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Software Engineer in Test Interview Questions | CareerCup

Landing a tech job sdet interview questions google 100 Google is no easy feat. So, how can you prepare for the coding interview? What interview questions should prepare for? Our team of experts has gathered the most commonly asked interview questions at top tech companies and incorporated them into a carefully crafted set of scenarios for you to learn. The entire Google interview process takes around two months to complete and consists of five interviews sdet interview questions google 100 total.

For the interviews, there will primarily be three question formats: system design, general analysis, and technical skills.

Prescreen: The first interview consists of a prescreening ogogle a Questionns employee, which will last 45 - 60 minutes. In this interview, the interviewer will test you on your knowledge of data structures and algorithms. On-site interviews: If you past the prescreen, you will be invited to an on-site interview, in which you will be interviewed by employees for 45 minutes.

These interviews will more rigorously test your knowledge of data structures and algorithms. Typically, you will be writing code on a Google Doc or whiteboard. Decision: Based on your performance, you will be scored on a scale between 1 and 4, with 3 being the minimum threshold to hire.

Overall, Google wants to sdef your technical and logical application sdet interview questions google 100 computer science. Here are some popular topics to review before your interview:. Design a class to efficiently find the Kth largest element in a stream of numbers.

The constructor of the class should accept an integer array sdet interview questions google 100 initial googls from the stream and an integer K. The class should expose a function add int num which will store the given number and return the Kth qusetions number. So, we want to use a min-heap instead of a max-heap, which would be used for Kth smallest number.

As we know, the root is the smallest element in the min heap. So, we can compare every yoogle with root as we iterate through each number. If the number is bigger than root, we will swap the two. We will repeat this process until we have iterated through ever number.

Return sdet interview questions google 100 numbers in the sorted order. Here is our approach to the problem:. Given an array of integers and a value, determine if there are any two integers in the array whose sum is equal to the given quesions. Return true if the sum exists and return false if it does not. In this Sdet Interview Questions Google Account solution, you can use the following algorithm to find a pair that add up sedt the target say val.

We are given the head of a linked list and a key. We have to delete the node that contains this given key. The following two examples elaborate on this problem sdet interview questions google 100. Runtime complexity: O n Sdet interview questions google 100 n O n.

Space complexity: O 1 O 1 O 1. First, we have to find the key in the linked list. If the key is found gooogle the linked list, then the current pointer would be pointing to the node containing the key to be deleted. The previous should be pointing to the node before the key node.

This can be done in a linear scan and we can simply update current and previous pointers as we iterate through the linked list. You are given a linked list where the node has two pointers. The first is the regular next pointer. Your job is to write code to make a deep copy of the given linked list. Here, deep copy inteview that any operations on the original list inserting, sset and removing should not affect the quesions list.

For this problem, we will use a map to track the arbitrary nodes pointed by the original list. Then, we create a deep copy of the original linked list in two passes.

For the sdet interview questions google 100 pass, we create a copy of the original linked list. The below example shows how the mirrored binary tree should look like.

This problem is quite straightforward. For this algorithm, we will utilize a post order traversal of the binary tree. For each node, we will swap its left and right child.

Given the roots of two binary trees, determine if these trees are identical or not. Identical trees have the same layout and data sdet interview questions google 100 each node.

This problem can be tackled using recursion. The base case of the recursive solution would be when both nodes being compared are null sdet interview questions google 100 one of them is null. Using recursion, we can solve this problem through a depth-first traversal on both trees simultaneously while comparing the data at each node.

You are given a dictionary of words and a large input string. You have to find out whether the input string can be completely segmented into the words of a given dictionary. The following two examples elaborate on the problem. This problem can be tackled by segmenting the input questiojs at every possible index to see if the string can be completely segmented into words in the dictionary.

We can use an algorithm as intervirw. We will iterate through each gooyle in the input string. For each letter, we can find palindromes by expanding to the left and right will we check for even sdet interview questions google 100 odd sdet interview questions google 100 palindromes.

If there are no palindromes, move to the next letter. We find palindromes by checking if the left and right sdet interview questions google 100 are equal. If they are, we print out the palindrome qufstions. Practice as you learn with hands-on coding environments inside your browser. In the array below, the largest sum subarray starts at index 3 and ends at 6, and with the largest sum being The algorithm works by scanning an entire array sdet interview questions google 100 at each position find the maximum sum interviw the subarray ending.

Sdet interview questions google 100 algorithm is as follows:. Given an input questionx, determine if it makes a valid number or not. For simplicity, assume that white spaces are not present in the input. If the state ever ends up at quesyions or in a decimal, the number is not valid. Print all braces combinations for a questoons value n so that they are balanced. See the example.

The algorithm can be seen. It defines the policy to evict elements from the cache to make room for new elements when the cache is full, meaning it discards the least Sdet Interview Questions Google Uk recently used items. To implement an LRU cache we use two data structures: a hashmap and a doubly linked list. A doubly linked list helps in maintaining the eviction order and a hashmap helps with O 1 lookup of cached keys.

Here goes the algorithm for 1100 cache. Note that the doubly linked list is used to keep track of sdet interview questions google 100 most recently accessed elements. The element at the tail of the doubly linked list is the most recently accessed element. All newly inserted elements in put go the tail of the list.

Similarly, any element accessed in get operation goes to the tail of the list. Given an array of integers nums sorted in ascending order, find the starting and ending position of a given target value. Scanning the array in a linear fashion would be highly voogle because knterview array size could be in the millions.

Instead, we will use binary search twice: once to find the questtions index and once to find the high index. If the element at mid is greater or equal to the key, the high becomes mid - 1. Index at low remains the. When low is greater than high, low would be pointing to the first occurrence of the key.

If the element at low does not match googls key, return This problem can be solved utilizing a simple linear search algorithm, since we already know that inputs are qiestions by starting timestamps. Given a binary tree and a sum, determine if the tree has a root-to-leaf path such that adding intwrview all sdet interview questions google 100 values along the path equals the given sum. See qyestions for an example. This would require a linear scan, O n.

The difference between these i. If the linked list has 0 or 1 nodes, then the current list can be returned as is. If there are two or more nodes, then the iterative approach starts with two pointers:.

This becomes the last node of the reversed linked list. The current node becomes the new head of the reversed linked list. The loop terminates when we sedt NULL. Congratulations on finishing these problems!

Here are some more common coding interview questions to practice.


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Learn more about Beta Testing here. Gamma testing is done when the software is ready for release with specified requirements. It is done at the client place. It is done directly by skipping all the in-house testing activities. Smoke Testing is done to make sure if the build we received from the development team is testable or not.

Sanity Testing is done during the release phase to check for the main functionalities of the application without going deeper. It is also called as a subset of Regression testing. To ensure that the defects which were found and posted in the earlier build were fixed or not in the current build.

Say, Build 1. Test team found some defects Defect Id 1. Build 1. Repeated testing of an already tested program, after modification, to discover any defects introduced or uncovered as a result of the changes in the software being tested or in another related or unrelated software components.

Read a detailed guide on Regression Testing. Regression Testing: Testing team re-execute the tests against the modified application to make sure whether the modified code breaks anything which was working earlier. Confirmation Testing: Usually testers report a bug when a test fails. Dev Team releases a new version of the software after the defect is fixed. Now the testing team will retest to make sure the reported bug is actually fixed or not.

Graphical User Interface Testing is to test the interface between the application and the end user. Recovery testing is performed in order to determine how quickly the system can recover after the system crash or hardware failure. It comes under the type of non-functional testing. Globalization is a process of designing a software application so that it can be adapted to various languages and regions without any changes.

Localization is a process of adapting globalization software for a specific region or language by adding local specific components. It is to check whether the application is successfully installed and it is working as expected after installation. It is a process where the testers test the application by having pre-planned procedures and proper documentation. Identify the modules or functionalities which are most likely cause failures and then testing those functionalities.

It is to deploy and check whether the application is working as expected in a different combination of environmental components. Usually, this process will be carried out by domain experts. They perform testing just by exploring the functionalities of the application without having the knowledge of the requirements. Perform abnormal action on the application deliberately in order to verify the stability of the application.

To verify whether the application is user-friendly or not and was comfortably used by an end user or not. The main focus in this testing is to check whether the end user can understand and operate the application easily or not. An application should be self-exploratory and must not require training to operate it. Security testing is a process to determine whether the system protects data and maintains functionality as intended.

Running a system at high load for a prolonged period of time to identify the performance problems is called Soak Testing. Endurance testing is a non-functional testing type. It is also known as Soak Testing. Refer Soak testing. Performance is concerned with achieving response times, throughput, and resource-utilization levels that meet the performance objectives for the project or product.

Complete Tutorial: Performance Testing. It is to verify the behavior of the system once the load increases more than its design expectations. Scalability testing is a type of non-functional testing. It is to determine how the application under test scales with increasing workload. Concurrency testing means accessing the application at the same time by multiple users to ensure the stability of the system.

This is mainly used to identify deadlock issues. Fuzz testing is used to identify coding errors and security loopholes in an application. By inputting a massive amount of random data to the system in an attempt to make it crash to identify if anything breaks in the application.

Ad-hoc testing is quite opposite to the formal testing. It is an informal testing type. In Adhoc testing, testers randomly test the application without following any documents and test design techniques. This testing is primarily performed if the knowledge of testers in the application under test is very high. Testers randomly test the application without any test cases or any business requirement document.

Interface testing is performed to evaluate whether two intended modules pass data and communicate correctly to one another. Perform testing on the application continuously for long period of time in order to verify the stability of the application.

Bucket testing is a method to compare two versions of an application against each other to determine which one performs better. Testing all the functionalities using all valid and invalid inputs and preconditions is known as Exhaustive testing.

Defects detected in early phases of SDLC are less expensive to fix. So conducting early testing reduces the cost of fixing defects. Defect clustering in software testing means that a small module or functionality contains most of the bugs or it has the most operational failures. Pesticide Paradox in software testing is the process of repeating the same test cases, again and again, eventually, the same test cases will no longer find new bugs.

So to overcome this Pesticide Paradox, it is necessary to review the test cases regularly and add or update them to find more defects. Defect cascading in Software testing means triggering of other defects in an application. When a defect is not identified or goes unnoticed while testing, it invokes other defects. It leads to multiple defects in the later stages and results in an increase in a number of defects in the application.

A walkthrough is an informal meeting conducts to learn, gain understanding, and find defects. The author leads the meeting and clarifies the queries raised by the peers in the meeting.

Inspection is a formal meeting lead by a trained moderator, certainly not by the author. The document under inspection is prepared and checked thoroughly by the reviewers before the meeting. In the inspection meeting, the defects found are logged and shared with the author for appropriate actions.

Post inspection, a formal follow-up process is used to ensure a timely and corrective action. The variation between the actual results and expected results is known as a defect. If a developer unable to successfully compile or run a program then they call it as an error. Once the product is deployed and customers find any issues then they call the product as a failure product.

After release, if an end user finds an issue then that particular issue is called as a failure. It can be Critical, Major or Minor. In simple words, how much effect will be there on the system because of a particular defect.

Defect priority can be defined as how soon the defect should be fixed. It gives the order in which a defect should be resolved. Developers decide which defect they should take up next based on the priority.

It can be High, Medium or Low. Most of the times the priority status is set based on the customer requirement. A critical bug is a show stopper which means a large piece of functionality or major system component is completely broken and there is no workaround to move further. For example, Due to a bug in one module, we cannot test the other modules because that blocker bug has blocked other modules.

Bugs which affects the customers business are considered as critical. An error message pops up when a customer clicks on transfer money button in a Banking website.

Standalone applications follow one-tier architecture. Presentation, Business, and Database layer are in one system for a single user. Client-server applications follow two-tier architecture. Presentation and Business layer are in a client system and Database layer on another server.

It works majorly in Intranet. Web server applications follow three-tier or n-tier architecture. The presentation layer is in a client system, a Business layer is in an application server and Database layer is in a Database server.

It works both in Intranet and Internet. Bug life cycle is also known as Defect life cycle. In Software Development process, the bug has a life cycle. The bug should go through the life cycle to be closed. A bug which is actually missed by the testing team while testing and the build was released to the Production. If now that bug which was missed by the testing team was found by the end user or customer then we call it as Bug Leakage.

Releasing the software to the Production with the known bugs then we call it as Bug Release. These known bugs should be included in the release note. Defect age can be defined as the time interval between date of defect detection and date of defect closure.

Assume, a tester found a bug and reported it on 1 Jan and it was successfully fixed on 5 Jan So the defect age is 5 days. Error seeding is a process of adding known errors intendedly in a program to identify the rate of error detection. It helps in the process of estimating the tester skills of finding bugs and also to know the ability of the application how well the application is working when it has errors.

Error guessing is also a method of test case design similar to error seeding. In error guessing, testers design test cases by guessing the possible errors that might occur in the software application.

The intention is to catch the errors immediately. Assume that login button is not working. Even though you have a valid username and valid password, you could not move further because the login button is not functioning. There are four strategies to be followed for the rollout of any software testing project are as follows:.

Boundary value analysis BVA is based on testing the boundary values of valid and invalid partitions. The Behavior at the edge of each equivalence partition is more likely to be incorrect than the behavior within the partition, so boundaries are an area where testing is likely to yield defects.

Every partition has its maximum and minimum values and these maximum and minimum values are the boundary values of a partition. A boundary value for a valid partition is a valid boundary value. Similarly, a boundary value for an invalid partition is an invalid boundary value. Equivalence Partitioning is also known as Equivalence Class Partitioning.

In equivalence partitioning, inputs to the software or system are divided into groups that are expected to exhibit similar behavior, so they are likely to be proposed in the same way. Hence selecting one input from each group to design the test cases.

Decision Table is aka Cause-Effect Table. This test technique is appropriate for functionalities which has logical relationships between inputs if-else logic. In the Decision table technique, we deal with combinations of inputs. To identify the test cases with a decision table, we consider conditions and actions. We take conditions as inputs and actions as outputs. Using state transition testing, we pick test cases from an application where we need to test different system transitions.

We can apply this when an application gives a different output for the same input, depending on what has happened in the earlier state. The Sdet Interview Questions Google Query prerequisites that must be achieved before commencing the testing process. The conditions that must be met before testing should be concluded. Software Development Life Cycle SDLC aims to produce a high-quality system that meets or exceeds customer expectations, works effectively and efficiently in the current and planned information technology infrastructure, and is inexpensive to maintain and cost-effective to enhance.

We can do System Testing only when all the units are in place and working properly. Manual testing is crucial for testing software applications more thoroughly. The procedure of manual testing comprises of the following. Planning and Control 2. Analysis and Design 3. Implementation and Execution 4. Evaluating and Reporting 5. Test Closure activities. Even though testing differs between Organizations, there is a testing life cycle.

Requirements Traceability Matrix RTM is used to trace the requirements to the tests that are needed to verify whether the requirements are fulfilled. Software test metrics is to monitor and control process and product.

It helps to drive the project towards our planned goals without deviation. Metrics answer different questions. API testing is a type of software testing that involves testing APIs directly and also as a part of integration testing to check whether the API meets expectations in terms of functionality, reliability, performance, and security of an application.

Prerequisites to start writing black-box test cases are Requirement documents or design documents. These documents will be available before initiating a project. Prerequisites to start writing white box test cases are the internal architecture of the application.

The internal architecture of the application will be available in the later part of the project i. Workbench is a practice of documenting how a specific activity must be performed. It is often referred to as phases, steps, and tasks.

In random testing is a form of black-box software testing technique where the application is testing by generating random data. After reading this Interview Questions for Manual Testing, if you find that we missed some important questions, please comment below we would try to include those with answers.

Here I have hand-picked a few posts which will help you to learn more interview related stuff along with these interview questions on manual testing. If you have any more manual interview questions, feel free to ask via comments. If you find this post useful, do share it with your friends on Social Networking.

We only send really good stuff occasionally, promise. Sure Shahi� we will do it. Could you please explain : 1. Testing process.. Challenges � for examples repeated testing which we overcome using automation tool 3. Bug life cycle is almost same in all the tools.. Your answer was right, but you need to give them the right logic as below: If HDFC net banking website Bank name is misspelled then it may leads to ward the doubt that the site is not authentic and we cant risk with login.

It may expose the login credentials to the frauds. So i will not take risk and avoid login to the portal. Hi, I have read your Manual Testing Materials. It looks like very helpful for the job seeker for preparing interview. Thanks for helping out people by providing such a quality document. Good Work.. Hoping for some new tutorials on Tosca, UFT etc.

I liked your blog and its have excellent information about Software testing. Keep up the good work. Hi Sourabh, thanks. We will surely look into that. If you feel anything very important is not covered here, please share it in the comment section and we will include them in this Manual Testing Interview Questions blog post.

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Create a Resume in Minutes. Experience Experience. Chicago, IL. Associate Devops Engineer. Work closely with product and engineering to make sure our systems are robust and easy to manage Assist in the release management activities for Veeva Network Execute ECNs and ECOs related to the CPMS products and software developed for ASCO Power Technologies Develop software tools that integrate with IaaS control plane to manage infrastructure Work with Software Engineers, Product Managers, and QA Engineers in an Agile team environment Manage infrastructure though scripts and code which you will help develop Supporting and working alongside Agile development teams to ensure they have all the facilities to get the job done.

Phoenix, AZ. Boston, MA. Devops Intern. Works with Amazon AWS tools and assist in building infrastructure for various web applications, assist with documentation and security assessment Execute Integration work Use your knowledge of programming to drive ongoing improvements in operational practices through automation and tool development Assist in the development of basic documentation Execute integration and migration work Familiarity with software development platforms for robotics and AI development You will work to identify and drive improvements.

Education Education. Skills Skills. Oracle, Sybase with the ability to apply it in the context of IT operations Good knowledge of Operating System fundamentals with the ability to apply it in the context of IT operations Good knowledge of Linux, Apache, SVN, Git; ability to work with a complex technical environment Networking. Read our complete resume writing guides.

DevOps engineer need to periodically analyze the hardware and software capacities of build infrastructure and provide appropriate recommendation to the Management team for improvements and immediate attention DevOps Engineer is required to be proficient in Ant, Shell, Ruby, Python, Rake, Cucumber, Gradle and Per Scripting.

Take corrective action as warranted and approved. Work on continuous performance improvement initiatives Manage a staff of direct and indirect resources for their assigned operations and maintenance tasks and managing staff levels and forecasts. Configure application deployments into the cloud primarily Amazon Web Services using Jenkins, Chef and a suite of custom scripts Work with developers to find and repair problems with apps that use Python, Node.

Net Build engineer will work on enterprise scale Learning Management Platforms Develop improvements to the build, installation and deployment processes Contribute to the build automation and continuous integration, deployment and data migration Development experience on ASP. Design, Setup, Deploy, Monitor and Maintain various secure high performance game environments Keep up to date with new DevOps trends and technologies Improve continuous integration and delivery systems Troubleshoot and relentlessly hunt down issues e.

You can identify trends and trouble spots, and automate repetitive tasks. Accept criteria from internal customers and deliver solutions based on criteria Work as part of a worldwide team Capability to work with diverse technical groups to solve problem root causes and implement solutions Ability to deliver on multiple projects in parallel Bachelor's degree in Computer Science, Engineering with emphasis on Computer Science or related discipline Minimum 3 months of experience in the following areas Linux Operating system and system functions Scripting languages such as Php, Python.

Chef, Puppet, Ansible Unit testing and automated testing tools Cloud computing e. Application deployments Oncall duties that include checking on application health, incident management and server maintenance Develop and support continuous integration Develop version control requests from applications team. Experience with setting up builds in Windows and Linux Work with development and QA to support and enhance the existing SCM processes and toolsets Manage multiple build components, maintain and track build dependencies Create and manage SCM branches and help with merge and integration across branches Help automate any manual parts of the release process Communicate with Release Stakeholders the progress of a product release Track Open Source Software usage and help with the legal compliance of Open Source Software licenses.

Being honest, clear and specific to drive the best performance from individuals Proactively address conflicts that affect team dynamics Run continuous detection and response infrastructure supporting real time attack mitigation Automate! Support and maintain global application production environments Use and maintain version control for application infrastructure Work in a diverse and global team environment Cross-train with other leads and administrators Promote the DevOps mindset Leading change Be an Agent of Change � You readily adapt to business changes.

Ambiguity or uncertainty never seems to stop you from working productively. Other languages, such as Java are beneficial. Work closely with the Business Analysts and directly with the business to understand requirements Hands on application development, testing and implementation of agreed designs Ensure quality standards and a high level of professionalism is met at all times Experience with configuration of application packages and their operating environment database, file system, servers, etc Experience and knowledge of a programming language Java or.

Net preferred Experience with application integration and knowledge of technical integration concepts. NET enterprise applications across the Microsoft web platform and performance tuning complex enterprise web applications Understanding of Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment methodologies Experience with Configuration Management systems and deployment automation systems Developing, integrating, troubleshooting and build new operating Experience with.

Design, develop, and maintain build process automation Ensure systems are developed and fully tested See all changes through to production deployment Contribute to peer reviews of code Guides application developers on best practices for build automation Experience designing build scenarios enabling application deployment in high availability environments Experience with Linux, Shell Scripting, and building RPMs Experience with open source monitoring tools like Nagios, Graphite Knowledge of Docker, Vagrant Working in an agile development methodology and continuous delivery environment.

NET 2. Install, configure, maintain, upgrade and general technical support for developer tools github, Jira, Confluence, Jenkins, etc. Technical knowledge to implement a CI and CD solution on wide array of projects and technologies using enterprise tools Deep understanding of SDLC processes including Requirements, Build, Release Management, and Quality Assurance Assessing applications current state development technology Identifying, understanding, and recommending DevOps technical best practices in terms of tools, processes, and work plans within a specific application vertical.

Experience automating and orchestrating workloads across multiple public cloud providers Automation experience with at least one configuration management system such as Chef directly or via AWS OpsWorks , Puppet, Ansible, or Salt Proficiency with Python, Ruby, or Go for library development. Develop scalable build and testing infrastructure Develop test metric reporting system including test progress, results, and code coverage Participate in the architecture, design, and implementation of next generation testing infrastructure Communicate with all stakeholders and team members and provide updates perform other duties and responsibilities as requested or required.

Analyze, troubleshoot, debug and assist in problem solving in both development and production environments Define and implement procedures for releasing products throughout the whole product life cycle Good skills in scripting: bash, Perl, etc Knowledge of Java build tools Maven, Ant 'can-do' attitude. Ensure ongoing projects and team objectives are resourced effectively to accomplish goals; manage daily, weekly, and monthly across team with prioritization and execution; assist executive team in determining proper staffing levels for the team s and work closely with internal recruiting and agencies as appropriate to meet those goals; onboard new technical staff ensuring proper process and technical on-boarding occurs Identify key platform technology gaps and close them by adoption, buy, or build as appropriate working closely with other Systems Engineering and infrastructure leaders and teams in the scoping, evaluation, integration, and adoption of new solutions.

Drive complex initiatives through roadblocks to completion. Develop enhancements to the CFM Tools platform suite of applications and work closely with a wider development team to deliver support to end users Take ownership of the overall reliability of the platform and put in place root cause fixes as required Work with L1 and L2 support teams to ensure that escalated issues are dealt with effectively Ensure releases are deployed smoothly with no disruption to the business.

Enhance and extend puppet-based provisioning system Actively work to ensure best practices are met. Coordinates routine aspects of solution development and architecture and management processes. Interfaces with business developers, account managers, competency managers, and executive management on routine aspects of solution development to increase company productivity and profits Oversees use of strategic solutions and offerings by the business development community.

Participates in solution selling activities to ensure that marketing plans align with sales and launch plans Assists management in researching existing business environment including trends, best practices and company preferred architectural frameworks and alliances to ensure that company services match business trends Facilitates reduced risks to client and company; participates in solution business plan creation; assists in preparing financial models to ensure that client interests are met and potential business opportunities are established.

Collaborate with Development and Infrastructure partners to build resilient systems and repeatable processes. NET framework and IIS Customer-first attitude and strong written and verbal communication skills Video encoding and transcoding systems administration and operation a big plus Great design and problem solving skills. Candidate works on deployment strategies and automation for applications based on Chef and Docker kind of solutions Works on creating and implementing tools and portal as a 'Service Service' to spin out environments for development and 'proof of concept' initiatives Responsible for building tools and services to fill the existing gaps from scratch Ensure, through automation, that code quality tools are run on all software prior to release.

Sonar, slint, lint, crucible etc. Enable Development and Operation teams to build and deploy our application from code to production using our continuous-delivery pipeline and infrastructure Drive improvements to our build and release scripts, tools, and processes Build tools for internal use to support software engineering and DevOps best practices.

Experience with multi-region, high availability web applications Knowledge of server security best practices Familiarity with JavaScript, node. Leads supervisors, managers or self-directed professionals Minimum of a B. Love what they do and instinctively know how to make work fun Enjoy being a really great people manager.

Building, motivating and mentoring a world-class software engineering and operations team is critical Have a proven track record in recruiting and retaining top talent and excel in day-to-day people and performance management tasks Have strong project, product management, and business management experience.

The successful candidate will create product roadmaps for the team. Experience with Agile methodologies is an advantage Have an understanding of software development and business process engineering.

The ideal candidate will have past experience leading cross-functional teams with a balanced understanding of technology development and business management practices Know how to run a tight, lean, efficient operation. Major: Computer Science, Engineering, Mathematics or a related field Experience in writing and testing software java, javascript, python preferred Flexible and Adaptable for changing priorities.

Brightcove, thePlatform a big plus Good communicator and able to clearly articulate complex issues and technologies. Providing technology leadership, direction and guidance to the business and IT Delivery teams Researching and assess new technology Work with Enterprise Architecture to drive alignment around more pragmatic vs. Taking customer centric approach, develop and manage enterprise infrastructure architecture and support services by partnering with internal and external teams - keeping them aligned with business objectives.

Ensure high availability and security of all the digital products. Align enterprise infrastructure architecture with corporate vision and practices Manage Multiple environments, 3rd party integrations and rives continuous process improvement using automation, monitoring and innovation by identifying inefficiencies in current processes; improving agility of the releases through the environments with different teams and adopting industry trends for innovation Partner with cross-functional technology teams software, security, network, security, etc.

Docker technologies is required. Experience with configuration management tools e. Chef, Ansible, or Puppet Experience with continuous integration and continuous deployment Experience with revision control source code repositories Git, Perforce Experience with orchestration technologies Mesos, Zookeeper, etc. Experience with containerization technologies e. Server Operating Systems: e. Refers more complex problems to appropriate staff for resolution Provide analytical and technical expertise on system integration, installation, replacement and upgrades of servers and operating systems.

Formulate standards for system management. Excellent communication abilities bringing clarity to all aspects of SW projects and understanding the business needs. Or equivalent Experience working in applications, systems or IT operations.

Understanding of latest Java architectures such as microservices, springboot. PHP also desired for a configuration mgmt. Provides on call support, change management and responds to incidents, is in charge of diagnostics, actions and triage for production systems. Minimum 2 years related experience as a DevOps or software engineer Develops simple software solutions that facilitate user needs, system flow, data usage, and work processes following the software development lifecycle.

Good understanding of development languages such as Java, Python, bash as well as networking and database principles � basic Oracle experience preferred Experience with version control, configuration management, monitoring tools and software deployment Zabbix, Git, SVN, Puppet, Jenkins, TeamCity or Ansible is a plus Responsible for designing and implementing improvements to increase stability and uptime in production environments with oversight and support of Integration, Certification and Staging environments Commensurate experience required.

Be responsible for the operational management of several key activities within our regional Telco Cloud Validation Lab. Responsible for the day to day operation of systems and infrastructure powering our development and the operations teams: ensuring system reliability, efficiency, capacity and continuity Work with developers and release management to design and implement Jenkins and GoCD delivery pipelines Evolve components of the delivery pipeline, software deployment approaches and code management strategies Write automation code and tests, review code developed by others and provide constructive feedback; collaborate swarm, pair on complex requirements Identify, evaluate and evangelize new technology and approaches Work with the team on complex, multi-faceted problems while bridging cultural, geographic and organizational gaps Ensure that all activities and duties are carried out in full compliance with regulatory requirements, Enterprise Wide Risk Management Framework and internal Barclays Policies and Policy Standards.

Develop Automated Functional test cases in Java to be run after each build Continuous Integration CI Strong analytical skills and experience with implementation of Quality Center for defect tracking, test case creation Able to prioritize and execute tasks in a high-pressure environment.

Working closely with engineering, development and operational teams to identify automation opportunities and solutions Experience working in an Agile Development environment years managing technology teams.

Ability to work closely with developers, test automation and performance specialists, release management and infrastructure specialists on defining and improving source control, branching and merge strategies Use appropriate technologies such as Puppet, Chef, Jenkins, etc. We are looking for a strong Python developer to enhance and support our DevOps environment Strong Python and Perl programming skills, writing secure, testable, robust code Good understanding of UNIX system fundamentals and network protocols.

Develop and maintain systems management software tools, procedures, and documentation Develop and maintain applications, tools and scripts for 24x7 hosted environments Ops Systems design and Configurations, and Deployment Management Analyze system and application architecture to ensure that all requirements are met Collaborate with teams to ensure proper testing, configuration, and deployment Ability to learn, implement and explain new tools and technologies quickly.

Coding skills using java, python, PHP, ruby or any other functional language Ability to problem solve and work in a fast-paced environment Experience in DevOps including the design and automation of IaaS and PaaS service capabilities Familiarity with cloud applications and infrastructures including AWS Interest in current and emerging technologies demonstrated through training, job experience and industry activities Ability to effectively communicate and work with a global team including employees, contractors and customers Self-starter who is motivated to learn and is at ease working as part of a team of highly talented professionals.

Apache Use of written and spoken English on daily basis. Partner with the Development teams in driving target toolset adoption across CCSo Drive automated deployment standardization based on target toolsets Support all compliance related requirements for applications managed by the team ACA, ARCs, audits, etc Support the Development and QA teams in the promotion of application change from development to production and the continuous refinement of our release management practices.

The DevOps Systems Analyst will be involved in Three years' experience working with Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP LAMP stack, web services, and related technologies Experience with one or more programming language such as Ruby, Java,bash, Python, etc Experience configuring, installing, maintaining, and troubleshooting Apache HTTP server and modules, and SSL Experience configuring, installing, maintaining, and troubleshooting Apache Tomcat or other Java servlet container Strong service orientation as demonstrated by an ability to work effectively with staff in a team environment and other personnel at all levels Excellent collaboration, interpersonal, written and oral communication skills; time management and project management skills Demonstrated ability to manage a complex workload, prioritize tasks and use good judgment in providing services based on goals with minimum supervision.

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