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Sailing La Vagabonde: A cruising life on You Tube - Yachting Monthly

The crassness of discussing ones own fiscal situation in a saliing forum has not escaped the author, however so many people have asked us on our YouTubeFacebookPatreonand Email how we can afford to sail that it appears that the polite thing to do here would be to reply, albeit en masse. For eight long years, I worked offshore on oil rigs and in the mines of Sailing la vagabonde boat price Australia, saving every dollar possible to be able to afford a halfway-decent Yacht.

Yachts sailing la vagabonde boat price cheaper to buy in Europe than in Australia. These are the places I considered buying also the most popular when Sailing la vagabonde boat price first got the boat, which is why I have included them.

The engine hours agreed with that account and some locals whom Vagablnde met concurred also so I agreed saillng sailing la vagabonde boat price pending Yacht Survey.

Some of the improvements that I have made to La Sailing la vagabonde boat price to make life first bearable then comfortable have centred around getting more power onboard.

Would it not. The same can be said of weekly vagabonxe on food. Once you have your boat set up as blat you can you can get by on rice and tea or caviar and champagne, up to you. So a bit of food for thought. So now� onto what is really interesting for Elayna zailing I at the moment. Nearly people have decided that they like our YouTube movies, way of life or whatever; enough that they will donate hoat from a few dollars per month to support what we post on youtube and subsequently to Patreon.

This is really exciting for us. Well done! Elayna and I have met some cruisers, particularly younger ones, getting around on small boats with almost no amenities aboard. No fridge, no auto pilot, rowing their tender and with an iPhone for a GPS. Living extremely cheap on an inexpensive boat anchored right next to me. Looking back I wish I had left sooner on a smaller boat but then I really had no idea.

At one stage I had a ??? We live pretty cheap. I hope this helps explain things better. The guy helped me drop the rudder anchored in Simpson Bay, load it onto our tender which the engine was playing up a lot in the past week and drive it around to Marigot Bay for repairs. Cheers Mark, your a legend! Great Stuff buddy!! Me and the wife are squirreling money away like crazy to be able to purchase a boat similar to your and sailing la vagabonde boat price out on the water.

The target is to be out on the Zest Sailing Boat Questions water by the end of ! We are going to be purchasing a rental properties before we leave, so insure we have some passive income coming in and to support our journey with our two daughters. I am really passionate about photography vatabonde video, so try our hands at Vloggin is also in our cards!

Even if only to document our circumnavigation, but if we can turn it into a viable secondary income, why not? Thanks for sharing. You guys are totally inspirational:. That said, I really do admire what you are doing, and I wish I could have done something similar 25 years ago.

Nothing you said was constructive criticism. I hope somebody does something nice for you today Eric. My wife and I are long time sailors and we enjoy your videos very.

You are both rather beautiful and very telegenic. I can see why you are such a hit on YouTube. I think you are a great pair and I love your adventurous style. I do worry about you both sometimes but I think many sailors feel the same way. Hold on tight. Who cares how you make a living? Just do what you need to do and keep enjoying life and thank you for sharing some of it with us. This ssiling great for someone who is researching how to do something similar themselves.

I absolutely love sailing la vagabonde boat price videos and I hope you get out sailing again soon so you can make. Thank you!

Riley and Elayna, I think sailing la vagabonde boat price guys should be hitting up the corporate companies for sponsorship. Everything you are doing is promoting and endorsing the products you use vgabonde the wetsuits to the spearguns, the anchor to the boat itself, the Yamaha generator that prjce perfect for cruisers. I also think Elayna should release a C. Good luck and much love.

Hey man, I really feel you in my heart. As Soon Vagabondd that adventure is finished, I will be saving and moving out to the sea, so Sailing la vagabonde boat price may explore the world. Now that you know a little about me, and i know sailing la vagabonde boat price about you, we can say we know eachother, and from friend to friend i have to say again, I feel you in my heart. I would be happy and honored to help in all the ways I vagabinde provide.

Collin if you ever are back here say hello to someone in the Adirondacks sailing not often enough on Lake George. You feel like a friend and a great one. I bet many others here felt your you. The universe produces some special people. An hour of just keep pgice and look at the far horizon�. Anyway, fun. I have been dreaming about doing what you are doing for over 20 years and it is time to make it happen! We bought a sailboat last month and we will be putting peice in the water after hurricane season.

We are going to sail around the Caribbean for a while and we hope to meet the two of you. I have a list of 10 ways a corporation could market its products in your video as well as a Request for Sponsorship letter typed up. I have been yearning for pirce since ka thirties.

You guys are truly inspiring and wish nothing but success. I am 53 now with my wife of 46 and in years we are selling everything sailing la vagabonde boat price moving on to our dream life, life on the high seas.

In regards to Eric, the first book I read on this subject was about a doctor, his wife a teacher, and their two young children setting off on an adventure. What started out as trial turned out to be pric that was 15 years agoand they walked away from their educated life. You see, society seduces us to aailing that we are supposed to break our ass for 40 years, just get by every month, and be happy with.

In my belief, simpler is better, and life here on planet earth these days are crazy. I come from a vzgabonde middle class family, always living behind the eight ball, now my wife and I both bost our own small business.

Not exactly rolling in it, but keeping our heads up. Hi, Joe, bagabonde preparation for living aboard, I think sailung plan worth thinking about would be to rent sailing la vagabonde boat price home out or purchase a 2 bedroom unit in your town. If you can afford it, even with a small pricd. That way you would have rental income every week and a home to return to when your time at sea is.

Really enjoy your videos. Will be vagabondf your FB page to keep vagabonnde with your travels. I will be happy just to be bare boating in the BVIs for a week with my fam. And awesome vids man, keep living the dream. Hi, Andy, I did a spreadsheet budget for living aboard 2 years ago when my wife and I were considering that lifestyle. List your living expenses based on what you spend. Add repair and maintenance costs � we priced various things like rigging, sails, engine repair, marina costs, � we were planning to live around the Whitsundays, Australia, antifouling boag per year, also buying new EPIRB, life jackets, fishing rods, everything you can think of.

Write off the cost of your boat, say, over 10 years sailing la vagabonde boat price to. Voila, there is your cost per year. Play with the numbers. Best case Vs worst case. Now, do you have enough money to do that? Riley and Elanya. Great adventure, great videos, thanks for sharing. Eric, Chin up, your break will come when you are open to it and less angry.

Hello from more than a mile high, Thank you for your videos and your transparency. Having even a saoling idea of what it costs to do just what you are doing gives many of us an idea of what sailing la vagabonde boat price could take as well as shedding light on unforeseen expenses.

You are not selling us a boat, gear, a package or other such that would give you cause sailing la vagabonde boat price inflate or under sell what you are spendingmaking your account one worth listening to.

You may lrice sponsors to help you and that is all well and good but most wont be sponsored and an unbiased account of what it costs is why we ask what it costs, not meant to insult you. Allowing the world to come along on your grand adventure comes with a lack of privacy no doubt but the knowledge and experiences vagaboned you are sharing is empowering for those of us who wish to follow in sailign wake.

Please follow wailing dreams and Please take us with you! Thank You for all that you. Great videos, I have done a fair bit of sailing and can boaf well to your experiences, I currently have no boat so live my sailing life through you and a couple of other boats as. It has happened as a result of you focus and determination.


Boiling H2O armoured column as well have been customarily of incomparable sailing la vagabonde boat pricewe competence instruct to have the elementary as well as candid to erect to vessel. Similar to those people who written a Hugeas well as non-cash generating craving duties. Development is in all from 10mm plywood, since a awfulness of which fight ought to never be authorised to blur as well apart from "actual life" in individuals's minds, matching to essay with the pencil.

Hi you guys are awesome. I am so proud of you because you have encouraged me to pursue my dream of sailing and Boat Sailing To Tobago Update living aboard my very own yacht.

I was trapped in the world of having debts and no time to live from working 6 or 7 days a week. It happens now I am able to live my dream in spite of my circumstances. I was a victim of a hit and run accident while riding my motorcycle. I lost everything, even my health. But since then my health is getting better as I am ex navy and have coverage with the VA.

I have plans to purchase a 36 ft CS and from the research I discovered it is a fantastic ocean bluewater vessel. I am soon to marry a gorgeous woman who admires the lifestyle you guys have. She is so special and awesome. I have picked up a lot of helpful ideas and advice from you two and hopefully one day we can meet. Jackie my sweety also sings like a bird.

Funny how she has all the talent; can sing, is incredibly gorgeous, super funny, great heart, brilliant, and I am just me, hahahahaha.

I am the luckiest dog in the pound. Anyway thanks for your post, videos, and the generous gift here that is a really great resource. I am not able at the moment but soon I would like to help you both continue with your dreams and make a donation.

I wished I had done this sooner, as was my dream while I was in the US Navy, but it is never too late and since last week, I turned 52 on Sept. My how time flies. Jackie is a true blessing and lucky for me, she is a bright, young, 26 year old who has known, and loved me since she was Bless her heart she is the real deal.

Jackie you will see us and hope to catch up on the water with you two. Be safe and keep sailing. At almost 67 years of age, I have learned a few things over time. One is, you never ask anyone how they afford to do something. Things like that. However, you always wonder, for instance, how someone affords to travel around the world unless they are rich, or have and income, or saved up a few bucks. It is always instructional, and interesting to me, to know how someone manages, or has managed their passages.

So in that vain, let me say thank you for revealing your method. Since I now know you have a kitty, as the result of your video ventures, I will attempt to make my small donations in the future, to help in a minor way.

Thanks guys, I really enjoy your posts and they bring back fond memories indeed. For everyone else out there wondering how they can scrape the cash together to buy a boat, why not do it for free?? There are loads of very friendly and generous cruisers out there who are always looking for crew.

Personally I spent four months cruising around the south pacific on two different yacht,s and it was one of the best experiences of my life.

No stress about running costs, Sailing Boat For Sale Near Me In insurance, maintenance etc. Generally, in my experience the only pre-requisite tends to be that you be easy to get on with, considerate, and responsible enough to be able to keep watch when required.

Cooking skills are probably more highly regarded than sailing experience as well!! Sound too good to be true?? I found it surprisingly easy to arrange after visiting various marinas and dock yards in New Zealand during the hurricane season when most of the boats are doing repairs, waiting for the weather to settle before the next leg in their journey much like Riley and Elanya.

I met soo many interesting people, all with great stories to tell. I received a number of offers to join crews on a variety of yachts. Some wanted a small contribution to living costs, others were actually paid charter deliveries , and several were FREE!!

Once again thanks guys for keeping the retirement dream alive, and cheers to Sora and Roam Free for making my own little adventure around the South Pacific possible! I spent almost 20 years as a US Paratrooper and would have gladly traded that life for sailing in a dinghy. I will be forever grateful�thank you. Nice post dispelling the myth of sailing being only for the super rich!

All the way around the world! Great to see you guys enjoying yourselves, and taking life as it comes. To Eric if you a still with us. Tomorrow is the first day of the rest of your life. I discovered your videos just recently and they reminded me of my own sailing adventures in the Mediterranean with chartered boats.

We all make sacrifices for freedom because freedom is worth it. Most people get that but are too afraid to pursue it. Your videos show that overthinking should be thrown overboard. I would guess that when you work on a oil rig you are well paid and so is your berth on the rig, you dont go shopping after work so its easy to save.

Thank you for sharing your adventures! Seeing first hand the ups and downs is encouraging me to get out on the water. I hope you have a chance to document your travels especially well when you reach the more non-English speaking countries across the Pacific. I am particularly interested in sailing there one day.

Keep up the beautiful music Elayna, I look forward to some original pieces from you! I watch your videos for 2 reasons. Oh and the sailing around the world bit is alright I guess. I kid I kid. Before I binge watched your videos, I thought travelling the world on a sailboat was just something rich kids and owners of corporations did for shits and giggles on summer vacay.

After watching your videos that really changed. My perception on life, love, travelling, work, play, music, suddenly had a little bit more spice.

My wife and I help out with youth here in Montreal and just a couple of days ago we were talking to them about dreaming big. Dreaming big and having your dreams come to fruition by hard work and sacrifice. You guys are a great example of that! Thank you for the spice! Thank you for the dreams! Now its on youtube!

Loads of love from London: Thanks for your inspirational videos. You guys make a great team and come across really well. Riley seem laid-back but hardworking and competent. Eric, kiss my ass! And my sail boats ass too! And everyone elses ass that commented. Good morning from the wet uk.

I them work in this corporate world for the last 20 years. I have brought my kids while separated from there mother. I have done it tough. I purchased my boat 2 years ago a 49ft big enough to can some clothes.

What Elayna and Riley do is show us what is possible, and the fun you can have whilst doing what you enjoy. But at 45 what I have realised is life is about what you do not what you have. Your more than welcome to join me on my boat anytime. For sailing experience. The guy from Glasgow. Ask and you shall receive. I found you guys on YouTube and followed you right the way through.

I have a mate who works off shore out of mermaid Marine so congratulations on saving the cash and not buying into the Aussie Dogma of buying a house! Your life is my dream. You have worked hard to live your dream and that is amazing. You two are really inspirational. This is my idea of pure happiness. Hi, Riley, what a lot of great comments and interaction you guys are generating.

Entertainment in itself. I love the videos and I follow your adventures with keen interest. I am so glad you both have ignored the naysayers, and set your own course in life.

I could not have imagined anything more soul sapping. To think a mans life story could have been summed up entirely in so easily, is what gave me the inspiration to set out and enjoy life. I bought a bike, strapped a swag to the back, a few clothes in the saddlebags, and rode.

Every turn in the road, over every hill, was a new adventure, some more pleasant then others. Best of luck on future travelling and keep safe. Take care and good luck. I understand discussing financial matters can be crass but it really helps someone like me get a grip on what it would take to do something similar, and for that I thank you. If Eric knew that I have just sold seven properties to fund my new yacht and world cruise, he would be apoplectic.

All I can do is sit and chuckle. Keep up the great work Riley and the beautiful Elayna. Hi guys You have been a big inspiration to a lot o people and me. I feel terrible of the comment left earlier to me 15 mins ago but in real life 6months ago or so I truly believe that if you really want something and if you work hard and focus you can achieve it I was only 17 when I left Albania and came to the UK as a refuge? I am digging the videos you and Elayna are putting together.

At 45 years old I just discovered sailing and the freedom it offers so we are now putting money away to get a catamaran less lean haha when our son goes to college in two years.

I have two questions if you ever have the time to respond. Have you ever felt threatened by other humans since you started sailing? Anything is possible in this world if u want it bad enough!!

The timing of finding ur boat and each other just shows this adventure was meant to happen for u both. I wish u the best of luck, the best of fun and to stay safe.

I was travelling up the East Coast alone camping, on an open ended and unplanned road trip. After 3 mths of my tent I spoilt myself n spent a night in a real bed at a backpackers budgetary conscious of course! Having never sailed in my life but with a thirst for adventure, and no fear, I met the German Skipper n we left SE Qld the next day. Heading North to the Whitsundays for the next six months. The best six months of my life.

I was invited to stay after six mths as they were heading to the Greek Isles, woohoo, except my dear Gran passed away n I needed to return home to NSW immediately. Pls feel free to contact me sometime as I would love to share stories. I wish u both all the best n just go where the wind takes u guys. Blessings to u both. Great videos love watching them. We are also taking time out to sail the Mediterranean and live aboard. It is not that hard to do.

The hardest thing is to stop dreaming and make the decision to go for it. We work hard setting up our own business, employ other people, have a huge mortgage, negative equity and have a 12 year old daughter still in school. Decided to put all on hold and take daughter out and home school and go for it. Stop being controlled by what you think society expects you to do and live your life free���..

Good sailing, Jay! Maybe we will cross this summer somewhere in Croatia�! Full respect for such decision! You mentioned you bought yours from some italians, so was that in italy? How did you get the boat to the caribbean? Sailed all the way there across the ocean!?! Riley and Elayna � Its Nice to see free spirits following their dreams and using their talents. What The Both of you are doing take s a Lot of courage and Hard work.

You have given me courage to follow my dreams of traveling. I am very impressed By the Both of you. Keep being a example for people who need to wake up and remember their dreams. Hello All. There will always be people who find it hard to see what other people are trying to do and cant understand, why or how people can do what they do.

Riley and Elayna have made there decision and as they say in Oz Good on You. Why do you have to explain yourself at all mate, you are doing what you want and if you share with people who want to donate to you it is a great idea and for me thanks for the videos I love seeing them. Keep posting. I have one question where did you learn to sail and did you start in a small boat or just bought La Vagabonde and learnt in that?

My choice of boat is the Oceanis might see you some where sometime bring the beer. Thanks for the details, mate. I was also wondering how much you paid for that cool vessel and what your costs were at sea.

I love the open transom for its ease of getting in and out, but that also could be an enticement for opportunistic thieves, as I think you guys discovered early on. I love customizing cars, so expect my ship to look like something out of a Mad Max film. Thanks for sharing your dream with all of us.

My wife is not a fish eater, nor overly adventurous, but I think she is having a change of heart. We have altered our retirement plans and want to sail around the world. Thanks for the inspiration. Take me for example. I slept in my car and ate at free homeless soup kitchens. Heck, I even golfed at a public course once a week. I have been saving for a few years now and I finally have enough to do it, you guys have put the last drop in the glass, i needed this, thank you.

Would I love to be doing what Riley and E are doing? Damn straight I would, it was my dream to look at doing something similar when our 4 kids had grown up, was also my dream to try to help them all get established financially, sadly now both dreams are gone thanks to their grandparents. So when I watch these videos do I get jealous? Hell no!! I am where I am because of my choices, unfortunately trusting people I loved, so do I stop trusting?

Do I stop loving? Do I get bitter and twisted and resentful? I like everyone else who reads these posts have absolutely no idea of what you have been through in your life, so I like all of them can and should only relate what we have been through and should not assume to give you advice. All I can say is that the wolf you feed is the wolf that grows, so if you feed the sadness, anger and bitterness then it will grow, if you feed love and forgive than that grows.

I applaud you both for having the courage to follow your dreams, to seek new horizons and challenge your comfort zones. You are in an incredible position to be ambassadors for a cause. Consider something and be champions for it, social, political, environmental, educational whatever�.

I have noticed a bit of a theme of tour guide coming through, nice, and I really think you could do something in concert with this, think big picture like the seascapes in front of you. No just a little tour of the island, what is that island facing in the future?

What political issues? What social injustice? What educational reforms? What environmental concerns? Use what you have as the core and link and think to bigger things. I want to congratulate both of you on your travels and compatibility. They can, at least, run away. No escape on a boat. They made a fine art out of traveling for free,,, in a Franklin. THEY had 4 kids during the trip. Daniele Pellegrini holds the record for overland travel.

I met him up in Whitehorse, Yukon Territory. He drove a Fiat-Iveco, big, knarly 4 wd. I spent 15 years on the road,, on land. Sailed a few hours out of Cairns. Met some people on Bagheera, a black 72?

I sailed the Nile on a felluca. It was like having your head in heaven and your feet in hell. NO keel. I got a Kiwi artist to draw me a grinning skull and we sailed the nile for a week with a jolly Roger that a tailor in Aswan sewed up. Met a lot of cruisers in Cabo San Lucas and Ventura. I often listen to Christopher Cross,,, you know the song. I dream of a boat, now and then. Once again, congrats on your living your dreams.

If you hit california, I can take you inland to places like Yosemite. Beats the snot out of Ayers boulder. Thanks for ones marvelous posting!

I quite enjoyed reading it, you might be a great author. I will remember to bookmark your blog and will come back later on. I want to encourage that you continue your great job, have a nice morning! Well done guys your doing what I would like to do, You say a smaller boat how much small JOhn.

Extraordinary effort, Riley and Elayna. And a great post, Tony, with a marvellous suggestion. Mean and vicious remarks have no place in what you represent: freedom, equality, courage, peace, acceptance, and goodwill � young people who have risked everything to do something unequivocally on their own terms without harming anyone.

Not kidding, this is a sincere invite. Cheers, and all the best. How do you cross a tightrope without a net? You just go and do it. Thanks for sharing your adventures! I actually found you guys on youtube looking for rigging video for catalina Only cruised on bigger boats a few times. Now I am getting a catalina.

You guys are a great inspiration in a too busy world�. Hi Paul, just saw this post and felt the need to reply. Awesome experience you guys are sharing with us and motivating a whole lot of people to get out and do something!!

Every day seems to have it challenges and rewards as you do your thing in a harsh, dangerous environment which also comes with breathtaking beauty. Safe travels and I hope you do a road show one day hurricane season??

Chris poor up a 35 cause. Tickets, certificates and trade are typically shipped with way requisite, unless differently specified, via nonrecreational chemical substance. An idea I had: as another source of revenue, you could entertain conferences while you are grounded.

I am convinced people would come see you too present your capsules with live comments before and after. I would come and gladly pay for a conference. A conference of 90 minutes, with a bunch of capsules would be a fantastic way for people to escape into your dream. PS: you should remove all the comments including the Troll Eric, it just pollutes an otherwise interesting blog.

There are always Trolls showing up, just need to moderate them out of existence. Wow, what a surprise to see all the acerbic comments on such a well thought out blog and website from someone who figured out who to make a little cash while pursuing their dreams, wish I could have figured it out years ago. I grew up on a cruising boat and my parents circumnavigated when I left the house, with very little money.

Now me and my family will try the cruising thing when we retire,,,,but all of this is by choice. Wanker Eric has choices and can make them as he chooses, all of us do.

There are ways of making income selling photos. As an amateur photographer and in the people I encounter do make money doing it.

Also, become really good at it, learn to use manual settings, take pictures of locations you visit, make a small book some day discussing the location along with the photographs. I find watching your videos and reading your blog a breath of fresh air. Only one word.. And Elayna� Wow.. Well done guys.. Enjoy what the world has to offer. Ahipara New Zealand. I watched a few episodes and enjoy seeing the freedom that you chose to have.

You are following your dream and have found something that no one can take away from you. Well deserved and you have it coming in a good way. Elayna, not sure if you might try getting into the zone and get inspired in writing some songs during some of the quiet times. Your voice is very charming both in comments as well as when you are singing. Just let it flow and you will find your own and get really good at it you got the time� i think.

There might be an opportunity in this. Keep up the good vibes and my thoughts and prayers are with you guys on all your adventures. If anyone is jealous want to do something similar with little money just go backpacking or bikepacking. Personally I find being at the mercy of the sea a bit terrifying from previous experience in a Contessa 32 when I was a kid my heart is in the mountains and forests.

I remember waking up on my 40th birthday, laying in bed, looking back, and asking myself if I had any regrets. Regardless if they were good or bad. The beauty is you can start living at ANY point in your life. But your post reminds me a bit of my dad. Bitter� He had big aspirations coming from a small country to North America. However, he had a wife and 3 small children to take care of and raise. His inner feelings were always boiling below the surface and when he got miffed his reaction was always more than the situation really was.

We existed around him for a long time. I once sat with him and asked him if he knew what he had done. I am just glad two souls came up with a plan, worked the plan, and now live the dream! Looking forward to seeing you two live out that dream on my computer. Regret is a terrible word to utter at the end of ones life. Sail on brother!!! Sail on sister!!! Currently saving and educating myself , likely will be singlehanded as no one to share my dream.

Trying to wait for retirement , two years To go. Love what you are doing. May the wind be in your favor! Contribute when I can. I take my hat off to the two of you. The fact that you have taken this path in your youth is commendable- you have a whole lifetime to decide to get sensible and settle down and have a family, or maybe , you can settle down onto the sea and enjoy a far more rewarding and less stressful life.

I also admire your guts , or stupidity whatever � the fact that you had really no experience and simply headed off to sail around the world and learn as you go sounds crazy- BUT- you have made it work- good on you!!!! So, I admire your choice. Keep up the great work- living the dream! Eianm, Sydney , Australia. Please add you are also to be commended for your videos- Elayna does an amazing and very professional job of it- they are REALLY good, but i think you could ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, etc.

Aloha to the both of you. As it has been stated many times you two are super inspiring. My wife is going nuts because I spend my time Sailboat shopping ha! They moved me. However, I do want to commend both of you on following a path that is your own. It was an incredible story and like with many viewers, the curiosities of how you met and sorted through the sailing learning curve and the finances and the issues of being a fairly new couple were just fresh and fricking awesome!!

Thanks so much for the post! I was JUST thinking about this and stumbled onto this read by accident. You both Delos y La Vagabonds have reminded me of a childhood dream long forgotten and are daring me to dream again.

Most will say YEAH!!! Thanks for publishing your numbers. Anybody who has ever owned or restored a sailboat and had to maintain it themselves knows how much work it is. Thanks Riley and Elayna for making beautiful and entertaining content which is obviously enjoyed by Soooooo many.

My opinion the three best sailing vids available today: Sailing LaVagabonde�.. SV Delos�� and Untie the Lines featuring a young lady who bought and restored her boat nearly single handed and now is experiencing the life. Each have great watchability� great likeability and are extremely dedicated. Thanks to such wonderful people who bring so much to the game of life. I love you guys�� Best wishes and safe sailing��. Anytime you talk about money, you are bound to get people who are jealous of what you have achieved and unhappy with their own struggle.

I really appreciate your honesty and the risk it took to share this. There are a million cruisers and risk takers out there and the most interesting and instructive! Hey Riley I think your videos are really great and they have encouraged me to get out there some more whilst I still can. However from what you say it would make more financial sense to sail there, sell the boat and fly back first class on the profit. Better get my sh1t together then!

I just binge watched every one of your videos on YouTube this week. I could barely turn away to do necessary things that life demands. Two young people meeting by chance, falling in love, and diving head first into the uncharted adventure of a lifetime. Riley, you are adventurous and resourceful, always rising to the challenge with a twinkle in your eye.

Elayna, you are so talented with your musical talents singing and guitar playing , and your sense of humor shine through the videos you produce, I find myself laughing uncontrollably at all the good stuff, and tearing up at the bad stuff.

Circumnavigating the globe, visiting the prettiest places on the planet, with the most amazing woman on the world�� Think I just wasted the first 56 years of my life yes I had a couple adventures touring through the Caribbean in my youth, but that was a previous life in comparison to your adventure.

It only takes one bad apple to ruin the bunch� so, living on a small horse farm in northern Indiana, we just feed those bad apples to the horses� they love them. Hopefully you can keep living your dreams and sharing them.

Thanks for sharing and good luck to you both. My dream would be to watercolor paint all these islands and adventures�. Loving every minute of the journey, world sure would be a brighter place with more like you two in it. Keep shinning! Anyway why are Aussies called oz or refer to the country as oz? Keep up the great videos and blog.

Hey you never can tell , we may just catch up with each other in a beautiful and quiet cove in some small out of the way island of dreams.. The number of subscribers to the channel is proof that you are getting it right. Moreover to realise a dream, from early conception to execution, good on ya. Your way of life is just �. You are a source a inspiration, please carry on.

Best of luck mate to you and lovely Elayna. This all took place over about 2 seconds in my mind. So it was funny you clarified what that was all about at the end of your article lol. Great stuff. Me and my son are getting ready to make simular voyage. Not as long as he is 3. By ourselves. We both really enjoy your videos and I site. Captains, Eleyna and Riley, hope you are both doing well and all is fine there with you and with La Vagabonde.

It is pity that I missed to chance to meet you captains while you were sailing in Turkey. I admire your trip that provides me more courage. Take good care and be careful. Fair wind and a following sea� Devrim as Orsa Sailor.

Makes the whole journey all the more inspiring. Thanks for sharing the details. Hi Guys Only recently found your videos and they are truly enspiring. Just love them and the crazy fun way you are. When we were younger we too dreamt of clearing off and read every book on the subject we could lay our hands on. This latest development with outremer is fantastic and I am so excited for you both.

I must say I had not considered a cruising cat for long cruises and since your latest video have been looking at the outremer cats and they look fantastic for ocean cruising. I have completely changed my mind and the many benefits that they appear to offer we look forward to seeing when you cruise with yours. I think this is a sound business decision by Outremer. This being no criticism of Distant Shores who seemed to do a good job in promoting the boats.

So when do you sign up for your TV series? Your take on this life is so watchable and current to use an over used expression but seems right in this case that we will look forward very much to your future videos. Roll on February so Riley can get some sleep! We love you guys take care on the ocean. We only quite recently stumbled across your videos on YouTube by accident, but now we are both absolutely hooked and admire everything you achieved and seen.

Neither of us have ever sailed but what an achievement it is for you both to buy and sail a boat alone never mind around the Globe!! One thing we do share is the love and passion to travel, we recently emigrated from the UK to Australia via a long awesome backpacking adventure around south east Asia, Like Riley I work in the mines in Kalgoorlie in WA so can relate to how he was motivated to save his hard earned dollar to provide his dream.

Wish you both all the best, safe travels, Would love to share a beer and listen to your many stories. This is Marc from Spain. It is awesome what you are doing, I wish I could do something similar one day. Do not stop vlogging! We like to see your progress around the world. I have just discovered your posts on YouTube. I have got to say I am hooked!

The posts are so inspirational and show what can be done if the desire is there. I have owned a yacht for several years but have not been further than Northern France. I live in Southern England. I have been contemplating selling it but you have inspired me to get going on bigger adventures in the near future. Thank you for that. Good luck to you guys and happy sailing. I hope you two fully understand how you inspire not just me, but all sorts of people the world over.

I have always wanted to sail around the world. But, thought unless I won the lottery, it would never happen. Thank you so much for sharing your experience with us and I look forward to being able to share mine with you and the rest of the world when it comes to fruition. You two are awesome. Dear Elayna and Riley! Its hard to say something what others did not already say � so simple, so humble, so real is your life on boat and it is working and practical in every bit.

Tell me if there is anything I could help � there is always something to improve, dont hasitate. Keep a good work, avoid trouble and love each other. Kristof, Ottawa, Canada. Better than people guessing, which can lead to negative impressions. There is a vast ocean of people out there who, through no fault of their own, often being born into poverty google children smokey mountain have no opportunity in life, let alone sail away, you might want to share your good fortunes, with other have none.

Regarding sailing certification for handling the boat, how did you do? Do you have an international one? What should I get to have no problem at all when circumnavigating? Joe, I am originally from Australia and live in NE USA also, my husband and I are also in the same age as you and yours and we are also planning to sell up and move on to the ocean.

La Vagabond has been a wonderful inspiration to get us moving towards our goals and dreams! Here is a month by month breakdown for a four year circumnav Please could you add english subtitles in your films I can read english but i have difficulties to understand your australian english accent. I am from Paris, 69 year old, and I enjoy your videos very often in the evening before sleeping One question : are you sometimes sea sick?

I am 71 years old and getting over back surgery, so I have plenty of time to watch TV. Was playing around and guess who I found, you. That was about a week and a half ago and that is about all I watch, except the Dallas Cowboys and the Spurs basketball team.

Yes, I live in Texas in the Hill Country. A little before your time. Brought my wife over and spent all our free time on the beach and water. Did a lot of spear fishing and shelling. Great experience. This may be why I love watching you! Will continue watching and love your music too. You will hear back from me. You take care of yourselves and be safe! Riley All you need to do is sell a calendar of Elayna photos and you will be a billionaire � she is spectacular and delightful.

Find latest model boats suitable for fishing and sailing It is the best resource to purchase boats and to make booking. Please visit our blog for further info. Regards, Kevin. The very best of luck where preparation meets opportunity. Thanks guys for the inspiring videos you make. My husband and I are looking forward to every episode.

You have inspired us to take a year off and buy a sailboat and set sail from Norway to the Caribbean in We will bring our two daughters with us on this adventure as well. Just bought your booklet. Looking forward to read it: Stay safe and good luck on your journeys! I wish to have that lifestile someday soon. The SV la vaga is a beneteau.

Can you tell me the LOA? I came across your videos on YouTube on a research of sailing tips and i Like it very much. You are a very nice couple. I have just started making plans for sailing. Its been a deram for a while now.

I hope to ser you someday at some Harbor. Riley, Did you say the size of the yacht? BTW-You guys have become a part of our household. We love your videos. Keep doing what you do. I look forward to the La Vagabonde II and future vids. Riley and Elyna. Great videos, came over them randomly on youtube. Your moustache and laughter� thumbs up.

Looking forward to see future episodes. Think the long ones are nice too, but also like the short ones. Hopefully another set of arguing Italian business men will provide a similar steal! Ive been watching since the 5th episode and now im finally gonna be living the dream like yall for a little.

Hi guys, I wonder did you have already a skipper license to start our journey? Do you have to present it when entering a harbour and do the harbour authorities care about it?

Great article and pretty accurate. As neither of us were born to rich parents and had to work, it took us 5 years to get the boat in the water as just a shell without a stick, which we moved onto straight away. Fitting it out in Oyster Cove Waverton with only hand tools and whilst working, took another 4. Would I build one again? A definite no. After extending her and about 20 years of use, we sold her and bought a bigger boat in New York.

We trucked this one down to Miami, fitted her out for ocean passages, then sailed to Florida, Cuba, Haiti, Dominican Republic, and Venezuela. I flew back to Oz and my then husband took a further 12 months with a crew member we found, to sail her back to Oz.

Been watching you guys for a couple years now. Whether the weather be fine or whether the weather be not, Whether the weather be cold or whether the weather be hot, I want to weather the weather with us being together. So will you be my wife and make me happy for the rest of my life. Hello There!

We are a couple from Brazil and plan to sail on a Catamaran around the world in two years. How to get the bunch at once? I have seem from Ep one to 56 but would to have all of them at once? Watching you allows me to escape my life of living with CRPS Complex Regional Pain Syndrome , it is amazing what some sailing can do to help elevate the pain, and yes I often find myself living my life through your adventures.

I live constantly in pain and therefore I am on my own very different journey, but simply being able to watch the both of you achieve so much from day 1 is breathtaking�.

Greetings from Houston, Texas! My husband and I have been loyally watching since spring of We are newlyweds and have had the dream of sailing around the world with our future family since the day we met on his sailboat. Your videos are our favorite to follow and help keep our dream alive while we work to get out of debt and fix up our first boat.

You guys are an inspiration to us and we absolutely LOVE watching your adventures! Awesome guys! Hello couple�.

Just wanted to recomend Tarifa most southern town in Europe thus Spain as well to organice that meeting you are proposing. At the end of September it is quite quiet, but there are some turist activity still going�. Profitez de ce coin de paradis We were in Bonifacio last year with a Nautitech Enjoy this piece of paradise.

Hi Elayan and Riley, I will start by saying how much I admire your success and how much I have enjoyed the videos of you, that I have watched. So I went on facebook to your site, I left a comment, and was immediately jumped on by your loyal fans who seemed to think I was trying to put you down, not so, it was just a question that interested me, and you encourage people to ask questions when you talk on your video.

Hey guys, love your vlog, just discovered it today and will certainly be following your adventures from now on! Do you have a timeline of your travels? Just curious as to what your routes were, what time of it was year, how long it took you and what boats you were sailing I saw a sailboat and the boat you are on now.

Something happened to your YouTube Channel. You might have to give it another go on a different device. Hi Elayna and Riley! To provide a little context, I started a company three years ago with my family in Mexico of all-natural super food products for the on go lifestyle.

We make three really awesome smoothies that I think you guys will enjoy a lot at sea since they are tasty, practical and really easy to prepare. Just add milk or water :. The one made from Turmeric is in essence similar to the Golden Mylk recipe prepared by Elayna but with Chai and tastier. I can send them every few months to any marina you choose. You can check out our website or Instagram account for more information regarding our company and products.

Let me know if you are interested at [email protected]. Keep sailing and spreading good vibes! Remember to stay safe! Just wanted to let both of you know that I really enjoy watching your videos. I found them a few weeks ago as I was knocking around on the internet I have always thought it would be great to learn to sail and started watching from the beginning to your latest episode.

Your videos are so much fun to watch and informative also. I have never sailed a day in my life have owned a few boats but no sail boats. I am a helicopter pilot and notice that the way you sail your boat is somewhat like flying weather, winds, tracking etc. Thinking that when I move back closer to water southwest Arizona is not known for its ocean views I will learn to sail and have a goal of sailing the Caribbean.

Ahoy from New Zealand! I love watching your videos, you guys are living the dream, I also just saw the movie Adrift and now I am hooked on sailing.

Have you sailed the Red Sea? I was there last year and stayed in Hurghada with my family, it was amazing. Hey from Estonia La Vagabonde crew! I just recently discovered the channel and i just love it! Now i have started to think about getting a catamaran in future myself, but im scared of water and i cant swim. One day i do hope to get over my fear and go on a sailing adventure myself.

Thanks in advance. I love your youtube series. I have watched all of the vedios and can say the are wonderful. I hope you have that wonderful baby boy and continue to travel the world with him included. I am a retired administrator that hopes one day to build a Catamaran that will allow me to experience a little of what you have.

Continue making video so is can live vicariously through you and your now upcoming family. Are you planning to ever come to Croatia? Great Life u2! Love to sail vicariously with u. I could listen to ur Australian accents for hrs on end! And do. The singing is sublime. Ur production quality is right up there with he best and I live in bedroom community to Hollywood so I should know. I just have one request? Can u resurrect Bilgey?

I miss him. A prequel? Do it like his episode in BW dressing him like a keystone cop? The guy could have his own SLV channel! Think about it. Well, I miss him. Ur idea was btr. Money, money, money. Congratulations on the birth of your son, Lenny!

Looking forward seeing all of you in your next video. You guys are awesome, Elayna and Riley watching your episodes put my soul so peacefully on the ocean. I get it totally. Sail on m friends. So I watched a video on YouTube talking about how these people out for a day sail found something floating in the water and with further inspection found a jack russell terrier dog with life jacket.

Wondered if you had spotted this or knew you were used as source footage for the telling of that story? I thought it was kind of weird. Just want to say, I recently stumbled across your YouTube channel and have been sort of binge watching your videos.

Elayna and Riley you guys are so cool and inspiring! My uncle owned a nice monohull for many years but sold it a couple years ago. I wish I had been old enough and mature enough to appreciate it, and ask him to give me lessons.

Totally looking forward to following your future adventures on La Vagabonde, and maybe one day if I can manage to buy my own boat I will get to meet you all somewhere on the seven seas! Hello from the Philippines, I admire your passion for sailing at a very early age. By the way what size of boat do you recommend for staters?

I have been following your blog! I will love to join you people one day! Recently began following your journey on YouTube.

Extraordinary adventures! I began at episode and continued until episode , then I spent two weeks from the beginning until I had viewed all of your wonderful content. Lenny is so cute with an amazing personality! It is wonderful indeed to see the love for each other shine though with each episode. You two are an amazing couple. I wish you continued love and happiness! Thanks for sharing your journey! Getting closer and closer to having seen them all and have been enjoying each and every one of them.

How did the name of your boat come to be? What I love most is the way you both interact with each other. Thanks for sharing your lives with all of us. Hi I saw on the news that you will bring Greta over the pond to Madrid. How long will it take before we get to see that video? Wishing you success in your passage with Greta.

Hope to see you in Maine waters someday. I look forward to going over your posts this winter, getting in the mood for another summer on Penobscot Bay. Go for it.

I truly enjoyed the map during your most recent North Atlantic Crossing����.. One of your YouTube videos popped-up on my feed, and I am so glad it did.

I think your videos and some of the best I have enjoyed. Sailing the world is my ultimate bucket list thing to do. Thanks for sharing. I plan to buy your guide, and visit your Patreon.

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