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This is so timely for me. I have been subscribed be email to the New York time morning and evening updates for a long time. This article inspired me to unsubscribe, so thanks! As a former journalist, this practice used to be mandatory for me.

While it kept me informed, however, it was also incredibly draining. I believe that there is a way to mindfully watch the news, but it necessitates a calm, resilient mindset, a good BS detector, discernment of which channels deliver relatively unbiased news vs.

This post comes at the most opportune moment; the U. Question for those that have successfully quit; what have you used in replacement, in order to maintain awareness about what matters to you?

As a former teacher, I liked to remind my students that the news particularly TV was not a window on the world as most thought, but a microscope. There is no substitute for getting out into the real world. I quit watching the news over a dozen years ago. Now if I find myself trapped into watching it a waiting room, a friends house, etc I have a strong urge to escape.

I liken it to reality tv, which I despise. As for the important issues, I manage to come across them from various sources that are more meaningful and truly informative. Not watching the news has left me better informed overall I would have to say.

I resurfaced to check on the presidential election and had a lot of anxiety as a result. I still sometimes jolt awake with fear about how things are proceeding in the US. I voted. The news is harmful to me. I will not discuss your points but I do not agree on everything. One example, how are the US people get to know on whom they should vote for as the new president? As you point out, the news is valueless but where can you find any general neutral information which helps you to make you vote?

I think that most of what is printed shows the writers opinion more or less, as well as your own writing on the matter of news. There might be a fox hidden behind your left ear :- In order to be able to take part in any demonstration och sending money for saving children in the Syrian war � you have to be informed somehow today, not waiting for any printed book on these matters.

You have to see some news � trouble is having interpreted what i says. Best regards, Ante Sewerin. There are plenty of better sources on current events � generally written journalism is deeper than TV news. It is unthinkable to many people, but news is not a requirement to live.

My theory makes no sense whatsoever, since as you say, nothing at all is accomplished by merely learning about a situation. This troubles me, but reading the news lately has made me incredibly scared and anxious.

Hi Ani. Hitlers happen whether or not people watch the news. I quit news about 9 years ago and can confirm the findings in your article. It is hard to convincente people to quit the habit. Love to read you, keep it up! I disconinued my cable TV service about a month ago and watch no network TV or news now. I used to turn it on every morning and evening and watch news or whatever.

Now I feel an urge to sit down and turn the TV on and then realize that it is not there to indulge in anymore and I move on to something else. There was originally a sixth point in this article, which I cut for length, but you touched on it here.

For many or most viewers, the news is a kind of indulgence. We use it a weird kind of entertainment � we want to see drama, we like to hate villains, we like to be emotionally aligned with or against certain ideas or groups of people. This tells me as much as I need to know about all the things in the world that do not directly affect me and which I cannot directly affect, i. At the risk of derailing this thread because it refers to the recent U.

There is a common-sense reason that will make you laugh when you hear it. Here it is. You have to wonder how-the-hell someone could act so inappropriately, sexist, racist, whatever. You have to simultaneously doubt it happened while believing it happened. When people do predictable things, in character, it is not news.

It does come across a bit confusing if taken literally. You have hit more than one nail on the head with this article, makes me feel not so alone in not wanting to be any part of the news environment; it just leads to bad feelings, mind fog, and depression.

Thanks for this really thoughtful piece of writing. I had been riveted to the US elections, but would good did that do me? Cheers, Ingrid, NZ. Oh the other thing I was reading the other day was that the world has become too complex for people to process. I would have to agree with that, and watching the news can just make us feel completely powerless as if wars, earthquakes, train crashes killing 20 people and disasters are happening all around us.

There is only so much suffering we can witness. Are you reading Sapiens by Yuval Harari? Our brains are geared for keeping track of about a hundred people and their relationships, yet technology has made it possible to learn bits about far off lands and millions of different lives. Would pre-electricity people really have been better off if they could know what horrible things are happening across the ocean? Yeah � NO! Bright Blessings! Great article.

I gave up the news a couple of years ago. I feel much better for it. I stay in touch with things by reading longer articles in the London Review of Books, and also Private Eye, both of which are excellent publications.

Very true Peter. Those papers are pure poison. I thought it impossible to stop Radio 4 in the morning but just listening to music feels so much better. I will give the London Review of Books a go. I quit the news almost 7 years ago I still listen to genuinely informative programs, on public radio, on occasion and I almost immediately felt lighter and more at ease!

Thanks for the confirmation and the encouragement, David! In the wake of the recent US election, I quickly realized that I could not be so well-informed and also sustain my mental health. So I quit reading news, quit Facebook, and very consciously put my head in the sand.

A friend pointed out to me that by reposting news stories on Facebook that I was becoming part of that cycle. That observation has a lot to do with why I bowed out. If more people could cut out the landslide of misinformation, lies, and general manipulation of the media they would cease to be soldiers of the media. Reality is what the majority rules it to be in many cases and even those of us conscious of the insidious nature of news media fail to keep up the marathon of sourcing and fact checking necessary to safely repeat something or use it to form a firm opinion.

But it is just a deeper medium than news to begin with. The consumers and producers are both bringing much more effort and thought to the transaction. Hi David, Such a brilliant post with all points covered. I have realised that the news over recent years and particularly this year with Brexit here in the UK and Trump here in the world has led to an internal meltdown for what I can process. Today was the first day I turned off. I was in the last camp calm and have been reusing the Seinfeldian Tracking which is brilliant to keep on sitting.

So now I will have 2 crosses per day in red! On a side note I would be interested to know if you track multiple things in this way? Thanks Again for this great post. In the past I have had trouble trying to track more than one thing at a time with the seinfeldian method, because it loses the definiteness that makes it so useful.

If you get one crossed off but not the other, is that a good day? If you miss one it seems like permission to miss the other. But that might just be my own bad attitude :. Also the comic and crosswords page was cool.

Back in Europe however I will try again to avoid as much news as possible� Nothing to learn from the news there�. That is really interesting, the way it separated the delivery of information from the emotional attachments. Thanks for posting this comment. I stopped following news about my own profession I am a university professor because they were making me hate the profession.

For some reason, reporting news brings out the worse about almost anything. Perhaps because it is always one-sided and superficial; perhaps because it tends to overplay the worse bickering between people.

I do not know. But to me at least is depressing. And unhelpful. Great thing about skipping the news is, you can always catch up on it later. Even much later � and through the lens of hindsight. Skip the news for the first fifty years and then catch up. Just the important stuff will remain. Invades Grenada!

You could probably knock it all out in an afternoon. Then on to the next fifty. Good point. They reexamine news stories from past decades that were huge at the time, and very often the original story was completely wrong, overblown or more complex than it was portrayed. Much of the so-called news is just begging to be deconstructed. Once we look past the driving forces that manipulate the minds of the masses, it is obvious to see their means of control.

Unaware, we are simply pawns in their world. There is a way. Great post � all my life I have been a news junkie. After the recent election, I stopped cold turkey and am better for it. In retrospect, it was really a way to escape the Boats And Streams Aptitude Formulas Outlook now.

Your observations are spot on, thanks for capturing a feeling I have had for a long time. I take great solace in seeing others recognize the same Keep up the posts! I quit watching or reading the news regularly over 6 years ago.

I now use a quick email from TheSkimm daily to keep up with everyday conversations, but beyond that I avoid it as much as possible. I switched over to reading monthly magazines, listening to NPR and, later, a few trusted websites. All tend to focus on the bigger picture and less on the daily noise. However, when I did watch TV, I noticed the same overriding negativity you mentioned.

During my travels I noticed that news programs in every city followed the same formula I some various arrangements of the following order :. Cover all the bad things that happened in your City 2. Cover all the bad things that happened in your State 3. Cover all the bad things that happened in the Country 4. Cover all the bad things that happened in the World. Sports 6a. What the weather will be like tomorrow finally something I can use.

I agreed with every word you said up there. Economic and political progress, renewable energy, the decline of war and violence, animal recoveries, some wonderful conservation successes, more sustainability, more generosity, and amazing strides forward for global health.

Probably one of the best articles written on this I have ever read confirmation bias I suppose. Apropos for the media times we live in. The commodification of news is now complete what with the major outlets getting Trump all but elected for the sake of revenue.

And like porn, it encourages people to be satisfied watching something that is meant to be experienced directly and first-hand ie our world. Very interesting article � and a timely one too. I read widely � books, opinion pieces, blogs, and yes, news websites.

The Economist and the Wall Street Journal are pretty unbiased sources of quality journalism. The Economist, in particular. The News part of WSJ is actually pretty unbiased of course, it is biased towards business!

The opinion-editorial pages are garbage, as you suggest. Thank you for this. Thanks for sharing it Adam. Once you step outside the news market it seems crazy how committed people are to this idea that news is a moral requirement for a respectable adult.

Unfortunately reading self-help books is almost like watching news, feeling less guilty about wasting your time. People hardly need more than one or two and frankly, the majority of self-help books is just a money-milking cows for their authors. I guess we should all just ignore the state of the world because it has nothing to offer us. Why bother calling your state representative or joining a boycott? Just let the politicians we elect and the big businesses we support handle all the pressing matters of our time, because they always have the best interests of the common person in mind.

And so what about that emergency food or product recall? Some violent offenders escaped from prison nearby and are on the loose? A child was recently abducted in my town and police have released the make and model of the car that was used?

Ignoring reality is just easier sometimes. It seems you missed the point on this one Greg. For things that immediately impact you like the weather or an amber alert or recalls, the news stations can be useful because they will play this information. You can find this information on the internet too. The author is not saying all news watching is pointless and bad. I read way more than I watch news because typically someone who has taken the time to write a book on say the environment or politics or social issues, has actually taken time to think meaningfully about it and is way more informative than a news piece written up that day.

I am much more informed on the state of the world by reading books by people who are experiencing it, have lived through it, and have researched it rather than news reporters driven by ratings and sensationalism. Ignoring the news is not equivalent to ignoring reality, and the fact that you and many other people see them as the same thing is exactly the point.

Did you even read the article? There are plenty of resources to get news. A simple radio where you can listen to NPR will also get you any weather emergency updates you need. I have quite watching news from last 3 years. I feel great now. If anytime for any reason I watch any news on any serious topic mostly negative , I feel my tension is growing.

I start to feel hopeless. So, I am happy as unconcern. Moreover I used that time on my career. That time has really paid me back. My biggest concern for quitting news is about my investment decisions.

How would you guys would know stock investments, general state of economy without following news? Surely there are better sources of information on making investment decisions than the news.

This one is tricky, as I prefer to stay away from the news in this aspect as well, but a lot of markets are about at-scale reactions to simple and frivolous, fear-mongering, you get the idea things that news provides. A big part of investment is psychology: what do other investors feel about a particular investment.

That is heavily influenced by the news. Though it has a provocative headline, this commentary seems frivolous. So, quit CNN. Quit FOX. Staying informed requires some effort. And the crappy outlets are the easiest. And cheapest. So, seek out legitimate journalism. From a variety of sources. Our country will be better off with a more-informed populace. Not less. But the generalization here of the news is flawed.

Furthermore, that generalization is irresponsible. Great thoughts, David. Other forms of media have their own strengths and weaknesses, e. I agree we should seek out quality information, and I do. I am interested in what happens in this world. But the criticisms I made here still stand. Why is it better to keep abreast of 50 issues superficially instead of one to a meaningful depth of knowledge?

I quit the news over 15 years ago, and it was the, literally, the best decision of my life. I realized that news is mostly someone coming into your home and telling you something awful, frequently wrong, sensational, biased, fear mongering, or, for local news in particular, stupid.

As someone who went from reading the Boston Globe every day, watching the local news, and catching HNN for 30 minutes a few times a day back when they were still a news network to a complete stop years ago, I find people look at me funny when I tell them I stopped watching the news after they bring up some current story or bit of trivia they saw recently.

Reminds me of all the articles I read on how fear increases consumerism and how the media plays a role in that. Get off the mainstream feartising media and feel a whole lot better. Quitting news made me a better listener at the water cooler conversations. It is my new source now. I quit watching the news a long time ago because of all the reasons this article states. And also the stuff you should be informed of is kept from you.

When I moved to another country, I automatically stopped watching the news. I agree with everything espoused here and actively discuss these points with other people who try to guilt-trip me into consuming more news, regardless of source. Also, point 5 is particularly well-taken. Should it? Part of me was happy to not have to sling the b. I think the FOMO aspect is a big reason people are averse to quitting.

But as you know there is hardly any sense of missing out once you ditch it. Many people need that shared piece of reality to keep somewhat safe and in control.

This topic is discussed frequently on the No Agenda podcast, by John C. Dvorak and Adam C. I like the premise of this article. The media the vast majority of the media is a cesspool of misinformation and manipulation. On the balance, I found more misinformation than information. For example,. That circus was obviously false.

A faked dossier? The media drives their prejudice aggressively without question. I could go on and this crap is never challenged! Check your national stats register to confirm these figures. Alternatively, set a filter in Google for 1 Jan to 31 Dec and search on text or images to confirm what is being said eg. Domestic violence reporting ignores male victims in every media outlet I could find.

Manipulation and personal attacks. Prior to the election in the US, I was trying to compare policies of the 2 leading candidates. Anyone that supported Trump was an idiot and poor white trash. I can accept bad news. I can accept news of natural disasters. I am tired of the aggressive gender bullying that loathes the white male. I gave up on mainstream media a year ago. However, I scrutinise my media outlets very carefully.

However, I take some reporting from Al Jazeera with a grain of salt. I think your are right to an extend, but it heavily depends on what kind of news you watch. If you only watch the rolling news channels for example, then yes, you are spot on. However, there are some news programmes that take a more thoughtful ad analytical approach. At least, that is the case in the UK.

Perhaps what you are really complaining about, is the state of news in the United States? Good stuff, I agree with everything after 2 years of not watching TV.

I would like to add something to the argument. And facebook viral posts� And youtube� And Netflix�. Be mindful about the information that you are exposed to, and try to filter the input.

The news are just a part of it. As the others have said, the mainstream news is just sensationalist chewing gum for the masses. Yes, the news is ugly, yes is can make one feel sad and hopeless. Did you read the article? Quitting the news is only quitting a particular kind of information product.

Why not learn about five or six issues to a meaningful level of depth by reading books, rather than keep superficial tabs on a hundred issues, understanding none of them and then forgetting them in three weeks anyway? We got rid of the tv when our kids were born.

Too much toxicity comes screaming through the screen from the mainstream news. When I want that kind of stuff in my life I can turn on sports talk radio or listen to death metal! Thanks Rob. For some reason the email list signup will not accept an riseup. This is a well-known non-profit email server with a long history of helping grassroots causes. Can you modify your email list signup so that it will accept riseup.

Quitting tv and getting those hrs back every day is life-changing�. I choose where to read or listen or watch the news. I read articles that interest me � I still use the BBC website for news but have grown very alarmed at the lowest common denominator approach.

Sensationalism, fear factor, some items are not well researched in terms of balance or sometimes fact, therefore the picture is distorted to make it news worthy, Who decides what topics make the lengthy headlines and what news is not deemed worthy, of time of inclusion. I still like Radio 4 news, but I do not regularly watch listen or read.

My withdrawal from mainstream has happened over the last 4 years, but I am very interested in world and home news, but being interested in the state of UK politics, I feel the BBC is biased towards those in power, after all they hold the purse strings.

By all means, stop watching American junk news. But you betray your poor critical thinking and general ignorance when you make it clear that junk news is the only news you know. Journalism is important and there are journalists doing wonderful things.

The deeper the information they can give us, the more useful it is. We all have to choose what information is worth our time. The sense is one of having a wider perspective rather than more distance. I find myself thinking a lot more about things that are happening more directly around me � as if one sort of information had been crowding out the other. Some of these projects could be more useful to the world than whatever would come out of reading the news.

They have no special access to things. I think the most important point you make is that people can get a mistaken sense of causality. This is why you need to stay engaged. I have a civic duty to be a good citizen. These are all great points, thank you. Real-time sense information is the most vital information we have, and shutting out the circus makes it come alive again. I totally disagree with almost everything you said here. I have been a news junkie since the eighties, then got into it, in news gathering and covering events.

I am better informed on many issues, such as health matters, politics and many other things. If you are unable to sort out the propaganda and PR fodder by now then it means you have been watching the wrong channel way too long. It is your job to select an alternative to get you the best sources and evaluate them. That is what the way they want you to be.

Since the anti Vietnam war demonstrations in the sixties, the US establishment has been working to undermine any way US students could interfere in US foreign policies.

A lot of this stuff can apply to any news, not just the news you get on the main channels. If you have all this time to read around then good for you but I doubt many people do. The bastions of journalistic integrity lol. If we read of one man robbed, or murdered, or killed by accident, or one house burned, or one vessel wrecked, or one steamboat blown up, or one cow run over on the Western Railroad, or one mad dog killed, or one lot of grasshoppers in the winter, � we need never read of another.

One is enough. If you are acquainted with the principle, what do you care for a myriad instances and applications? Your essay is just about perfect. The Avoid News concept needs all the support we can give it. My big break with the national TV news came while watching the Twin Towers burn. I was watching and watching and hearing the same things and seeing the same things over and over again and realized it was just like being hypnotized and I really was not learning anything.

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  4. sebuhi writes:
    Sleek exterior made of fiberglass frame and keel and accommodate.
  5. streetracer writes:
    Fishing, and all watersport small paper boats as well as rising.