potency folic acid liquid supplement that contains 5 mg per drop on top of the lozenge every day to parents to help dementia. It really does help as some medications depete the body of these nutrients. Gives energy to them. Cognitive thinking. Not any b12 and folic acid will work. Its best to not to supplement with folic acid.

They need to get it naturally from food or take the methylated folate, 5-methyltetrahydrofolate. And most importantly they should avoid foods fortified with folic acid. Excess folic acid reduces immune function and has been found to mask Vitamin B12 deficiency. I totally agree with Kathryn about folic acid, I have read a lot of bad things about this. She is correct when she is talking of folate.

I also sadly disagree with Bill Thompson although I know he is absolutely brilliant, but to tell someone to take mg of niacin made me extremely ill. I phoned a priest once in desperation, he asked me if, when I looked at clocks? Did I get the hands mixed up? Yes I did, he told me to take mg of niacin! Never ever again! I was seriously ill and felt I was fighting for my life. I had to phone my doctor who asked me what I was taking?

I told him "oh various vitamins? He told me to go through each vitamin or pill I was taking? And if the symptoms went I would know which one was causing it? I went through each vitamin and realised it was the niacin! I was so ill I thought I was dying, I was fighting for oxygen, I was boiling hot from head to toe and when I told my doctor he said "who the hell told you to take mg of niacin? Now I cannot tolerate any doctor from the NHS but this doctor was the most wonderful and the only doctor I ever praised.

He was a missionary, white, and had helped people as a missionary in Africa, no matter what was wrong if I mentioned a vitamin or anything at all, he was quite willing to let me try it. At the time I suffered severe depression, chronic anxiety, afraid of people, afraid of what people thought of me, was diagnosed as agrophobic?

No I didn't fear open spaces, this was caused by my sick evil mother who was locked away for two years in a secure mental unit and let out after having 12 ETC treatments only to continue doing what she had already done, I cannot put it on here, the horrific treatment was bad enough all I will say is had the little 6 year old girl been taken away I don't think that little girl would be alive today! A long story, but she had it in for me.

I loved my mum, but I was petrified of her sick evil mind, and she knew it, I turned to a priest In desperation who thought I had the symptoms of hypoglycaemia? Whatever he thought, the mg of niacin made me feel so ill, even my doctor knew about niacin and said I should have started off slow.

No one should ever start off with a high dosage of mg. As for coconut oil? I think this has been hyped up. I am a 71 year old lady who spent over 31 years dominated by my evil sick mother, whom I still loved very much, but in no way do I have any signs of alzheimers disease.

I think if you keep active, do crosswords, keep your mind adjusted it really helps. I am one of the most intelligent people anyone will ever meet, I can recall anything from the age of 3 years! Every day a memory comes back to me from 3 years of age and I will relive that situation again again and again! I honestly don't think coconut oil will improve a serious illness like alzheimers disease, neither do I think a dominant personality causes it.

I am one of the most gentle, loving, caring people anyone could wish to meet, I will do anything for anyone despite what they have done to me, and willing to forgive, not that it ever worked, I have 13 letters after my name, been under so called psychiatrists whom I had to correct their every mistake and was shocked when I requested my medical records as to what girls in their 20s had put about me, which I felt was totally sick and certainly untrue.

I stopped taking mg of Niacin, simply because I really felt I was dying, I was literally near to collapse, and although I know there is a doctor who has saved many people with psychiatric disorders I too have been there with 31 years of chronic tranquiliser addiction, fighting to pretend I was normal in the face of the medical profession who almost took my life away with their ridiculous writings in their notes!

I was cleverer than any of them. I had to fight to stay sane! And I won! I know Bill is highly thought of but I beg anyone who is going to attempt to take niacin, if you know what I went through, please start at a very low dose. I honestly don't think coconut oil will help people with alzheimers disease? I am a researcher and have spent years going from website to website and made many notes of any serious illnesses, and I read of a man who actually cured his wife of alzheimers disease.

It was cheap and to him it worked? Now I don't know about that but it is worth a try? The problem is I write everything I find that will help absolutely anyone, I take notes, but at the moment having hundreds of so called cured for cancer, etc, etc, I have mislaid it, but as soon as I find it I will put it on earth clinic? Now if it doesn't work then it wont, and if it does that would be brilliant, you see I have a male friend who breaks down every time he sees his sister who is suffering with severe alzheimers disease, he is suffering more than her, and if I can help my friend, I will do just that!

I have never charged a penny for anything I do, and have even bought medicine to help people with no charge. My aim in life is to help others unconditionally. I have been coming to Earth clinic for many years, and I also tell anyone I know if you have a problem go to earth clinic and just type in what is wrong with you?

Sadly I was chronically ill 3 days ago, so I came online, I wrote down every single thing in an attempt to help myself, but not one single thing worked, not one!

But I am willing to try and what didn't work for me could work for others! Alzheimers is a terrible illness, and so sad to see someone you love who doesn't recognise you, can be heartbreaking so I know where each and everyone of you is coming from, you are looking for answers, and I think that is wonderful. Don't give up! Like I said, what works for some wont work for others, but please, niacin is probably a wonderful thing, but please take it very slow, I really thought I was dying and my wonderful doctor and the only one I ever believed in tried so hard to help me but I did it all myself.

Even today, I have 5 Polish half sisters who I've done so much for, I cannot believe what they have done to me, they don't care if I live or die, but I don't care about them anymore, I am a better person than they will ever be, because I will help anyone I can, no matter what creed, colour or race, if I can find what a man said that cured his wife in two weeks, I will put in it earth clinic, now like I said I have no idea if it will work? But it is cheap and worth a try?

As I don't have anyone neither have I ever had of anyone in my family suffering with alzheimers disease. I finally joined a few days ago, around 9th August, but I can assure you every time something is wrong with me, I come straight on earth clinic? And I have to admit, I feel I owe Earth clinic and its members a very big thank you when I thought I was suffering with a heart attack and had no one to help me?

My chest was on fire, like a block in the centre of my chest. The pain was unbearable, it turned out to be chronic acid reflux? I rushed out of my computer room and swigged a dose of gherkin vinegar? Yes, I was violently sick, but it took all the massive heat from my chest, and although it took me two days to recover, I felt without the help of the wonderful people on Earth Clinic, I could have been in a worse situation.

Try whatever you can, no matter how silly or trivial it sounds whether it be coconut oil or anything else, all I am saying is, alzheimers disease is a very serious illness and I simply cannot see how coconut oil could assist?

I know of many people that are losing their hair with the long term use of coconut oil and I value my hair! So no! I won't touch coconut oil in an form any more than I will horsetail, licorice herb etc, and nuts that people are taking in extremel quantities? Too much of anything can do more harm than good? Start off slowly with anything.

Now if I can find what I read about alzheimers disease I will certainly come back to Earth clinic and will write down what I took notes off. May I wish you all the very best and hope you find your cures in whatever ails you. Rosina from London, United Kingdom x.

Rosina, I am so sorry you suffered as your mother was struggling with life. It is true that one man's help is another mans poison. I cannot eat salmon or olive oil. My stomach goes into absolute fits and swells out like a balloon.

I use coconut oil for my memory and for me it works best with some sugar. My mother has no memory and knows nothing at 81 yrs of age. My brother cares for her and he will inherit the estate for his time and energy. She was mentally ill as long as I can remember and quite intelligent all the while she was out of her mind. It affected all of her children, who self medicated with street drugs as youth.

My brothers drink and drug. My sis and I just use supplements trying to get our health back. I hope you find the sweet spot with your supplements and friends where your life is filled with JOY. Love, Charity. Here some publshed articles about the implication of chronic bacterial infections in neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer:. The funny things is the company Kenrico already patented Nattokinase for Alzheimer disease, because the enzyme digests the biofilms of Chlamydia pneumoniae and abviously the amyloid proteins are nothing but something related to Chlamydia biofilms in the brain in the second article.

I have found so many articles about MS and lyme disease. I will post the articles when I have more time. But it's interesting to know that the so called chronic disease can be treatable if the medical community and the pharmaceutical companies focused in the causes rather than symptoms. These pharmaceutical companies hire brilliant talented young scientists and I'm pretty sure they know all about this.

If you were diagnosed with alzhiemers.. A few years ago a doctor would tell you to start smoking! He didnt know why nicotine halted or slowed the onset.. But it might be the antifungal properties of nicotine got through the the blood brain barrier.. And disrupted a possible fungal trigger? The possibility that Parkinsons and altzhiemers are the same..

Is well worth considering as Parkinsons can progress on to alzhiemers. So perhaps methyl blue might be a consideration as for parkinsons.

A study published in describes success using water soluble cinnamon extract to reduce plaques and improve cognitive ability in animal models of Alzheimer's Disease. Has anyone tried water soluble cinnamon extract to address Alzheimer's disease? Note: Do not confuse water soluble cinnamon extract with cinnamon oil.

The researchers make this distinction in the last paragraph of the introduction. I will post every month, but my Father has severe Alzheimers, is 76 and it was downright scary. Forward 6 weeks later now, and three tablespoons of extra virgin coconut oil each and every day, his symptoms have improved so much that I think we are all still stunned.

I will keep this thread alive with my posts to let everyone know what is going on with his progress. I overcame gallstones myself, so our family has had a little awakening at how certain foods can have such a vast affect on our bodies to make them well again.

It's much too early to tell which way my Father is going as he is quite stubborn, but so far, it's hard to believe his progress. Will post every month or so and keep everyone updated, but today he did a happy dance that made us all burst out with laughter. If you could have seen him about 6 weeks ago, you would swear he was on his last legs.

Hi Stevenson - what great news about your father! I truly hope to see monthly updates from you as "The Big A" is the real worry I have about getting older. As I've aged, I realize that 76 is not old at all - that's just 20 years from now, for me, and the time will pass in a flash! Hi Linda. That's true, time just moves so fast now it seems. Yes, really wonderful news for him, but also for us, as it's not easy seeing someone you love wither away like that. I'm about to start this for my father, And myself, Might not be alzheimers or dementia, but he has severe memory issus and mine is getting bad.

Must be genetic but I'll be dammed if I let the Monsanto madness take me out like that. Thanks for this thread and best of luck with your efforts. I want to know the exact amount of coconut oil to be given to the patient with Alzheimers. You can start with a teaspoon twice a day, and after a week increase to a tablespoon times a day.

It's easier to take if you melt the VCO first. Simply place the entire container of VCO in a pan of hot water. VCO becomes liquid at 76 degrees. Then you can easily measure out a teaspoon or tablespoon. This is a video that everyone should see about Coconut Oil for Alzheimer's. Everyone needs to see this video. The sequester budget cuts which are to go into affect here in the USA on March 1, would include millions if i'm not mistaken in research on Alzheimer's Disease over the next decade.

If this happened, there would be a push to make C. For those on the road less traveled, the word is out that Coconut Oil is very beneficial for Alz, as well as Thyroid and Immune disorders.

Thanks for the link. I was shocked by the amount of coconut oil they were putting into the food, though. I wouldn't think it safe to take doses that large. Unfortunately, the video article didn't mention how much is recommended per day, which would have been useful information.

What concerns could there possibly be of too much coconut oil? Beats drugs. And coconut oil is healthy and not fattening taken in conjunction with a ow carb diet. Besides my Dad is 87 and could use some added weight. Well, I do have to watch my caloric intake as I have always had to struggle to maintain my weight. The size of the serving in the video was HUGE.

That's over calories! And while the benefits of coconut oil 'sound' promising, the reality is, that there are no scientific studies to support the claims. ALL of the current info is anecdotal. So coconut oil will not cause weight gain but the coconut oil will actually help with weight loss.

Coconut is actually very good in aiding weight loss. Just don't take it before bedtime if you are aiming to lose weight. My father was recently diagnosed with Alzheimer's.

We knew as far back as 10 years ago something was wrong. His sister just died of the disease a year ago. This is after my father followed the politically correct lipid hypothosis version of nutrition that forbade meat, eggs, animal fats The very foods that nourish the brain. He also had a diet high in sugary snacks. Once my father was "officially" diagnosed my parents began to finally listen to my diet advice.

I have since put my father on coconut oil building up to three TBS three times a day , phosphatidylserene and vitamin B3. One theory of Alzheimer's Disease is that it is a type of diabetes.

It has been discovered the brain makes is own insulin sugar regulating factor, I'll call it. If there is a problem with the brain making it, or the cells of the brain not being senstive to it, then the sugar the brain needs for fuel will not be available. Cells begin to weaken and die.

When enough cells have been affected symptoms appear, but the damage begins decades earlier. The alternative fuel the brain can use besides sugar is ketones, produced by the body from coconut oil. The other two supplements I listed with the coconut oil are important for strengthening aspects of the brain cells themselves, simply put. My dad also takes many other general nutritional supplements like liver copper, vitamin A and iodine in the form of kelp, but I use Lugol's , eggs minerals and choline, vital for the brain , meat, raw milk, limited whole grains, fresh vegetables, fruits limited sea salt, vitamin D, B12, cod liver oil vitamins A and D , magnesium, vitamin C.

He is in otherwise very good health other than weight being low due to Alzheimer's Disease. He haas good BP, heart rate, etc. Science Fair Project Idea. Balloon-Powered Car Challenge. Juice Balls: The Science of Spherification. Tallest Paper Tower Challenge. Ball Launcher Challenge. What's the Best Container for Elephant Toothpaste? Explore Our Science Videos. Log in to add favorite More Menu Read More Show Others Like This Science Fair Project Idea If you live in a place that gets cold in the winter, you have probably seen trucks out spreading a mixture of sand and salt on the streets after a snowfall to help de-ice the road.

Have you ever wondered how this works? This basic chemistry project can give you some clues. A balloon-powered car is pushed forward by air escaping from a balloon, and it is fun and easy to build with materials you already have around your house.

Can you imagine how you would want your own balloon-powered car to look? Can you design a car that will travel as far as possible? You can even measure your car's speed using your smartphone and Google's Science Journal app. Instead, try snacking on it! Use the steps and recipes in this food science project to transform drinks into semi-solid balls that pop in your mouth.

The technique is called spherification and it is part of a larger food science trend called molecular gastronomy� but we just call it yummy science! Many commercials claim these filters make your drinking water cleaner and safer. But what, exactly, are these filters doing and is the water really cleaner afterwards? The cleaning power comes from their filling material, called activated carbon.

It exists in all kind of forms: powder, granules, foams, and blocks. Do you think it matters what type of activated carbon is inside the filter? Your tower must also support a heavy weight at the top without collapsing. Follow the contest rules to try it out and enter the Fluor Engineering Challenge! Teachers, lesson plan versions of this challenge are also available. At school with your friends? When you are out for a bike ride?

Over 2, years ago, a scientist named Archimedes got one of his best ideas when he sat down in his bath. He went running through the streets without even bothering with his clothes. What was he so excited about? He had discovered that when objects, like his body, are placed in water, water is pushed out of the way. Have you noticed that, too?

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