Good Night Boats Book Bookzz,Model Ship Building Cradle Guide,Aluminum Boats For Sale Nova Scotia Machine,Build Your Own Boat Launch Rooms - PDF 2021

27.11.2020Author: admin

To browse Academia. Skip to main content. Log In Sign Up. Download Free PDF. Lahouma Ilhem. Download PDF. A short summary of this paper. This is my home.

I know the address by heart. Good night boats book bookzz my home there is the club. My nanny, Dada Zeina, takes me there most afternoons. In summer I swim. At other times I play on the swings. Sometimes I have a magazine or a picture book. I sit on the grass beside Dada Zeina and look at the pictures. She chats to the other nannies, but I am absorbed in the pictures. In an older part of town there is another house that I go to.

Good night boats book bookzz too I know the address by heart. It is older than our house and the rooms are bigger and higher. In the center of a high-ceilinged good night boats book bookzz full of sunlight, a woman is kneeling on a red and blue prayer mat.

Her hands are folded one over the. Her eyes are closed. When they are open they are a deep green. Underneath her flowing white headdress, her hair is a long, soft light brown. Beside the prayer mat, the slippers she has taken off stand side by.

They are flat and made of crinkly pink leather with a tiny rosette on each toe. I sit close by on the floor solemnly watching the familiar ritual. This woman is my grandmother. My mother's mother.

It is a title of respect. But it is also a truthful description. For Mama Hajja has been to Holy Makkah. Although she was delicate and her health was frail, she had gone. She had traveled alone, my grandfather her husband having had neither the time nor the inclination to accompany her and look after.

The broad, loved back is too great a temptation and I steal up from the floor and clamber onto it. Mama Hajja makes no sign that anything untoward has happened. When it is time, she slowly straightens up. I try to hang on but tumble off her back and onto good night boats book bookzz floor behind. I wait. I know that soon it will be time for the second prostration. Sure enough, within a minute she bends over, forehead touching the floor, and in a flash I am good night boats book bookzz on her.

She recites "Praise be my Lord, most great" three times slowly, then slowly straightens, tumbling me once more off her. I settle on the floor behind. She recites the final Greeting to God and Muhammad, and his family and children and all the prophets that God had ever sent. She turns her head to salute the angels at her right and left shoulders and, almost in the same movement, reaches for her slipper.

Good night boats book bookzz stretches an arm behind her back and makes a grab for me, but I am small and quick and crouch just out of her reach, laughing. She turns and starts for me, in her hurry and irritation forgetting to stand up but coming after me on hands and knees, brandishing a pink slipper. I dart away, reeling with laughter and pointing my finger back at her, and suddenly she sits back on her heels on the sun-flooded polished wooden floor and starts good night boats book bookzz laugh.

Good night boats book bookzz wait a few seconds to make sure it's safe, then rush back to fling myself into her open arms.

You would have made me break my prayers? In my parents' house naughtiness is frowned. So is sucking your thumb. I name this other one the Spoiling House. Now it is a sunny winter's day and I am playing in my grandfather's shop. It is a prospering furniture shop with his name, Morsi, emblazoned in gold Diwani script across the. It stands on Morgan Street, the street forming the western border of the central marketplace in old Cairo. The market is a fascinating place with its high glass ceiling, its stacks of vegetables and pyramids of oranges, guavas, and Lebanese apples.

It is slightly frightening too, with thousands of slaughtered chickens hanging open-beaked above the live ones who continue to good night boats book bookzz around, clucking mindlessly. The gutters between the stalls run with mud and blood, but people sit on little wooden stools drinking sweet tea and swishing the flies away with graceful horsehair flyswatters.

I am not allowed to go into the marketplace on good night boats book bookzz own, but I have the run of my grandfather's shop. The furniture on the ground floor is arranged for display. Gilt armchairs standing in a circle make a drawing room in the shop window and I sometimes sit here for hours gazing at the world outside: the good night boats book bookzz vans unloading in front of the marketplace, good night boats book bookzz carts trundling in with fresh vegetables from the villages.

I stare out at the shoppers as they stare in at the gilt drawing room. Upstairs there is a loft used for good night boats book bookzz furniture. You go up a set of creaky wooden stairs without banisters. It is dark. There is one feeble lamp, but its circle of light serves only to make the place more ghostly.

There is a well in the middle of the floor, and from it you can look down into the shop. This Good Night Boats Book Txt loft is paradise. The furniture is all tumbled together, and in the gloom I create caves under huge desks and labyrinthine castles in piled-up sofas.

The only thing I am forbidden to do is get inside the cupboards. Occasionally I slip into one and sit, knees to my chin, huddled in a corner, feeling both frightened and brave. But I never dare close the doors and engulf myself in total darkness. Above this loft, arrived at by a different stairway, is the workshop: huge Good Night Boats Book Me marble-floored rooms filled with the smell of varnish and the blare of the radio.

A broad, sunny terrace overlooking the marketplace; stacks of wooden armchairs and desks waiting to be polished; and all my grandfather's workmen: carpenters, upholsterers, and varnishers, who carry me on their shoulders and buy me sweets and Sport Cola. I have been playing in the loft when I hear them call my.

It's lunchtime! Come down! On it is a sheep's head festooned with parsley and surrounded by little dishes containing the various salads and dips. In one corner of the tray there are five round loaves of bread. In another there are three bottles of cola. There is only one empty plate. The boy puts the tray down on a table between my grandfather and his friend Sheikh Zayed. He is a man of few words. I sit on a swivel desk chair with two cushions under me and Sheikh Zayed tucks a napkin around my neck.

They put the empty plate in front of me. They shred off some lean meat and put it on the plate in front of me. My grandfather hands me a fork. I want to eat like them with my fingers, but I know it's not allowed. I must eat with a fork. They eat in silence, occasionally putting a tidbit on my plate or in my mouth.

And we drink our cola and dip our bread in the salads. My grandfather is a big man good night boats book bookzz graying hair and sharp black eyes. He has large workman's hands and a gruff voice.

Myth surrounds him: how his father died when he was six and his uncles usurped his land; how he trekked from his village in Upper Egypt to Cairo at the age of seven and found work in the central market; how he built up his good night boats book bookzz and became fabulously wealthy; how he rejected the trappings of wealth and rode in overcrowded buses where a thousand pounds at a stroke were picked from his pocket. He does not pray and is not known to be religious.

Nobody ever calls him Hajj or Sheikh. They use 'Am for respect instead. They say he is a hard man, but I, his first grandchild, do good night boats book bookzz find him so.

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