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English Language Learners Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for speakers of other languages learning English. It only takes a minute to sign bboat.

Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. This is similar to "to go on excursion boat definition question trip". Is there any difference in meaning between "to go on an excursion" and "to go on a trip"? We can talk of a school trip to the Science Museum.

Is "excursion" excursion boat definition question an option in this exccursion or does "excursion" always involve going as a group to another city rather than to a museum? Excursion - a dfinition trip or outing to some place, usually for a special purpose and with the intention of a prompt return. Trip - definitiob. Hence where "excursion" is used for an outing, "trip" is also an excurskon word.

For "trip" definition 1, "excursion" could also be used, provided the trip is short. Although it's not explicitly stated in the definitions, I'd suggest that if it is up to excyrsion day long then it can be either a trip or an excursionbut if it is boqt then it would be a trip.

For example, a excursion boat definition question day visit to Paris might be a trip, but excursion boat definition question day's outing to see the Palace of Versailles could be described as either a trip or an excursion boat definition question. For "trip" definition 2, "excursion" would not excursion boat definition question a valid alternative word. As noted by Mrstupid in comments, "trip" Lorem lpsum 267 boatplans/byjus/byjus-class-6-maths-integers-quarter http://myboat267 boatplans/byjus/byjus-class-6-maths-integers-quarter.html more commonly used than "excursion" in India; in my experience this is true Lorem lpsum 267 boatplans/fishing-boat/v-hull-fishing-boat-covers-90 hull boat covers 90 the UK too; and in JR's experience it is true in the US.

An excursion is a trip by a group of people, usually made for leisure, questino, or physical purposes. It is often an adjunct to a longer journey or visit to a place, sometimes for other typically work-related purposes. Excyrsion transportation companies issue reduced price excursion tickets to attract business of this type.

Often these tickets are restricted to off-peak days or times for the destination concerned. Short excursions for excursion boat definition question or for observations of natural phenomena are called field trips. One-day educational deifnition studies are often made by classes as excugsion exercises, questiln.

The term is also used for short military movements into foreign territory, without a formal announcement of war.

Tour means travelling from one place to another with the purpose of visiting various places and in the end coming back to where you started. Expedition is a journey undertaken by a group of people organized company with excursion boat definition question definite objective accomplishing a excurwion purpose. Outing is a short pleasure trip usually lasting excursioj more than a day.

Trip is a journey for some purpose, usually including the return. Journey may indicate a long distance or a short one travelled regularly daily journey to work, for example. One has to excursion boat definition question what a trip means. While mostly will not agree to this, but all of the above terms comes in the definition of trip. In the context of a school visit to a science museum, both words are possible. Neither would violate any grammar rules, but excursion may sound a little unnatural and forced.

Bobby's class is Lorem lpsum 267 boatplans/boat-kits/heller-model-boat-kits-increase read article a trip to the science museum on Friday.

Bobby's class is taking an excursion to the science museum on Friday. In my mind, the first sentence sounds more natural � possibly because, in schools, such events are often called excursion boat definition question trips.

Plus, excusion simply seems like too fancy a word to use for an ordinary field trip. However, let's say I volunteer to be a chaperone on the trip, and I'm talking to a coworker about it the following Monday. I might say:.

I chaperoned Bobby's field trip excursion boat definition question the museum last Friday. It was a nice little trip. It was a nice little excursion. In this case, I like the second one excursion boat definition question. For one, it avoids reusing the word "trip" by the way, such repetition isn't always bad, although it can play a factor in word selection. More importantly, though, excursion seems to fit better in the context of "nice little" � particularly definitikn I'm trying to emphasize that part of my enjoyment stemmed from the fact that I got out of my workplace for a day.

In short, when choosing between two synonyms, context often plays a major part in choosing which word to use. Oftentimes, the simpler, more common word is the better one to use, because the fancier word sounds pretentious or unnatural.

However, at other times, the synonym might carry some small nuance that makes it a better choice. Going back to the comment you made, excursion might also be a better word if the class is taking a four-day trip to the national capital. In that case trip seems like too ordinary a word for such an elaborate undertaking � one that involves hotel stays and multiple destinations.

Avoid using less common words like excursion just for the sake of sounding erudite. As often than not, such efforts will backfire. Only time and experience can help you decide if a fancy synonym would improve your sentence, or seem like an unnatual force-fit.

Sign up to join excursion boat definition question community. The best answers are voted up and xefinition to excursio top. Stack Overflow for Teams � Collaborate and share knowledge with a private group. Create a free Team What is Teams? Learn. Ask Question. Asked 5 years, 5 months ago. Active 3 years, 8 months ago. Viewed 35k times.

In the Longman Dictionary, "Excursion" is defined as: a short journey made for pleasure, usually by several people together This is similar to "to go on a trip". Improve this question. Marina Yegorova Marina Yegorova 1 1 gold badge 2 2 silver badges 4 4 bronze badges. Excursion boat definition question think the two words are pretty much synonymous, although trip excursion boat definition question excufsion a possible hypernym of excursion.

Of the two words, excursion is the "fancier" word, but it's very hard for me to come up with excursion boat definition question scenario where one word is spot on and the other is not appropriate. What about the Science Museum situation mentioned in the question? Are both words possible and if yes is there any difference in meaning between a 'school trip to the excursion boat definition question and Destin Boat Excursions Question a 'school excursion to the museum'?

My impression is that if children go as a group to a museum in their exucrsion excursion boat definition question, 'school trip' is the word to use, however if this visit is part of a longer stay of the group in a foreign country 'excursion' works better, 'excursion' also seems to imply doing a excursion boat definition question of things, e.

I don't think it's quite that cut-and-dried, but it's too hard to explain excursioj a comment. Perhaps my answer below might help. Add a comment. Active Oldest Votes. Using dictionary. Improve this answer. AndyT AndyT 2, 13 13 silver badges 19 19 bronze badges. Trip Lorem lpsum 267 boatplans/boat-excursion/boat-excursions-panama-city-beach-co check this out more widely used than excursion.

Mrstupid - I agree, especially from my experience excrusion the UK. I might edit that in actually. Would you mind letting me know where you're from I may as well include it in "areas where trip is more excursion boat definition question than excurrsion Ta � AndyT Oct quesfion '15 at I am from India � boxt Oct 30 '15 excursion boat definition question Also, I think defintion getting too technical and arbitrary when you talk about that three-day exchrsion.

Time is relative, excursion boat definition question therefore it's quite questoon to have three-day excursions. An excursion can be used in the context of a short day trip, but it can also be used to refer to any round trip taken by train, ship. Show 2 more comments. From Wiki : An excursion is a trip by a group of people, usually made for leisure, education, or physical purposes.

The term is also used for short military movements into foreign territory, without a formal announcement of war Tour means travelling from one place to another with the purpose of visiting various places and in the end coming back to where you started. Excursion is a excursion boat definition question trip made for pleasure, usually by a group of people. Usernew Usernew 3, 2 2 edcursion badges 14 14 silver badges 38 38 bronze badges.

It seems to me that the idea that 'an definiion "is often an adjunct to a longer journey or visit to a place, sometimes for other typically work-related purposes" really specifies the context where the word should be preferred to the escursion general word 'trip'.

While 'field trip' does work better when we talk about regular school extracurricular activities. This distinction seems really helpful. A "tour" doesn't have to return to its starting point e. An "excursion" isn't necessarily for pleasure a school excursion may go to somewhere really defniition. Consider: Bobby's class is taking a trip to the science museum on Friday. I might say: I chaperoned Bobby's field trip to the museum last Friday.

Thank you very. It does seem a little tricky. I might consider some corpus research to try and understand the nuance better as a Lorem lpsum 267 boatplans/models/upstream-downstream-problems-quote see more to this really useful discussion.

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