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NO RETURN: The final voyage of the crab boat Destination | The Seattle Times

The Seattle-based Destination went down without a mayday call two years ago this week, stunning a Bering Sea crabbing industry that appeared to have left its deadly legacy.

A former crewman is haunted by what may rhe gone wrong in the sinking that killed his brother and five. Dylan Hatfield was back in the wheelhouse of the Destination. Dylan had worked on the Destination for a half-dozen seasons, leaving in The captain, Jeff Hathaway, was his mentor, a seasoned skipper who taught him crab fishing.

Others lost included his brother, Darrik Seibold, and close friend Kai Hamik. Dylan helped both get jobs on the boat. After the destinatjon, sometimes deep into the night Dylan woke up the destination fishing boat crew room, hearing the screams of the crew in what seemed an awful peek into those final moments.

The Destination sank after more than a decade of relative safety in a Bering Sea crab fleet that appeared to have destinaton behind the deadly legacy of the late 20th century, boa dozens upon dozens died as their boats went. For industry veterans, the loss of the Destination was a gut-check that spurred reflection: Are we as safe as we think? Hathaway, 60, was one of the most savvy, experienced skippers of his generation.

He nimbly made the transition from a fiercely competitive race for the crab to a new era that began inwhen each boat was assigned a share of the total Alaska harvest. No mayday call was picked up after the Destination left the lee of St.

George Island and entered turbulent seas. The boat slowly turned in an almost complete, a death spiral before sinking. The National Transportation Safety Board concluded that freezing spray coated the Destination, making it disastrously top-heavy.

The agency blamed Hathaway for venturing out in hazardous conditions without taking proper precautions, and then � once at sea � failing to have the crew combat the ice build-up. By the time the crew set out on rkom final voyage, according to the analysis, the heavily loaded boat failed to meet minimum stability standards called for by a act of Congress.

This assessment is part fhe a broader Coast Guard report expected to be made public this year � a document eagerly awaited by families struggling to understand what could have gone wrong for such an experienced crew. For Dylan, dishing, Bering Sea crabbing once seemed like the ultimate rung in a commercial fishing career. He was proud to be part of the elite crews whose immense physical stamina could earn big paydays. The Destination crew wrestles with a steel-framed crab pot on the Bering Sea in an earlier season.

Jeff and Sue met in aboard the crabber Karin Lynn. She, the cook demanding respect in the galley, the destination fishing boat crew room with the shaggy-haired crewman who left tools on the table where meals would be prepared. One day she threw them all on his bunk and gave him a scolding. It was the start of a shipboard romance between two Seattleites who grew up in a city yet to be transformed by the dot-com boom and Amazon.

Susan Pierce Hathaway is the daughter of jazz musician Ronnie Pierce, a skilled master of reed instruments who played for decades around Seattle until his death in October at age Sue graduated from Shorecrest High School, and by the time she was 19 had found a spot on the Karin Lynn.

She made no bones about why she was there � to pull down a wage. The couple worked off Alaska during an exciting time in North Pacific fishing. The U. In Ballard, that set shipbuilders, fishermen and processors to dream of a big fleet expansion to take pollock, cod and other fish along with the high-dollar hauls of king and snow crab. This was also a perilous time.

The Bering Sea was a killing zone for American fishermen, with crabbing the deadliest harvest. Some captains overloaded their boats with pots, and crews worked through the storms to claim the biggest catch possible.

Crewmen were crushed by pots, swept overboard by waves, dragged off their boats after becoming entangled in gear. The biggest number died when their boats sank. In � when four crab boats went down in a month � Sue helped get two Anacortes-based boats, the Altair and Americus, ready for sea. She almost signed up as a cook on the Americus. Then, on Feb. All 14 crew died. When the vessel stopped for repairs at Akutan in the Aleutian Islands, Sue was ready for a break.

She needed a way back the destination fishing boat crew room the port of Dutch Harbor, where she could take a flight home to Seattle. So, she hitched a ride on another crabber, the Arctic Dreamer. On March 11,en route to Dutch The destination fishing boat crew room, that boat went. She pulled on an insulated survival suit before getting dumped into the ocean. She later told The Seattle Times she went under three times, and bobbed in the frigid water for three hours.

After she and the five crew made it into a life raft, death continued to seem like a possibility. Sue wondered who would care for her dog and horse. She and the others prayed and yelled for help as big swells tossed them. Would she ever go crabbing again?

Still, the next year, Sue headed to Alaska for The Destination Fishing Boat Crew Chord a final work season, this time on a fish-processing vessel. She and Jeff got married, and would settle down back in Washington on acreage near Fising Orchard, where they built a corral and horse stables. They raised ostriches, and farmed oysters with a crew member from the destination fishing boat crew room early years. Jeff worked his way up to skipper of the Karin Lynn.

Inhe took command of destinatoon Destination. Dylan Hatfield grew up in Petersburg, a Southeast Alaska community defined by its fishing fleets. As a boy, he and his friends walked the harbor, pointing out bkat boats they hoped to work on. By the time Dylan was 12, he the destination fishing boat crew room packing Dungeness crab.

In his teens, he spent summers fishing for salmon. The work was cold and exhausting: trapping cod, king and snow crab with heavy, steel-framed pots that had to be baited, dropped overboard and retrieved in a cycle repeated week after week.

A line carved into the galley table marked his exclusive spot. The destination fishing boat crew room was known destknation wave a fork at those who dared crowd his domain. Hathaway also could be a volatile taskmaster, and fisbing time the yhe crewman learned to stand his ground. For more than an hour, all work stopped as Hathaway, in pajama bottoms and flip-flops, and Dylan � standing 6-foot-4 and weighing pounds � hurled insults and profanities at each.

They later would declare a truce, and Dylan says his bond with Hathaway grew stronger, bolstered by the many months of sea duty and adventures that could be found in the most unlikely of places.

During a memorable stay in Dutch Harbor, Hathaway walked onto a snowy hotel porch to feed a french fry to a bald eagle while Dylan shot video of the spectacle. Dylan Hatfield. At sea, the captain played a video full of scenes of his earlier crabbing years, pointing out the friends who were now dead. Cew took a ctew emotional toll on. He used these exercises to draw out the crew to talk about what could go wrong, and how to avoid bad outcomes.

On his first day ina pot smashed into a crewman. Rather than quit the destination fishing boat crew room the day, he walked off his injury and within a half-hour � still in pain � was back at work. Beginning in the fall ofthe Coast Guard, a front-line regulator of the fleet, launched dockside spot checks before the harvest.

Vessels overloaded with pots, or lacking safety gear, would need to make changes before heading. Ina bigger � and far more controversial � change ended the race for crab. Under the new system, boat owners were vested with lucrative harvest shares based on their catch history. Crews no longer had to compete with each other through the worst of weather in a mad-dash derby. These harvest shares could be sold. Or they could be leased, so the crabbers, as they retired, could continue to reap profits without owning a boat and hiring crews to put down pots on the ocean.

And, no matter how long they work on a boat, their time at sea does not entitle them to claim any harvest the destination fishing boat crew room. If they want them, the destination fishing boat crew room fishong buy them from others, such as David Wilson, an owner of the Destination who managed the boat from his home north of Seattle.

Destination Inc. In the decade after the share system took hold, the Bering Sea crab fleet shrank from more than boats to fewer than 70 boats. The winners and losers in this restructuring were the topic of many a shipboard conversation among Hathaway and the Destination crew.

Hathaway bought some of the crab shares but chafed at what he saw as unfair changes to the harvest. Dylan recalls his the destination fishing boat crew room brother as an artist and inventor who filled the family basement with mechanical body fihing as he attempted to build an exoskeleton.

Though eight years younger, Dylan was the more seasoned hand. The life is grueling. Many quit as their bodies wear. Dylan wanted to make more money and looked for more lucrative pay on another boat.

Darrik appeared to be letting his guard down and reaching out more to the family as he embraced fatherhood. His son, Eli, was born in February Freezing spray sometimes coated the Destination in ice, as seen in this video shot by Kai Hamik and posted in Crab-boat crews use sledge hammers and other tools to break off the ice to reduce risky extra weight.

On Feb. Once, he was so tired, he the destination fishing boat crew room over in the galley, lacking the energy to climb into his bunk. They had spent nearly three times longer fishing for cod than the year. In a call during a port stop in Sand Point, Alaska, he told his mother fatigue had dragged down crew morale.


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A resident of Chandler, Arizona, he spent some of his childhood in Sand Point, Alaska, where his father worked in the fishing industry. At the time of his death, he lived with his partner, Amanda Hawkins. Courtesy of the Hamik family. Survivors include his children and his wife, Rosalie Jones. In , after a year courtship, he married Gail Plummer, and the couple lived in Poulsbo.

Darrik Seibold, 36, was raised in Petersburg, Alaska, and Olympia. He left behind a young son, Eli, of Sand Point, Alaska. He was described by his brother, Dylan Hatfield, as an inventor and an artist who painted and wrote poetry. Awwww, God speed Capt.

Keith and your crew aboard the Seattle crab boat "Destination". Trending Stories. Celebrity Kids. July 23, Georgia Makitalo. Latest Headlines. View More. About Contact Advertise on Inquisitr. There were songs, remembrances and a slideshow on a gentle warm day for this man who had worked aboard the Destination for more than 20 years.

O'Grady was a longtime friend of Wilson's. The two had December birthdays and made a tradition of going out to lunch each year to celebrate. For Dylan Hatfield, the first year after the Destination sinking was a marathon of grieving, flying back and forth from his home in the fishing community of Petersburg, Alaska, to the Lower 48 for a group memorial and individual services.

In Petersburg, he tried to console his mother over the death of his brother, Darrik Seibold. Dylan feared he would be defined for the rest of his life as "former crew member of the doomed Destination.

He watched videos that his friend Kai took of seasons on the boat, and scanned hundreds of pictures filed away in his computer. In an eerie display of remembrance, he hung six pairs of bib rain pants, each marked with the name of a lost crewman, on the bronze fisherman's memorial statue at the Petersburg dock.

Why was he alive, and not his brother? Dylan had left the Destination for another vessel that offered more money and then helped his brother, Darrik, to fill his slot. As Dylan drifted off to sleep -- his body clenched.

Again and again, he found himself back on the boat as water poured in, and the crew fought for their lives.

In the mornings, Dylan was exhausted. Like he just climbed a mountain. The Bering Sea grave of the Destination lies more than feet down on the ocean floor.

The Seattle-based crab boat lies on its side, many of its pots apparently still on deck. The vessel went down quickly on Feb. Six men died in the worst Alaska crabbing accident in more than a decade. The Coast Guard launched a Marine Board of Investigation to determine, as much as possible, what happened and to look for evidence of misconduct, negligence or willful violations of the law.

The site of the wreck -- seven miles from the Pribilof Island of St. George -- was confirmed by sonar imagery The Destination Fishing Boat Crew University taken on July 8, , by the crew of a federal research vessel. The Destination faced southwest, and there was a scour line more than feet long where the boat appeared to have dragged along the sea bottom riven by strong currents.

The crew was never found. Investigators lined up on a dais to question witnesses under oath. The lead witness was Destination owner David Wilson, then He spoke softly, a silver-haired man in a blue blazer and collared shirt who didn't quite look the part of a trailblazing Northwest fisherman.

Wilson had dropped out of school in Sand Point, Alaska, after eighth grade, then went to sea. A skipper by his early 20s, he owned and operated boats in the intensely competitive Bering Sea crab harvests of the s and '80s.

When federal fishery rules changed in , the catch history of Wilson's boats gained valuable rights -- year after year -- to a percentage of the overall harvests. His share could be caught by crews he hired on his boats. Or, he could sell or lease his crab-harvest rights to other operators.

By the time the Destination went down, Wilson's seagoing days were over. Former crewmen described him as a very involved owner -- nicknamed "the landlord" by Jeff Hathaway, the Destination's captain. Wilson frequently checked on the progress The Destination Fishing Boat Crew Love of the harvest from his Edmonds home, helped with supplies and other shoreside support, and knew what it took to keep the boat stable and safe.

But in his testimony, Wilson often seemed unfamiliar with the details of the boat's operations. Wilson said he was unsure how Hathaway set up shipboard wheelhouse watches. He didn't know the weight of the pots used to catch the crabs. He was not familiar with Hathaway's loading routines before the start of the season or the details of the Destination's stability booklet that set the maximum number of shipboard pots in winter.

The next day, former crewman Dylan Hatfield was called to testify. He had spent six years on the vessel and helped his brother, Darrik Seibold, and close friend, Kai Hamik, get jobs on the Destination. The investigators questioned Dylan for hours. Finally, they asked if he wanted to make any last remarks. Dylan gathered his thoughts amid a long silence.

Then, he cut loose. I'm deeply hurt. For what? So that a guy on the beach can get a check a couple of weeks sooner. You know, it's really disheartening. And if I was a boat owner, or a quota holder, I think I would take a good hard look in the mirror and do some serious soul searching, because those were supposed to be your boys.

During the hearings, Dylan spent some of his nights at a ranch near Port Orchard. Though it was his first time there, the corrals, riding stable and pond were familiar. On the Destination, skipper Jeff Hathaway had described all of it and more as he talked about the place where he and his wife raised their daughter, Hannah. Now his widow, Sue Hathaway, was enduring her first summer in decades without her man, tending to the horses and, like Dylan, struggling to understand what happened to sink the Destination.

She knew firsthand the risks of Bering Sea crabbing. As a young woman, she worked as a cook on a crab boat, and told Dylan about her own maritime disaster when she caught a ride on a vessel that rolled over. She spent hours in the water in an insulated survival suit until she made it to a life raft.

Her husband likely had no time to put on a survival suit. Even if Hathaway and the five other crewmen had managed to escape, they might not have been able to reach the life raft.

As a boat goes down, the life raft is supposed to break free. The Destination's was never found, so it may have stayed secured on the vessel. That is huge," Sue Hathaway said. He drank too much. He gained weight. His hair grew long and stringy. Still, in October , he had every intention of working the Bering Sea king crab harvest. For the past three seasons, he had crewed aboard the Seattle-based Kari Marie for the skipper Jon Forsythe.

He had prided himself on being a reliable crewman. A guy who always showed up, did the job. But he thought his return to crabbing would be selfish, further stressing his mother, Gayle Andrew. Her son Darrik's death was a second shattering loss to the sea. In , the same year Dylan began his crabbing career, her longtime boyfriend, Tom Lewis, a halibut fisherman, went missing. It is a great life.

But one day it is not so wonderful. They don't come home. And there is no closure. You never know what happened. When the day came to fly out to Dutch Harbor for the start of the season, Dylan's bags were packed. But he felt paralyzed. He couldn't go to the airport.

He stayed in his room in Petersburg, and broke down in tears that flowed for days for the Destination dead and his own inability to return. The Coast Guard retrieved a single crab pot -- battered and rusted -- from the ocean floor near the sunken Destination.

Investigators weighed, measured and photographed the pot, then turned it over to captain Jeff Hathaway's widow, Sue, on Dec. As she loaded it on to a truck for the trip back home to her ranch near Port Orchard, two scallop shells fell out of the pot, along with a sea-bottom stone. The scallop shells fit together with a tear-shaped hole in the middle of one. The stone bore a remarkable resemblance to Priest Rock, a towering crag near Dutch Harbor burned into Sue's memory more than 35 years earlier when the boat she was riding on went down.

After she was rescued, this was the welcoming landmark she saw on her way back to port. And in the many years that followed, Jeff would be sure to give a call home as the Destination passed by it. For Sue, the pot had delivered precious gifts, sent from the deep by her husband. The 7-foot-long pot now sits on a platform outside Sue's front door, a statue of a guardian angel by its side.

It is super raw. After the Destination went down, David Wilson transferred the crab shares held by his company -- Destination Inc. So the company keeps earning profits from the Bering Sea king and snow-crab harvests.

On shore, Wilson has added to his real-estate holdings. The purchase galled some family members of the Destination crew. Wilson, who declined repeated requests for interviews, continues to grieve. The first report on the sinking of the Destination became public in July The report concluded the captain, facing a forecast of freezing spray, didn't do enough to ensure the boat's stability.

Then he failed to remove ice that was assumed to have built up on the boat. The Coast Guard has not released its full investigative report. But a key document -- a stability analysis also made public in July -- raised questions about the oversight by Wilson and those he paid to watch over the Destination's safety. Hathaway's loading of the boat was guided by a stability booklet developed nearly a quarter-century earlier by naval architects, maritime experts who conducted tests to develop the maximum loads allowed on deck.

The Coast Guard analysis indicated the booklet was flawed or badly out of date. The Destination, as loaded for the final voyage, failed to meet federal stability standards.

Specifically, the vessel's righting energy, the ability to stay upright as waves rock it from side to side, fell "far below" the required minimum levels, and had been further impaired by a modification -- called a bulbous bow -- intended to improve fuel efficiency, according to the analysis.

The bulbous bow was designed by Kraftmar Design Services. But he noted "our understanding" that a new stability test would be done by the end of that year. The test would have enabled the shipboard booklet to be updated. There is no record that Wilson followed through with the test, according to Coast Guard investigators. If the Coast Guard analysis had been available during the negotiations over the insurance, Dylan says, he would have pushed for the families to go to court.

Not strike a deal. Dylan wonders how many other stability booklets have not been updated. The Coast Guard in the fall checked the weights of pots on more than 40 other boats, and found many were significantly heavier than assumed in the booklets. Dylan hopes the Coast Guard will step up oversight. But he is ready to move on. He has resumed his fishing career, joining a Petersburg-based crew to catch halibut, black cod and salmon.

Last summer a fierce wind storm kicked up, and so did Dylan's emotions. He worked through his fears and completed the season. They hadn't talked since Dylan failed to show up for the king-crab harvest. Dylan was still embarrassed. Forsythe gave him a hug, and said there was no need for apologies. The crew missed him and wished him the best.

In the fall, Dylan also helped bring the Petersburg boat -- the Odin -- down to Washington to prepare for the Dungeness crab harvest. In January, the ocean Dungeness crab season, after a series of delays, finally opened. Just before the Odin left Westport, Dylan got another reminder of the perils of the work: A crab boat capsized off Newport, Oregon, killing all three aboard as they tried to cross a bar on their way into port.

He told them he was OK, and headed to the Pacific to catch crab. Originally published by The Seattle Times. Subscribe Customer Service. All content. Alaska News Earthquake. Alaska Life We Alaskans. Alaska Marijuana News. Arts and Entertainment Books.

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Share on Tumblr. Share on Reddit. Share on LinkedIn. Share on Google Plus. Print article. A haunting dream. Over and over, Dylan asked: "What the hell happened? Another fishing boat came to the rescue.

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