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Fishing is a secondary profession wow wotlk fishing buddy list allows players to fish various objectsprimarily fishfrom surfaces of water, lavaand in Deepholmliquid mercury. Most raw fish are edible directly or can be fed to Wow wotlk fishing buddy list Pets.

Many can be cooked to improve their properties. Raising Fishing and Cooking skills together is a good synergy. Fish have value and can be sold to a vendor for a pittance, at low levels, but look at [ Goldenscale Vendorfish ] or sold in the Auction House.

Deviate fish caught both within Wailing Caverns and from the oases in the Barrens can fetch a good price, for example. A few fish are used as reagents for Alchemythese will wow wotlk fishing buddy list a steady demand.

Occasionally, fishing may also yield lower-level equipment, fish-related offhand items, locked chests, gems and herbs. However, the Fishing profession is often neglected, as it provides little opportunity to improve a character's stats.

On Pandaria, however, fishing is tied much more strongly together with cooking and there is even a faction devoted to fishing! Occasionally, you might run into fishing that does not use the Fishing profession. For instance, the quest [6] Red Snapper - Very Tasty! These exceptions will be limited in scope; that net only catches quest fish and only from those quest pools. In its simplest form, fishing only requires the Fishing skill, taught by fishing trainers.

If one is just starting fishing, a fishing pole can be optional, sold by a general trade goods or fishing supplies vendors. Fishing trainers and fishing supply vendors are often in the vicinity of fishable waters. When fishing without a pole, your character will make do with a reasonably straight branch with the end whittled smooth and a string tied to it.

Once your fishing skill or level is wow wotlk fishing buddy list enough to benefit from fishing poles that increase your fishing skill, that would be a good time to acquire one. When fishing with a pole, consider using a fishing lureavailable from vendors that sell wow wotlk fishing buddy list supplies.

After procuring the fishing skill, and if you like, a fishing pole, find a body of water; a pond, a lake, a river, a section of coast, a dock or pier, a moat, or something similar. To be fishable, a body of water has to be sufficiently deep - if it is not, you will get a warning that the water is not sufficiently deep and will be unable to fish at that location.

Most bodies of water in Azeroth are deep enough, but some minor pools are not. The small ponds in the Valley of Trials in Durotar do not support fishing, for example. If a fishing trainer is standing nearby, you can be sure the water is deep. If you are in a river and get the message, try moving up or downstream. If in a lake, try moving a bit into the lake.

Also, you can stand, sit, or even lie down while fishing. The [ Fishing Chair ] is unnecessary, but a nice touch. You can be on land or in the water and fish, but you can not be swimming. This will, of course, vary with the character's race, as shorter races cannot stand in deeper water as a taller race.

A class with an ability to travel on water will also have an advantage. Your character will cast the fishing line in the direction he is facing, with minor random deviations in length and angle of the cast. Fishing is like channeling a spell, counting down from 21 seconds to 0 seconds. A fishing bobber will appear somewhere in the water in front of you, and you'll notice that your character will start channeling the Fishing spell. Move your cursor over the bobber and it will turn into the standard interaction cursor.

Wait for your bobber to splash, then click it within 3�4 seconds to draw the fishing line in. Depending on the area you're fishing and your fishing skill, you may either catch something useful, or you will catch a junk item like Driftwood. You can then repeat the whole process by using the Fishing skill.

The items you can fish up depend on the region you are in; the different sub-zones within any wow wotlk fishing buddy list region will usually yield the same fish. There are a few exceptions to this: for example bodies of fresh water lakes or streams will yield different fish from seawater. Schools of fish also have their own distinct contents. Some locations have distinctive items that you might occasionally fish up. In addition, if your skill level is too low for an area you will receive junk items rather than fish see Fishing level requirements.

These junk items are the same for different regions; you will catch the same junk in Feralas that you caught behind Lion's Pride Inn in Goldshire when your skill is too low. You can move your character so that they are mostly submerged in the water but not swimming and angled so that no casts will go onto land or shallow water.

If you are having trouble seeing the bobber bob when a fish is on your line, you may want to zoom in so you are looking in 1st person. If you are fishing alone, you can hear your bobber splash; in a group, all of the bobbers sound the.

Fishing pools are objects found in bodies of water in WoW. A higher portion of more desirable items can be fished within a fishing pool. Fishing pool is a general term; a School of Fish is a fishing pool that contains primarily fish, floating debris contains primarily chests and container objects, and so on.

Fishing pools can be found in Azeroth, Outland and Northrend so presumably will wow wotlk fishing buddy list be found in new areas in future releases. Fishing pools appear at set locations along coastlines and rivers. Similar to the schools of fish particular to the Stranglethorn Fishing Extravaganzacharacters can catch specific fish and valuable items when their cast lands in the pool. Pools despawn after several items are caught, only to spawn again over time, much like mineral nodes.

It teaches [ Find Fish ]which shows fishing pool locations on the mini-map all types, not just schools of fish. Though BoPthe book can be sold while still in the crate. If you open such a wow wotlk fishing buddy list with less than fishing skill or after having learned fish finding already, you won't see the book, but the crate won't destroy itself - you can store it for later, or mail it to someone.

Some fish may only be caught during specific times of day or season. Other fish such as [ Stonescale Eel ] and [ Plated Armorfish ] have been rumored to only appear during certain times of the day - however, all of these can be caught 24 hours a day. It is known that Winter Squid and Summer Bass appear during their respective wow wotlk fishing buddy list. During Autumn and Spring, they can both apparently be caught, although the frequency of each might scale throughout the season.

The mechanics of fishing skill levels were changed significantly in Patch 3. Prior to 3. In between there was a chance your fish could "get away"; you would catch nothing and receive no skill-up for that cast. As of 3. However, if your skill level is too low for a zone, you will catch mostly vendor trash items. The skill level required to guarantee "no junk" catches is equivalent to the old "no getaway" level.

The easiest areas any designed for characters level 20 and below have very low skill level caps, allowing you higher success initially. You will need to have one point of fishing skill apprentice level fishing training to fish. However, if you have a brand new character with no financial resources on the server, the vendor trash items are not a bad catch, and you may want to maximize these catches.

To do this, fish in a harder fishing area, such as in one of the cities. If you are on a trial account, this is probably your best bet. For information on fishing locations and fishing skill requirements, see Fishing skill requirements by zone.

Fishing training follows the gathering profession training model. There are no individual skills to learn, only the proficiency levels. As of patch 3. Levels up to Artisan max can be learned from any fishing trainer. Master fishing max is taught by trainers in Outland and Northrend.

Grand Master fishing max is taught by trainers in Northrend. Players who completed the quest prior to 3. Unlike most professions, increasing your fishing skill is completely unrelated to the difficulty of the task. Every time wow wotlk fishing buddy list catch something even junk you gain fishing experience wow wotlk fishing buddy list your next skill level.

It works similarly to XP and leveling. The first 75 or so fish caught will be enough fishing experience to gain a skill up every time. The next 75 or so fish caught will give enough fishing experience to gain half of a skill point. It's very standard and you can count the fish between skill ups with extreme accuracy. Knowing this can help alleviate some of the grind. A partial exception is that at some levels you will need a fraction of a fish to level; you might gain the skill point wow wotlk fishing buddy list the 11th fish in one instance and on the 10th the next while in reality, you needed about It appears that there might be a random factor of whether a particular fish increments the skill counter, leading to slightly different numbers of fish required from character to character see El's mentioned in the next paragraph.

Note that if you catch multiple items on one cast which is most likely while on a fishing questit counts wow wotlk fishing buddy list only one successful "catch". The best resource outside of Blizzard for detailed information on how this works wow wotlk fishing buddy list El's Extreme Anglin'. El's has results of empirical trials by an active community of experienced WoW fishermen and women and is updated expediently as new patches change the fishing environment.

Skill ups are based on the number of fish or junk items caught and nothing else! Because of this it is possible to grind every fishing skill point without ever leaving the village level fishing pond or coastal waters or a racial city such as OrgrimmarThunder BluffIronforgeor Stormwind.

However, many people level fishing in more difficult areas, as this allows them to catch better fish to level Cooking with or to sell for higher amounts. Per El's Extreme Anglin'beginning with patch 4. There are many items that increase fishing skill beyond the innate skill a character has acquired:. Fishing poles replace the basic Fishing Pole or the random stick used if no fishing pole is available and provide a fishing skill bonus when wow wotlk fishing buddy list. Fishing lines are consumables that create a permanent enchantment on a fishing pole.

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By the way, a 'significant chance' is a fractional part of the 'will' half of 'either it will or it won't'. It's also worth noting that neither of the spells linked above have a cooldown, which could mean that there's no ICD and could just mean that it's not available from datamining.

Why downrank the links to and discussion of real, known info that's been pulled out of the game data files? Stop downranking everything that doesn't agree with what you're hoping for; this isn't Thottbot. There's no info yet on whether it has a cooldown or what it is, because many other chance-on-whatever items with known cooldowns don't have a cooldown listed on either the equip effect or the actual proc. As Leonm mentioned, the internal cooldown on a proc is typically triple the duration of the proc so this thing MIGHT have a 45s cooldown.

But it's a legendary so it won't necessarily follow the normal rules. Comment by - V'A bubbling from HoT's? I agree, these are the most important questions regarding Val'anyr's awesome proc.

However, I've long ago stopped hoping to see a blue post on the WoW forums come and say, "Here are the exact functionalities of how X works ingame. Blizzard will answer these the day that monkeys fly out Jim Carrey's butt. In-game testing will not be possible until the first is crafted, I. Therefore, people looking for this information in order to determine what healer to grant this to, must either decide to forget it and simply give it to their most reliable healer, or go by educated guesses and vague Blizzard posts on these matters.

If they didn't stack, druids would suffer massively compared to other healers. And while Ghostcrawler has been wrong occasionally, I'm willing to bet he took care not to mess up on a Legendary. Comment by Aedalas Hunter weapon for sure.

Comment by Teaspoon I think I love you. Imagine the awesome shield effects on Mend Pet if hunters could equip maces! Comment by Nixia I have heared alot of whine on the official forums about the stats people think they aren't that good for being an legendary weapon but legendary weapons aren't famous for having awesome stats. They are famous for there awesome Equip effects. Comment by Stoan Heh, imagine a LoH crit shield, especially from a holy pally that dual specced prot.

That could help quite a bit at certain times, not to mention the tank would then have full HP again in the first place. Comment by profilerv2 i Comment by oo look its vendorable. Comment by FFS Rulker, obviously it aint a hunter or DK wep, look at the stats, its for healz, sonoffool and Teaspoon were just joking around, reffering to the fact that hunters usually can benefit from lots of weps, some better than others.

And NO! I am not a hunter or a DK. Comment by omg Although hard to get it, with enchants this this will have over sp alone. That is insane then you have the crit haste and that buff. Now we feel ready to give you something more - the actual Val'anyr, Hammer of Ancient Kings! As we feed on dataz, you will be fed on information. Here is what we know about the Hammer of the Ancient Kings: Val'anyr is only usable by healing classes - druid, paladin, priest, shaman.

No hunter loot! You need 30 Fragment of Val'anyr to start its short quest chain. Fragments of Val'anyr have a chance to drop off all the bosses in Ulduar , on Heroic difficulty only.

This means you can only obtain the Hammer from Ulduar You will need to throw those in Yogg-Saron 's mouth while he is casting Deafening Roar. You also need to fight and defeat Yogg-Saron with 3 or fewer Watchers assisting you. Obtaining the Hammer of the Ancients Kings awards not only the legendary item, but the feat of strength Val'anyr, Hammer of the Ancient Kings as well. Its good but not great.

Comment by Stryper7 Upon looking at the this in the java model viewer on wowhead I noticed a few interesting things: - The mace head floats up and down above the shaft.

Also, there appeared to be some lightning crackling animation, either that or it wasn't rendering properly for me. You see I really think most of the people have no business posting here as they won't ever be laying their hands on this mace, much less a good number of shards. So why start talking about who gets this? You won't.

I know I will never obtain this in my casual raiding life, that's why I rolled Discipline priest, because lots of crits and cool shields make me feel good about myself.

Kinda sad this is the first post about how the mace looks. Comment by llDemonll As quoted per Ghostcrawler Source : The proc is probably better than you guys are assuming even for druids. I'm not going to spoil it though. Comment by your all missing the point. Comment by LoreKeeperMobius wait Comment by You seem to forget the chance on heal effect of the mace.

Not a big deal Comment by I know! DPS Is! Comment by Shorty Also, part of what made Thori'dal awesome was that since arrow DPS was baked into it, and Steady Shot isn't boosted by your ammo or at least it wasn't at the time , it did crazy damage with Steady Shot.

Comment by AOE healers benefit most from this proc, especially shamans specialized on raid healing. Comment by I really want that hammer its sooooooooo cool! Comment by Lol Healers needs more Spirit or Mana per 5 sec This mace gives crit Healers needs Manaper5sec or Spirit instead of crit The equip effect shield and SP maybe Haste?

Comment by aleksandru kandir: then what is this? Comment by Glyph of Healing Touch makes healing touch worse. Its an incredibly mana inefficient heal after. Comment by Val'anyr is the first permanent legendary item implemented.

The legendary items conjured for the Kael'thas fight were, well, conjured items, and only lasted 15 minutes. Comment by Justdiespawn Once my guild gets a hold of this baby already 1 fragment, hoping for more soon , I promise to leeroy Yoggy and upload a video of it.

Quoting Jigsaw: "Ah, yes.. Comment by well, the proc on it makes it so it would be pretty ,much useless on a non healer. Comment by Hello, guys I just start on Wowhead. Like the people say, this mace is only for the healers out there in Ulduar, it may take a few days, but if you have time to get them all and throw it at Yogg-Saron and again defeat him, then here's your mace!

Comment by luubox I cant see why someone would feel that they had to downrate a comment saying a elemental shaman would be able to use this aswell. Comment by Yogg Saron will be mad when i throw this down his throaght and kill him. Comment by Ferel I wouldn't say that to your guild's healers Comment by Stryper7 So why is it when I posted relevant info that nobody else had it got downrated: Nobody else bothered to comment on the aesthetics, they just theorycrafted and class bashed Comment by you need to get 30 of thise fragment thingys- by the time you have 30 you should be perfect at downing Yogg without a problem!

Comment by Manbewbs By Stryper7 8 hr 53 min ago Patch 3. Comment by to tryp: Val'anyr havent been the first permanent legendary item impellented in wow. We got sulfuras hand of ragnaros, thunderfury, atiesh, the warglaives and so on! But this is the first wotlk legendary to be impellented indeed. Comment by smilieface Not really. The proc may be super-uber, but its not going to give that much.

If this kind of shield is needed to get through Ulduar, then that is a strange and rather feeble way for Blizz to provide it. Comment by Nah, I've been playing since a little bit before BC, but the OP was talking about a legendary mace specifically. I have no clue why Hand of Rag completely slipped my mind.

Comment by Update! New post from Ghostcrawler: " Since everyone has now seen the tooltip but not the proc in action, we can understand how the potential for guild drama exists in deciding who gets the righteous hammer. We'll go ahead and explain exactly how it works. Just give us a couple of days to get some text together. While we originally intended for this effect to be a mystery, we realize that guilds now know what the tooltip on the proc says without necessarily knowing the details on how it works.

This leads to situations where a healer may not know if assembling the hammer is worth it for them hint: it is , and perhaps even worse, a misinformed leader may not think you deserve the hammer hint: you do. Players also wonder if the proc makes the item deserving of its legendary status given that the stat allocation is normal for items of its item level Hint: it does.

Comment by Sounder Clarifications from Ghostcrawler: Link to his post To answer some questions: 1 If you are lucky enough to have two hammers in your group, then they will both contribute to the same bubble. Specifically, the damage should work through one shield and then the other. I don't know off the top of my head which one is used first.

Sometimes we have edge cases with multiple absorbs like this that we will need to solve as they arise. To be clear, PW:Shield will not proc the blessing or the bubble though, because it does not heal.

Hots that tick on a target will still contribute to the bubble. You can also choose to switch to a direct heal if you don't have enough GCDs available to get all of your hots up before the blessing fades. The confusing part here is that hots that don't heal won't cause the blessing we didn't want you fishing for the bubble before a pull by constantly healing the tank, though I suppose you could if your tank was injured.

But once the blessing is active, then all of your healing spells will contribute to the bubble even if they do no actual healing. We'll leave it to you guys to theorycraft out if you think the hammer is marginally better for one class than another. Some players were speculating before this announcement that the bubble only applied to one spell, which would definitely favor Holy Light. We implemented it the way we did to make sure the other healing classes could still get juicy bubbles while the blessing was active which is 15 sec.

Comment by Looks like we got an official explanation. Shield lasts 8 seconds. Comment by As I understand it: you get all 30 fragments you start a quest to throw the pieces into him and than kill him I guess that by the time you collect all 30 pieces you would have Yogg on farm but still.

Comment by zakarthur this would be great for everyone so if you are trying to say that "oh its not THAT good" you are wrong. Comment by Ghostcrawler: To be clear, PW:Shield will not proc the blessing or the bubble though, because it does not heal.

Comment by Beautiful hammer. You could argue that this is designed for paladins since the shield absorption dispensates them for their chronic overhealing. I wonder. As for shammies. I dont know too much about their healing except that i don't think this hammer was designed with chain heals in mind but who knows. All I do know, its legendary coz its not going to be easy to get, and it will keep people coming back to ulduar long after the citadel opens for T9 and level gear P.

Comment by Rikon Sadly this confirms that Disc Priests will not get nearly as much mileage out of Val'anyr as other healers. Comment by plss can anyone say me a thing i am right if i say that this mace is for Enchancement shamys two? Comment by clangclangboom No, slow weapons are better for Enhancement shamans. If you even think of taking this item from a healer you deserve a thousand years of pain.

Comment by KyorraWindblade -Reads question. Comment by From blue posts we can see several reasons why this weapon is not singularly better for one class over another. There are multiple reasons to say that Val'anyr is better for a Druid over any other class; but in the same breath, one must also admit that there are reasons to say it is better for any one healing-class over every other class.

It's not made better for one healer or the other. If it turns out to be like that, blizzard will nerf it to be equal. They made it to be equal to everyone and it will if it isn't already. Just give it to your best healer and you won't regret it. Comment by thom Any word on how the proc would work with Beacon of Light up? Comment by MaartenvWijk Eyonix It's true that currently Ashbringer is not in the game, although one day in the future it will be, but not until after there is an awesome legendary item for casters.

Comment by Ferel Nytfox: while the buff is active on the mace-weilder, each heal will apply a shield to those who receive healing including overheals from what GhostCrawler said. Comment by I personally DOUBT these are confirmed stats , looking over some of the healing Maces , this barely is a contender in the best weapon. The only thing this wep. Comment by Xiffrudo Crappy item for a Restoration Druid. That is just the way the item is set up.

If you are a Disc priest who ends up with Val'anyr, I would suggest trying to maximize your actual heals when the bubble is up.

We are going to make the heal provided by the glyph of PW:S able to cause the procs , though typically items that heal will not cause the procs. Meaning it takes 10 weeks to collect 30 fragments. Now, your guild is full-clearing every week, so they shouldn't really have trouble downing yogg-saron to finish the quest.

So I guess after 1 year of full-clearing Ulduar every week, you're guild could have 5 healers with this. I would guess by then you'd only need 5 healers unless you were doing a hard mode. Even if you pick the top range for the drop change, it only goes up to 3.

Now, I did leave out any chance drops from normal mode, but regardless, it's going to take quite a while to get one. Comment by 8inchunbuffed does almost equal to TBC glaives. Comment by Chaosrock Um You have to collect the pieces and then do the quest to get the item.

The person on the quest is the person who gets the mace. If a shaman wants it they can have it. Because they'd have to spend a few months collecting the parts on their own. In about a year, when Ulduar is on farm for every guild, these will be very common. A side note: While anyone can get this and is more than welcome to do so, it really only makes sense for healers to do it.

Maybe I'm wrong Comment by Brenell I think it's pretty obvious that any weapon with a proc that starts with "Your healing spells And you are able to boost someone's HP by a maximum amount of 20k for 8 seconds, but that requires around k total healing.

Think of it this way: there are two guys; one can only eat white chocolate, and the other can only eat dark chocolate. Well, then their mother comes up with a chocolate that they can both eat. Soon afterwards, she brings out a bar of this new chocolate and says to one of them, "Sorry. You can't have this; it goes to the other guy. Comment by There has never been a healer-only mace added to the game since it game out back in I think it's time for healers to have their very own legendary-quality weapon.

Thingamajig - So don't complain about it, there are plently of other good MH's in Ulduar. Comment by Im quite Dissappointed at this mace really because the effect it gives is already taken by an already existent item. The Scarab Brooch already Gives that effect which means it can be combined with any mace : tsk tsk tsk. Comment by There's something wrong with the 3d preview of this thing.

When it moves, lots of white lines show up. Comment by Ferel and waste Wow Wotlk Fishing Buddy Id a spot that could be holding an uber Ulduar trinket? Comment by How Comment by Squeel I'm noticing a bit of a difference in wording, like how the mace says "equip" instead of "use" and this funny word "cooldown" at the end of the trinket. Comment by Horde side on my server there are 2 guilds who have full cleared not counting Algalon.

My guild has 3 fragments 3 weeks, 1 Yogg kill and the other guild that has cleared Yogg has 4 fragments also 3 weeks, 1 Yogg kill. By your math both of our guilds should have 7. I think your numbers are inflated and guilds should expect one shard from Yogg and MAYBE one shard from the other 12 bosses.

Comment by Those white lines are an added graphic to the mace. The 3D preview is working as intended. Must be using Java mode instead of Flash. Comment by So does this proc work with heals like Earth shield which is considered self-healing or JoL heal? If so then the JoL heal would be pretty powerful for fights that like to pour out the light but consistent damage. Steelbreaker's Aura and Light bombs from XT come to mind. Comment by ceemeeir Random loot is always random.

There is a chance to complete a mace in 3 clear, but it is very unlikely. Comment by Although i am so glad to see such a fine weapon for the healing caster classes, i can't help but feel that once again dps casters have been overlooked.

Back in the days of Vanilla, both good Legendary items were for Melee classes and Ateshi was sub standard and not that Legendary tbh. Make it just as hard to obtain, so that no matter what, it'll be guild runs and not pugs that get to it and i think it'll inspire more guilds to do end game content and give more players the drive to do it. In response to Elvenman your completely wrong. The effect is similar but by no means the same. Comment by In response to Elvenman your completely wrong.

Comment by Nzall 45 second internal CD. Comment by I think we all have missed the real question here, does it look good? Wanna see a Paladin bring that much Heal on the table. Things like tanks not taking that much damage are completely ignored.

Comment by rb4havoc Which was nothing short of disappointing. Comment by Ok not saying that it uniformly should go to Shammans but imo its best use comes out of a shamman healer. Since shammy heals are designed to have a 1h item and a shield it makes more sense to put this with a Shammy than say a disc priest ie.

I know that there are arguments that a druid healer and Wild Growth or a pally healer and Beacon of Light would have similar effects and while this is true, i see the best use of the effect of this item when its used by a shamman. Its similar to giving a BoH to a hunter.

Sure the hunter gets some nice stat stick use out of it, but when you give a best in slot mele weapon to a hunter its dimishing the uses. This example is a little outdated with the release of 3. FYI im not a shammy. Comment by the Mace in action! Comment by Rankkor yhea, but while the trinket has a cooldown of 3 min, the proc on the mace has a cooldown of 45 secs.

Comment by Before you purge my comment, please read my content and think it through. I promise you that I have a point. It is the only SP weapon in 3. Pretty damn hard to get, too, assuming raiding guilds dedicate all shard drops to only one person.

Blizzard, please implement a weapon that has a similiar itemization minus the proc of course. If Blizzard can read this as well, toning down the rarity of this item would greatly improve all of the forums'quality with Val'anyr as the topic. Orange letters can do so much as to distract people's eyes away from the proc and the stats. Drooling Priests and Druids who can benefit off other stats other than crit and haste are being allured in with big orange letters.

Before you purge my comment, please read my content and think it through. Comment by The equip effect is the same effect you get from Scarab Brooch which drops in AQ The difference is that with the mace you get it for 15 sec as opposed to 30 sec and with the mace I'm sure the hidden cd is shorter then 3 min.

If you can't get your hands on the mace, get the trinket, its great for any main tank healer. It takes out the need for crazy mitigation rotations like we saw on sarth. Comment by pyrochung93 - you do make somee fairly valid points tbh. Although, i must personally disagree with toning down the rarity of the item. A Legendary is a Legendary for a reason, there should only be a very limited number per server. Although i do agree that there is a lot of drooling priests and droods out there loving the pretty orange letters, and failing to look at the stats.

Comment by superwombat As a non-healer I'm the guild MT It seems obvious that this mace should go to the healer with the highest amount of healing on Recount or whatever meter you use.

I know that generally recount isn't a terribly effective tool for validating healer usefulness, however with this mace, it certainly is. You want to count all the overheal, because the proc will be using that overheal to make bubbles. Healers these days are close enough to each other that the class with the most healing in your raid, may not be the class with the most healing in my raid.

Sadly, the only healing class that really doesn't have a use for this is a Disc priest, but they can always respec to Holy if they are to be awarded the mace. FYI, our first mace is going to a holy priest, she has 15 frags already. Comment by tarunloko And how exactly would you have gotten it when there isnt even a world first? Private server nonsense. Comment by tarunloko Here's a screenshot of the mace. I am wearing it on my human priest.

Just wanted to post a screenshot because it seems no one did it before me. The Equip Effect does really helps alot keeping the tank up. Comment by Nixia The mace has a 45 sec icd. Source This buff is much better compared with Scarab Brooch because it also works with healing over time spells, and the bubble it provides stacks.

Comment by Dug It's actually fantastic for a Disc Priest, shame the ones in your guild won't be getting it. Comment by Looks horrible. Comment by Sillocan you forget Comment by Wakako Probably the worst thing to give to, is a disc priest.

Comment by Wakako Nope worst spec to do it since it requires a actual heal. Comment by theBestInTheGame atiesh greatstaff isn't attain able anymore you know? Comment by No, the worst thing to give it to is prot pala who still thinks he needs spell power to generate threat :D. Why did my comment get downrated huh?

I just said Atiesh,greatstaff of the guardian isn't attainable anymore! This is to them that actully dosn't know it but atiesh isn't attainable anymore because: Once you had to get 40 piece's to make it from naxxramas once that it was at easter plague land's but now when it is moved you can't get the piece's and the top of atiesh from Kel'Thuzad.

And the piece from C'thun can't be looted anymore. Comment by itsnotemy Actually i'd say it 2nd best to give to a discipline priest being that's itemized perfectly for them second to Holy Paladin and that the proc DOES work for the glyph of power word shield. It's not bad at all for discipline priest Comment by Nelfy I've read a ton of posts on the stats, and I agree, but only somewhat.

Comment by To be fair the weapon itself looks quite rubbish, but the stats are just so! Carrying this weapon also carries pride, skill and probably lots of spare time too.

Comment by Granted it would be a horrific waste of an amazing healing ability, the non-healing stats are beautiful for dps :. Comment by Hunter weapon! Oh wait.. Comment by This mace is the most powerful healing weapon avalible to players at the current time, this is because of the awesome proc.

To gain this mace you must complete a quest line that takes many weeks and requires you to kill Yogg-Saron , an Old God who has enslaved the enhabitents of Ulduar and forced them to do his biddings.

You gain an item called " Fragment of Val'anyr ", which has a very low drop rate on heroic bosses in Ulduar. When you get 30 of these fragments together you can combine them to create " Shattered Fragments of Val'anyr.

After you have done what the quest asks; thrown the "Shattered Pieces of Val'anyr" into Yogg-Saron's open mouth, and defeated him, you will be able to pick up the Val'anyr, Hammer of Ancient Kings. This also is the criteria of the achievement Val'anyr, Hammer of Ancient Kings , which is categorized as a " Feat of Strength " I hope that helped.

Comment by i would make beautiful babies with this mace. That buff looks pretty sick, and you really cannot shirk off the sp, crit, hr, int, it has everything a healer could want. Comment by The mechanic is a shield, not an extra heal. From my experience, shields are best applied to targets that are guaranteed to take damage again within the time allotted 8 seconds. Normally the raid does not take consistent damage - but the tank does.

This is not a raid-healing weapon, it's for tanks. As for what classes that implies, I'll let you decide. Comment by I have no clue on earth why my post was marked down, i took a effort into writing that out and all the info is correct of what we know at the current time.

Comment by Mekku I have no clue on earth why my post was marked down, i took a effort into writing that out and all the info is correct of what we know at the current time. Comment by The post i wrote above is correct, the WoWHead loot tables do not show any fragments to drop on normal mode, untill it does my post is not at fault, and the post was wrote to help people, give a little guide, i did not read anything above and i did not copy any of it, reading the above posts does show that my post gives a little extra information on some aspects of the weapon.

So there is no reason to be down rated Comment by i just think it's funny that i got marked down and purged for saying that despite the fact that giving the item to a dpser would be a horrific waste of the proc, that it simply has good stats as haste and crit and a large amount of spell power.

Comment by Daaaamn look at that 35g vend. Very nice indeed. Comment by Come on Blizzard, I know you're lazy to enough to make all the pvp sets looks retarded.

When I first saw it I was disapointed and prayed for a serious cool glow, but no, this just looks like any other random epics, not even close to Sulfuras or Thunderfury, or even Atiesh or Thori'dal? Legendarys looks has gotten worse and worse, lol. Comment by tylerz2 Anyone get this item yet?

Comment by I'm not sure if my guild is just lucky but we are getting quite a few fragments which makes me think that the only thing that will make this a rare item to see is the difficulty of the Yogg-Saron encounter. Comment by Val'anyr background is given the Archivum in Ulduar after turning in the quest Ancient History: " Created by the titans themselves, Val'anyr was given to the first Earthen king, Urel Stoneheart.

With the hammer he was to create and give life to the rest of his brethren. Val'anyr was shattered during the first war between the Earthen and the Iron Dwarves. The Weapon's remnants were believed lost in the conflict. Probability of successful repair by ordinary means available in this world is close to nil. Please hold while theoretical means are analyzed. Powerful acidic content theoretically found inside the being known as Yogg-Saron would count for the liquefaction of Saronite.

Submersion in this substance might be sufficient to rebind an alloy of titan origin. The minute a legendary goes live there needs to be a PvP equivalent or the PvE version shouldn't be able to be used in PvP.

Two reasons for this - firstly, many active PvPers are in PvP guilds. They are simply unable to do 25 man raids weekly, because their guild doesn't do it and pugs suck. Just being in a PvE guild and doing the grind shouldn't put you even slightly ahead of anyone who isn't in a PvE guild. Secondly, player skill and build choice should be the deciding factor in victory, not gear. Unfortunately, player skill doesn't relate to some classes, like rogues; but in general, the player should matter more in "player versus player" than hours spent grinding for items.

PvP will never be completely balanced - I'm pretty sure everyone knows that. But every little bit counts, and ignoring balance with a silly argument like "it's only a minor advantage" will never pave the way toward a more balanced game. Comment by why this legendary is only level like any other epic dropping off bosses in ulduar? Comment by Id rather just clear it all on hard mode and get constellus or whatever.

Congratulations to them! Screenshot Achievement on Snuggle's armory can be seen here. Still leaving the post in it's original state :. Comment by PikaPika Seeing as nobody has actually used it, saying it's not worth the effort really is a statement that can't be backed up. Here's an image. Join the discussion, or head over to Avant Garde's website for more info! The small screenshot below is what it looks like when Val'anyr procs.

Comment by Could someone pleae tell me why I was downrated? Comment by I'm pretty sure you've all been downrated because 'Kaytiecakes' had already said the same information before you, Voodaman. Comment by When I put my comment on, Kaytiecakes' comment wasn't there. I was the first person the put that info on this page. Comment by This is a very unique effect, and calculating its exact benefit using theoretical means could either be way too pricy on its "level budget", or make it overpowered for a fight like Flame Leviathan.

Last edited by Hence yours being posted 1 day ago and his being posted 2 days ago? Comment by Iroared The orange color and bragging rights is what makes this item worth its legendary status. Comment by Me not being a healer and all just wants to know what this bad boy looks like!

Comment by You're right, totally my bad. I didn't see his comment there. Sorry guys. Comment by Shenk first player on world obtained this! Snuggleme from Kil'Jaeden Comment by According to mmo-champion, Snuggleme has obtained the first Val'anyr in the world! I just hope that the next legendary weapon will be a one-handed tank weapon. Comment by masterzyck Downrate this message! Comment by Zerkz "This is how the proc looks like" Comment by Can anyone link an armory of someone who has obtained this?

Does Tranquility get much love anymore? Because according to the math on those comments, you're looking at , healed across a raid? And it's obvious to me that this shouldn't be used regularly, or relied on at all, but is there some validity to this theory? Comment by Pounced Someone on US-Mannoroth has completed the mace, although I am not quite sure who it is, but I can link it in game now.

Comment by Awesomex anyone know how many people have gotten this yet? Comment by Legomyegolas So What does it disenchant into?

Comment by tested it today, the internal procc timer seems to be 30sec, instead of 45sec. Comment by I could have designed a better looking weapon with a pencil violently slammed in my rectum -Truefacts. Comment by Gnoktish This replaces the Atiesh, Greatstaff of the Guardian from old Naxx though the shards needed are less then the other 1.

Comment by Jakeofb1adez44 I've looked this mace over quite a few times and all I have to say is I really don't like it, I'd personally rather have this bad boy. And now, I get down rated Comment by macteplmao Gratz to meka to be the world first EU to get val'anyr. Comment by lemme get this straight, say ur a holy pally and u cast a FoL on a friendly target and make the sheild proc, and after that u cast a Holy Light heal, all of this, assuming that ur buddy is almost dead.

Comment by if im broke i would sell it for 20g. Comment by I know i am gonna get downrated, but in all honesty and reality this is a far better weapon for a holy paladin then lets say a holy priest. As far as a holy priest or a druid if you do not count the proc staff of endless winter is much better. Not saying its not good for a holy priest or a resto druid it is just slightly better for a holy paladin.

So if you are really trying to get the best use of your items in your guidl give this to some other healers and let holy priests and resto druids get staff of endless winter.

Comment by Two people on My Server already have this Mace, the Paladin that has acquired this, transfered just to be in the Top Guild on my Server, the other is a priest that has it, same guild.

Comment by Val'anyr, Hammer of Ancient Kings: This item's stats and level have been increased to match the power level of healer weapons coming from the Coliseum person normal difficulty instance. In addition, each time Val'anyr is equipped, Blessing of Ancient Kings will be placed on a second cooldown before it can occur.

Comment by Tsukushi The stats of this item will be buffed in patch 3. Comment by There have been some comments on here saying that these stats aren't quite spectacular Blizzard is fixing this in patch 3. Below are the new stats.

Comment by It's item level and stats have been increased in 3. According to the 3. Val'anyr, Hammer of Ancient Kings: This item's stats and level have been increased to match the power level of healer weapons coming from the Coliseum person normal difficulty instance.

Comment by im happy to say that i am yet to lose to a holy pally -? Comment by does anyone know anyone or any character that has this weapon? Gz to him. Comment by just goes to show ya that all healers are disc wannabes.

Comment by McBayne wtf wherese feral AP? Comment by modicumofrespite Poor disc-priests lose out on this one. Sure a shields heal could proc it, but the disc-priest put his talent points in shields at the expense of stronger heals, so his heals are by definition, weaker.

Also, any shielding during the proc would be completely wasted. Ironically, the only healer the Legendary shielding mace isn't as good for is the disc shield-priest. Comment by One excellent reason to NOT give this to a druid Comment by edgeis80 hmmmmmmm, I wonder how many people in the world have this so far.

Is there a site we can check, or no? Comment by Evilkyro Im the owner of the mace and i've composed a short post with about the path betwenn 30 shards and getting the mace with about 20 screenshots Comment by I was just wondering, if a healer were to get a weapon they thought was better and disenchanted this mace, what would it disenchant into? Comment by the guild master of the top alliance guild on Jaedenar has this weapon!

Comment by xxjay17xx Off the 3. Comment by i know it seems like im nagging, but im kinda dissapointed at the stats of this wep apart from the blessing of ancient kings being resto druid all this time, youd think it would have more stats than it does. Comment by Vidak The stats of Val'anyr has been increased by: Item Level has been increased from to Stamina has been increased from 52 to 55 Intellect has been increased from 54 to 57 Spell Power has been increased from to Critical Strike Rating has been increased from 47 to 50 Haste Rating has been increased from 46 to Comment by Cosmikaze Do you see the text "hunter"?

Comment by And where exactly should I see the text "hunter" or any other class? Stop looking for reasons to troll. Comment by davenrothz Does anyone know the ilvl or stats this item will be getting?

Comment by Hunters can't use it so it's a stupid question, who cares if mend pet could proc it? It's irrelevant. Comment by My question is does anyone in the game have this item yet? I've been into Ulduar 25 several times and I've never seen one of the fragments drop. Comment by It will get you out of your seat. Needless to say, will be upgraded in 3. Comment by Enhancement shammy PvP mace.

Comment by Delvara I'd like to have seen some mp5 on this, even if it did take away some stamina which we don't really need as healers. Comment by Legendary's disenchant YOU! Comment by benm Seems they buffed this mace with 3. Comment by IbFeeshin The equip effect is 2-D Comment by mathos22 I believe this entire conversation has occurred before, almost word for word. Comment by Wow. I think I will be the first one to state how good a warlock would benefit from this outstanding dagger.

My first trip ever there to farm the Tome, and it dropped and i got it! No Tiger mount tho :. Comment by Fought the boss that drops this a few times now. Just got the tome last night from him. If you wipe on this guy, you just blew your chance at getting the tome until the instance resets.

Once he is summoned, he has to be killed and cannot be resummoned. I took myself, a tank, and a healer in on one run and despite us being decently geared, we wiped. Problem was that we didn't have enough DPS to bring him down before our healer ran out of mana, despite us all being decently geared.

Did it again with two tanks, two healers, and 3 DPS. That was a piece of cake, and a bit overkill. If geared very well, just a tank and healer can take this guy, but I wouldn't suggest trying this way as you only get one try at it every 3 days or so and the tome isn't garunteed to drop.

For a raid boss, he's pretty easy. The Zulian Mudskunk fish that are necesarry to summon him are fished out of the muddy spots of water in the instance. Someone already posted on how to get the lure to summon this guy, so I wont repeat that one. Also, to make getting to the boss easier on everyone in the group; as soon as you enter the instance, head either left or right and jump into the water.

Hug the cliff sides and you can easily circle the temple in the center to get to Pagle's Point while only encountering a few very easy fish that need to be killed. I've seen the tome priced in the auction house for as cheap as g and as expensive as g average price seems to be around g. Even at g, it has sold, so this is definately a profitable item to get for anyone, not just a mage.

Comment by silvertide Wrong,we wiped on him the other day and he just stayed on Pagle's Pointe. He threw my healer into the air and he went splat xP. Comment by Vaugn You have to kill him before he despawns though.

If you enter the instance later you can't resummon him. Found that out the hard way. Comment by tlanwarrior Sold for 2kg after about 5 minutes. I had a druid trying to tell me its worth 40g, and that hes a "Exalted ZG Warrior".

If this was true, I dunno. Don't give this for less then g. You can make a hell of a profit off this thing. Comment by As they said above, you can wipe and he'll still be there. I have this on grind with a few friends.

Me tanking feral , and a priest healer. I typically tank him in my T4ish DPS gear, he hits me for Easy mode with only the two of us priest ends fights with full mana.

Bring an extra DPS if you want it done faster. Anyone who sells this for less than 2k is silly. Sells for 2k-4k, Gold is just too easy to get these days. Comment by Venomizer Can anyone confirm if this still drops if there is no mage present in the group? I went along on my 70 Holy Pally to act as heals and as the designated fisherman as I was curious as to if it would drop. Got paid 30G for my troubles but seeing that it sells for over 2K G , i would say that Mage got off cheap : Gratz to you Dazart Comment by Got it first attempt!

Hoping to sell it for and put a nice chunk'o'change in all of our pockets. Epic Flyer here i come. Comment by Oh ya and for Blizzard coming out with a new polymorph, maybe crab or murloc, im rooting for crab. Comment by keLston Gahz is 2 mannable with a healer and any class that is tank capable. To do it 2 man and prevent the punts and stuff there are specific points you want to stand. By the tents where you summon him, there is a statue with a little protrusion sticking out of it.

You want to stand under that, you know you are doing this properly if you are pretty much unable to jump but instead look like you are hyper-spazzing. This prevents the geysers from knocking you upward and thus losing a ton of aggro.

As the tank, if you face the two tents, the one on the right with the half busted roof is where you want your healer. If your healer stands in the corner that still has a partially intact roof, your healer also will not be punted test using the same method, you should not be able to jump.

After that it's straight up tank and spank. I don't even do it with a shield or in defensive stance. Comment by Gono All 5 Muddy Churning Waters spawns can be fished with a little smart positioning without aggroing the crocs. Comment by Farmeed this book with a mage,prot warrior and holy pally Comment by Redek Easy to do with prot warrior and resto shaman.

He was able to do dps all the time and didnt have any problems to keep me alive. Comment by This item can go for gold atleast and its sold on Stormscale EU :.

Comment by Agreed, myself enhancement shaman and a resto druid farm this regularly. If you kill the 2 pulls up the hill from Nat's point you can park yourself and your healer under the tooth looking things that jut out from the tops of the huts, which will completely negate his knocking you in the air. It's a win-win situation seeing as i'm a mage!

Comment by Hi everybody was just wondering when you kill that boss and let's say the tome didn't drop,can you take 5 fishes and resummon him again or you have to wait that instance resets? And can you reset the instance like normal instances? Thx in advance. Comment by its not worth much in the end for how easy the boss is to farm 2k is a over the top asking price for it. Comment by Kaigami I've sold this reliably the past 5 times its dropped on Draenor-EU for at least 4k every time first time it went for 6k In these last legs of TBC, gold is easy to come by, and this sells very easily, and very quickly.

Comment by It's a raid instance on a 3 day timer, so no resets, but you can try every 3 days--we used the 2 days in between to go fish and socialize so we were stocked on mudskunks.

XD This dropped for us last week after about 2 months of fairly dedicated farming at least one kill per week for my mage friend. It's adorable and people ask him to duel just so they can be a turtle--and we all rather like the raid, so now we've got another mage in to farm it up. Heck, expansion coming so soon Comment by anyone got it recently without a mage in group? I did this boss for at least 8 times without mage and it still didn't drop. Comment by cywang86 We just killed it without a mage in group and it did drop.

Was druid, warrior, rogue, and shaman. Comment by bah did it 2 more times and no book yet, so it's 10 runs in a row it doesn't drop for me Comment by i just did this boss and it dropped this book for our mage , after it we did raptor and he dropped Raptor mount :. Comment by Rach3l Is this going to be soloable by a mage at level 80?

Comment by Swordy arms warrior and ret paladin 2 man'd got low on mana but we made it, took about 2 minutes in combat. Comment by This seems to have a rather high drop chance. I've killed him two times in "Burning Crusade". Dropped both times. Comment by I have been two-boxing the fish boss every reset for months; managed to get 8 tomes in 45 kills and sold them for 3k gold each.

Now, since patch 3. They are minor glyphs and available at lvl 15 instead of lvl It's my belief that Poly: Turtle will go down in popularity now, and I won't be farming this item any longer. Comment by I'm not so sure that this will become useless so soon. The new poly glyphs are quite the rage for now, but in a few months everyone will have one.

It'll probably be such a regular thing in WotLK that this will once again rein supreme as the mage polymorph, and regain its past value. Not to mention new players brought in by the expansion won't even know ZG exists, let alone a cool rare turtle polymorph. Who wouldn't want that? Lets hope the new fishing achivement for the title "Salty," which requires the summoning of Ghaz'ranka, won't make this any less desireable.

It dropped for me when I was getting the achivement Ret pally tank, under-geared priest heals, and two locks for DPS as we went to hit the famous mount bosses. Comment by Me and my guild farmed this for our guild leader over the course of a few months. It was a pretty annoying grind. Appropriately timed, we managed to get the tome just before LK release month.

We presented it to him during a LK launch party hosted by him. He was a very happy mage even though mages just got the penguin poly. Comment by dustdog the legitimacy of serpent being in game is still questionable, any person who's claimed to have it has not provided any amount of proof to back it up.

Comment by me and my guild farm this every time it resets Comment by Got this today, first kill. Solo'd as 80 Holy Paladin. Very easy but took quite some time due to my pathetic DPS ; I tanked him on the ground, my back to the pillar in Nagle's Pointe. Tanking him there avoided the punt. Good luck! Panzers 80 Holy Paladin, Skywall. Comment by Lots of people bawk at the asking price for this little guy. Most of the time I see them go for about g.

You must have or someone in your raid an adequate fishing skill. You must loot the quest and travel clear to dustwallow marsh to turn it in, then buy the barrels, head back to zg, farm the bait, kill the boss, rinse and repeat till it drops. The instance resets every three days. Now compare that with the other polys that can just be bought with cash. Personally, I am farming this for my mage, but if i get the gold and see one in the ah before i get it you better believe i'll shell out the cash.

Comment by sl0Puffman Definitely not able to be soloed by a mage at level Gahz still hits for several thousand on cloth and has way too much health to be able to be simply zerged to death.

Bring a friend. Comment by This boss needs 2 regeants to summon, 5 Zulian mudskunks fished from muddy churning waters Req. I would highly recommend people take the time to get the mats for it. Am i lucky or has the price really sunk that much since WotLK?

Comment by I found that animals that are already turtles are actually immune to this Polymorph Comment by The first time I was in a group that killed Gahz'ranka this thing dropped. I was ecstatic, especially when I out-rolled the only other mage in the group. Then the master-looter gave it to the other mage instead. I was not happy. Comment by Either the drop rate for these has increased or I am incredibly lucky. I multi-box, so I can farm it solo.

I have killed Gahz'ranka 14 times since Wrath came out and he dropped the book 6 times. One of those I used on my own mage, the rest I sold. There's at least one or two other people on my server who farm these, and I am on a low population server to start with, so demand is way down from the huge numbers people are talking about in other comments.

I've only been able to get g per tome. I'm actually mostly going in there to farm the rare mount drops, but I figure I might as well kill Gahz'ranka while I'm in there Comment by kryptikz I bought this for G on al'akir Eu. Comment by Jonae I just solo'd him on my 80 resto druid. He definately still drops the tome, I've killed him 5 times before, so it was nice to finally get the tome.

I gave it to my buddy, so hopefully it'll drop again when I go back with my other toons. Happy hunting, Jojo. Looks like it's not "easy 2k gold" anymore Comment by decanus "I Like Turtles". Comment by Successfully solo'd as an 80 elemental shaman, gear score only about , all you gotta do is position yourself underneath the nose of the big statue on pagel's point after summoning so you dont get launched. Unfortunately I cant do the same to the tiger or raptor boss :p.

Comment by PilsnerDk The buyout price listed here is quite wrong. I just sold it for g on EU-Moonglade. Comment by lillicat A few days ago the buyout price listed was around g.

At the time the OP commented the buyout price was listed as 1c, which is obviously wrong since it's less than the vendor price. Comment by Well, my above comment was downrated into oblivion, but I was right: this tome has lost a TON of value.

It used to sell for 3k gold on my server and now commonly goes for g or less. The real killer was the achievement involving Gahz'ranka, which meant a lot of people farming him and a lot more tomes in the economy.

Comment by Zieda I heard you like sheeping, so I sheeped your sheep so you can sheep while you sheep? Sheep is an extremely odd word. Comment by Thigrai 5. Arcane specced with Frost as offspec. With Arcane i'm safe for as long as mirror image and can take out about k of his HP after which my clones die and he starts throwing me around. With Frost i get to kite him around a bit and it has a lot more survivability but it doesnt compensate for the lack of DPS.

I called for a Guildie that could hold him off me for a bit more and got him down. Comment by i would cry if you can't make more than 1k gold in a week, let alone a whole month.

I can get almost 2k in 2 days only on 2 chars, doing dailys and nothing else. Comment by ZeroEdgeir And you do realize the comments above are like about 2 years old, or more? Patch 2. Back then, making g that easily, was somewhat a big deal. Comment by Varllok It would be wise to keep one of these in your bank, once Cataclysm hits Zul'Gurub is no longer going to be a raid instance and they haven't mentioned much after that such as the fate of the mounts and the polymorph tome.

But if my hunch is correct and its no longer obtainable, then it would be worth quite a bit of gold. Comment by Very easy to solo with a shadow priest - only time I've ever died is when I aggroed a load of crocodiles and they bit my sorry behind.

Not sure if this is the best way to do it, but I just tried to stay in the water as much as possible to avoid fall damage when he threw me around. Took me about 8 tries to get the tome, but now I have a very happy mage :.

Comment by There's a statue on the place where you throw the lure I just get under the nose of that statue and I don't fly up at all, so I don't take fall damage. It's better this way because you don't lose dps time flying up into the air.

Comment by Azurestar ZG will be gone in Cata. Farm tomes again. Keep the tomes in your bank for a year or so and I think you'll notice an increase in value once more. Comment by with ZG being taken out is this going to be removed from the game or will you be able to train it? Comment by Dahork Will this be removed in cataclysm since the remove of ZG? Comment by Ethlin I have run ZG a lot, but only the past four runs I have summoned the boss since I stopped being lazy and actually leveled my fishing.

The tome dropped for the first three kills, so idk if the drop was increased or not. Gave one to my mage, one to a friends mage, and I still have one.

Idk what I should do, is it going to be in Cata? If not, the price will go up. Is it going to be trainable in Cata? If so I should sell it beforehand. If anyone has info on this it would be great. Comment by Dahork Confirmed from a GM that only the source of this item will be removed. Also I will assume that the price of this will skyrocket over time, due to the high demand but low supply, unless this item is somehow attainable in cata via vendor or another boss drop?

Comment by Maybe it will not be available in Cata. I think that GM was only guessing , but! Blizzard has said if there is anything you want from Vanilla WoW, now is the time to get it.

It will not be worth less in Cata', but I would think twice about buying of these off AH for g each, we are likely to see a new cute polymorph of some kind, and how many different polymorphs does a mage need? If you are in ZG farming the mounts, or for the minipets, or for the first time in there for the achieve, or whatever reason, fish up some Mudskunk, toss the barrel, kill the hydra and keep this book, just in case.

Comment by Once you have your 5 Zulian Mudskunk and toss the barrel into the water, if you watch where it lands you can see it floating, run and click it to instantly get another 5 Zulian Mudskunk, saves you fishing for more the next time your there or incase for some reason you die. Comment by Ecwfrk The GM only confirmed that the source of the spell would be removed from the game. That's something we already know to be true, Gahz'ranka is being removed.

What the GM was saying is that if you have the book or the spell already, those will not be removed from the game. It's not a guess, that's how it is on the PTR and in the beta ZG was still in earlier builds and there are chars with it and Blizz doesn't usually delete things people have already obtained.

What we don't know is if the spell will be obtainable in Cataclysm through means other than people who farmed the book pre-Cataclysm. As for the cute polymorph, Mages will have a Glyph of the Monkey it's available on the 4. If the spell is not obtainable in Cata, 5k gold will be an extreme bargain for it. Comment by Chills This item is removed from the game in Cataclysm, and is obviously quite valuable as a result.

I bet you could get 5k for one now and even more after Cataclysm drops. Comment by wowogamer Well, I did this after reading about the "get your 5 fish back" trick. I got my 5 fish back, right, but the boss didn't spawn. So it was kinda useless as the only thing I got from this was a lost barrel. Comment by Paulosio Good to farm this now and store it in the bank a while. When ZG becomes a none raid zone this book should be worth a lot of gold unless they make it obtainable from a new source.

Comment by 4. If you acquire this tome before Cataclysm hits, treasure it, for its pages may as well be gold leaf. Edit : Nevermind, Blizzard have stated they will add another way to obtain the tome at a future date. Comment by maomao Back in BC, I camped this with a friend every lock out for a few months, because the friend wanted to give it to his wife who played a mage.

We fell out of touch and more than a year and a half later, I started farming ZG for Zandalar rep on my shaman and it dropped on the first kill.

RNG has a mean sense of humour. Comment by omglolboom I just did a run for the fishing achievement before cata and dropped this. So don't take that gamble too lightly.

However, I could be wrong and this thing could end up being the most valuable in-game drop. I kind of feel bad for people who went all the way to hoard these As we prepare to raise the level cap and introduce two new races with the Cataclysm expansion, it's important to keep in mind that the game world is going through tremendous changes that will affect the availability of certain rare mounts and items.

Tome of Polymorph: Turtle: This tome will continue to be available through other means. Comment by Tome will still be available in cataclysm.. Comment by adrenalize Has since been confirmed that this will be available through other means, however, no word on what may be. Comment by It's ok, I only have about 14 in the bank. Comment by btbam As stated from a blizzard employee Swift Zulian Tiger Zul'Gurub is changing from a raid to a leveling zone in 4.

Razzashi Hatchling With the change to Zul'Gurub this non-combat pet will no longer be obtainable. Tome of Polymorph: Turtle This tome will continue to be available through other means. The Reins of the Azure Drake will only be available on player Malygos. Mimiron's Head This mount will change to be a very low drop chance when defeating player Yogg'Saron with no Keepers assisting you Invincible This mount will change to be a very low drop chance when defeating Heroic player Lich King Although we have no current plans to introduce new ways to obtain the Zul'Gurub mounts, pets, and the tribute mounts, they may return should we find a place where they fit in the future.

Comment by If you went crazy stocking up on them in the mean time, sell em before it is too late! Comment by btbam You make a good point, I only have 1 left and I spent 1k to get it hoping to get another 3k out of it until I found out they were keeping it in game, now my server is competing to sell them all out, I am having trouble getting rid of mine for 1.

Oh well, ya win some, ya lose some. I guess I will wait to see what happens, I am sure it will be difficult to obtain though.

Comment by suprimex is it still obtainable in Cata? I think you mean Pagle's Pointe. Comment by blupache If you went crazy stocking up on them in the mean time, sell em before it is too late! Comment by Cellaxise The serpent one was removed from the game Comment by A Glyph of the Monkey has also been added.

Comment by Viix I knew it. Didn't I say there was something about that sunflower :? Comment by sorsa Hi, excelent points there sir. Even in the for sellers unfortunate case that the item might becomes semi-easily obtainable from a vendor, they will likely first be tied to a certain faction reputation, if paying k helps to skip this rep grind I'm sure there will be some with loose coin who are willing to pay.

And if it is not tied to a faction reputation, then as said it will be made a money sink of at the very least a thousand or two, hopefully. Comment by mostpsp I fished one up about an hour after launch in Uldum.

From the eel fishing pools. Surprised the hell outta me that's for sure. Haven't been able to determine a drop rate yet - will update if I come across this info. Comment by Now obtained from fishing in Pools. I've caught two on the way to fishing. Comment by Tome of Polymorph: Turtle is now fished up in the world in Cataclysm. I fished one up in Twilight Higlands from a pool. Probably around the 10th one I fished out of with skill.

Sat, Dec 11, Yay, Blizz! Comment by Warno You can get the tome from fishing now I got it in twilight highlands. Comment by cawfee Just fished one up from a Mountain Trout school in Mt.

Comment by I can confirm that this polymorph tome still exists. I just fished this up out of a highland guppy pool in Twilight Highlands. It was a pretty nice surprise since I didn't get the tome the last time I killed Gahz'Rankha. Comment by Found in a pool of Blackbelly Mudfish in Uldum.

A guildie fished it in Uldum in open sea waters. Comment by VoodooDues This is still available in Cataclysm.

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